I Know Everything

Chapter 1007: Everyone is polite

When eating at noon, he did not go out to eat hot pot as Shen Huan thought.

It's not like eating hot pot at home, but Papa Bo cooks them himself and cooks authentic Yuzhou Jianghu dishes for them.

You read that right.

Another name for Yuzhou cuisine is Jianghu cuisine.

The people of Yuzhou have always been hot-tempered, and they are very stubborn, and they are quite quaint.

When Shenzhou was facing a catastrophe, Shuchuan sent troops to save the country, and the soldiers on Yuzhou fought particularly decisively.

Together with other Sichuan army soldiers, they abruptly transformed the Sichuan army from the "thief army" and "beggar army" in people's eyes to the "warrior army" and the "backbone of the country" that everyone welcomes and admires.

Therefore, the people of Yuzhou are very proud of their own character and named their dishes Jianghu cuisine.

This is also the only one among the cuisines.

Since it is a Jianghu cuisine, it does not stick to the trivial, with spicy, strong flavor and bright colors.

Moreover, the cooking method is not stern, there is no standard, only the chef's craftsmanship and understanding.

In Yuzhou, you can hardly find a chef with the same taste.

It's just that Shen Huan took a few mouthfuls, and then began to drink.

A meal was not finished, but a bottle of drink was finished.

Buyiyi didn’t speak, her little aunt, Busiyun, who was the very beautiful woman with her, complained, “Brother, didn’t you tell you to put a little less pepper and sea pepper? You see how Xiaohuan eats it. ..."

Bu Changwei was a little embarrassed, "I didn't control it either... Or Xiao Shen, I will bring you a bowl of hot water, and you can rinse it before you eat it?"

"It's okay. The spicy taste is actually quite good. It can remove the moisture from your body." Shen Huan took the tissue that Bu Yiyi had sent and wiped his face, "We are also in Lin'an with water vapor. It’s not bad to have some chili peppers and let it thrive."

Second cousin Tu Yueqin narrowed his mouth.

He thought to himself that Shen Huan, you are too good at telling lies, you are such a strong athlete, how could you still have moisture on your body?

Only a fat man like me can dehumidify.

"It's okay, Dad, he can still eat spicy food." Bu Yiyi said: "If the family can't take it anymore, what should he do if he walks around with relatives these days? Watch us eat?"

Shen Huan only felt that he was shaking all over.


Good Lord!

Good Lord! ?

Does your old man have the skills to eliminate spiciness? I donate some money, can I get it?

Good master naturally did not reply to Shen Huan.

Mother Tu Rumei smiled and scolded her daughter, "Don't scare Shen Huan, don't we have people in Yuzhou who don't eat spicy food? Just a little bit spicy!"

Hearing this, Shen Huan was relieved.

When he turned his head to see the little girl Chen Lulu eating with relish, he was a little embarrassed.

The 11-year-old girl is more spicy than herself!

In vain, since I eat Sichuan food in Huajing on weekdays, I am quite used to it. As a result, I now know that Sichuan food and Yuzhou food are completely different things!

Most Sichuan dishes go to Huajing or Lin'an are from Rongcheng.


After the meal, Shen Huan and Buyiyi first gave the gifts they brought back to everyone.

In fact, many of the two families did not come here at noon today, and they will not be reunited until the evening.

But since they are all here now, they happen to bring out gifts too.

If the gift is not given in time, it is a waste of other people's mood!

Buyiyi told Shen Huan in advance that she could prepare something, but she didn't say exactly who it was for.

The second cousin, Tu Yueqin, got a signed basketball of Shen Huan—well, the basketball was naturally put into the box in a lumped ball, otherwise it is so big, how much space does it take?

Tu Yueqin was originally a basketball fan, and he still played basketball on weekdays. Such a signed version of basketball is enough for him to show his power.

It's not that it is used to fight.

Idiots can play such a signed version of basketball and have to go home to confess it!


Since Shen Huan won the NBA championship last year and won the FMVP, his signature version of basketball has been collected for $10,000 on EBAY and Amazon.

But Shen Huan's signature basketball has never been sold.

Even if Adidas and Shen Huan have recently released a joint model, Shen Huan has not given out thousands of signature edition basketballs like selling the championship limited edition sneakers and giving out 5000 pairs of signature edition sneakers.

So these basketballs are usually thrown to the fans when Shen Huan is playing games.

At that time, the opposing fans were able to grab the momentum.

Or as a gift, Shen Huan gave it to someone.

But when the two add up, there are probably not 100, so 10,000 is definitely not expensive.

Especially now that the co-branded basketball has been shaken out, there is still no signature version, so now the price of this signature version of basketball has increased to 20,000 US dollars.

This price is also recognized in China.

Tu Yueqin's family is not short of money, but with 140,000 yuan of basketball to play, it is estimated that his parents can tell him what is called the legendary mixed doubles.

In fact, Tu Yueqin was still very greedy for a pair of signed limited edition basketball shoes he saw in Shen Huan's box.

It's just that it was for Shaojia, the son of Second Uncle Buyiyi, and he, as an uncle, is naturally not good at grabbing things from children.

What Chen Lulu got was a beautiful dress, which Bu Yiyi bought for her when she was filming in the United States. The little girl smiled and kissed her sister a few bites.

Little aunt Booth Yun also got a set of Chanel's suit, and when she put it on, she looked like her in her twenties.

Shen Huan just learned that she was 39 years old this year, but she looked much younger in the end.

It can also be imagined that Buyiyi will be younger and more beautiful than she is now.

After all, little aunt now doesn't have Yingyue Ointment and Gubendan.

The one for Tu Rumei was a hanging emerald. Shen Huan didn't dare to take out the emerald, for fear that she would not dare to wear it. What he took out was a piece of ice seed, which also looked hydrated and green.

What Bu Changwei got was a copybook, which read "Linjiang Immortals: The Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water" by Yang Shen.

The font is cursive and looks magnificent. Bu Changwei liked it at first glance.

Even Tu Yueqin, who didn't understand any culture, was amazed.

"Master Huan, aren't you a treasure again?" He asked, "Don't tell me, what calligraphy works by Su Shi and Li Bai are this, otherwise it will scare my uncle!"

Shen Huan has a copybook of the national treasure of Su Shi's "The Road to Shu is Difficult" by Li Bai, which was donated to the National Museum in the January issue, and everyone in the country knows this.

After being reminded by his nephew, Bu Changwei immediately looked at Shen Huan, "Xiao Shen, I can't take this too expensive!"

"It's not expensive, it's not written by a celebrity, it's a modern work bought in a store." Shen Huan said with a smile, "Look, there is no signature, no seal, and no trace of collection... It's just written in words. That's it!"

Several people looked around for a while, and found that it was really as Shen Huan said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com then let go.

Otherwise, don't say that Shen Huan is just Buyiyi's boyfriend, even if Shen Huan has become Bu Changwei's son-in-law, he dare not accept it.

Have you collected the national treasure, waiting for robbers and thieves to line up to come?

Shen Huan was not actually going to tell them that this is one of his most proud works recently.

He writes in accordance with Wang Xizhi's brushwork, vivid and full of power between the strokes.

Let alone a few of them, even famous calligraphers, they were dumbfounded.

That is to say, the Shen Yun charms were not used, otherwise I dare not say that it is the original work of Wang Xizhi, nor do I dare to say that it is the original work of Wang Xianzhi, but at least it can reach the level of the fourth master of the Tang Dynasty.

This kind of copybook works can easily reach hundreds of millions without a problem!

It's just that, if the meeting ceremony for the future father-in-law is to be faked, that would be too vain, right?

It's better to be honest.

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