I Know Everything

Chapter 1008: Running video

At noon, Shen Huan just thought the dishes were spicy.

In the evening, the wine is very intoxicating.

A group of cousins, cousins, uncles and aunts all drink, and they have cleared the customs one by one, and Shen Huan is already dizzy.

When he wakes up again, it is already the next morning.

There is no one around at this time.

Want to come too.

Unless he is already married, Bu Yiyi is bold enough to openly sleep with Shen Huan at home.

Otherwise you have to be spanked.

This is also a kind of respect for the family.

Rubbing his head, Shen Huan looked at the time, it was only 6 o'clock in the morning.

He lives in a small suite with a toilet.

After washing, the teenager took out the equipment for running, and he was ready to go out for a run and come back for dinner.

As soon as he left the room, he saw Tu Rumei busy in the kitchen.

"Ah, Xiao Shen, are you awake?" Tu Rumei said, "Wait a minute, my porridge will be ready soon!"

"Auntie, I am going to run and come back to eat." Shen Huan laughed.

"Oh, jogging, that's a good habit." Tu Rumei nodded, "It just so happens that the road on the back of our community sleeps alone is Binjiang Avenue. There is a running corridor for more than 10 kilometers! You can go for a run there. slightly less."


Shen Huan smiled and opened the door and went out.

Looking at Shen Huan's back, Tu Rumei smiled satisfied.

Although this child is an orphan, his character is not at all withdrawn, and he is a little shy, and he is not a world-class mathematician and basketball superstar.

The daughter's personality is a little bit more aggressive, and she is a match made in heaven with Shen Huan.


Following Tu Rumei's instructions, after Shen Huan exited the back door, he crossed a road and reached Binjiang Avenue.

The river here is the Jialing River, which runs through several urban areas in Yuzhou, and finally flows into the main line of the Yangtze River.

The weather is very cold in winter. If you don't have enough preparation for exercise, running will actually hurt your body.

Shen Huan stood in front of the railing, doing various stretching and preparation activities, and at the same time looked around. In this cold season when the sky is a little dark, there are indeed few people.

Teenagers do not use masks for running.

On weekdays, in the parks and roads around Youzuo Hutong, he often runs into people to greet him.

I believe that although there are many people who know him in Yuzhou, he certainly never thought that he would come here, and would not attract a lot of fans, right?

With this mentality, Shen Huan, who had finished the preparation activities, ran easily.

After running for about two kilometers, Shen Huan met a dozen grandparents walking slowly, and there were only two or three young people running.

If it was changed to summer, this number would have increased tenfold at least.

When he ran 10 kilometers, Shen Huan chose to look back.

The whole journey took about an hour.

From the exercise of ordinary people, running 5-10 kilometers the next day is the best health exercise. It doesn't need to be too much at all, it will damage the knees.

Regardless of whether the athletes exercise a lot, they have the most professional coaches to make plans.

After doing all kinds of other preparations, you can't see it. Just seeing someone running, you will be over as soon as you learn. Not only did you fail to exercise your body, but it caused problems with your knee bones.

Shen Huan is naturally different. He received the most professional planning advice and tailor-made exercise methods in the NBA.

So in more than two months, in addition to playing, this is his most valuable experience.

Of course, the functional techniques Shen Huan obtained from the good master and his physical fitness after taking Guben Pill and Spirit Gathering Liquid are also important reasons for his strong physique.

Now Shen Huan runs at least 3 times a week, 20 kilometers each time, and the pace can reach about 3 minutes, so he can maintain his physical condition very well.

Today's world record for a marathon is 2.53 seconds. People don't run 10 kilometers or 20 kilometers, but 42 kilometers!

For more than 42 kilometers in a row, the average pace can reach this level. For ordinary people, it is already a blast.

But Shen Huan wanted to run to a speed better than this, and that was no problem at all.

Thanks to the good master, in terms of physique, he is almost better than anyone in the world.

But the exercise on weekdays is not for competition. It is best to leave a little room for exercise.

Just like you eat, eating 1 steamed bun is delicious, 5 steamed steamed buns are delicious, but if you eat the limit of 10 steamed steamed buns, it is very annoying.

Isn’t it just right after eating 5?

After returning to Buyiyi's house, after washing, Shen Huan, who came out for breakfast, chatted with Mommy Bu while eating, and Mommy Bu was smiling.

Suddenly, Buyiyi in his pajamas rushed out, "Shen Huan, did you go for a run this morning?"

"Yes indeed."

Shen Huan said, "How do you know?"

"I saw it online!" Buyiyi handed the phone over, "Look!"

She handed her the phone, and Tu Rumei patted her quite upright, "What is it like to be unkempt? Hurry in and get out after you wash and wear it!"

In fact, Bou Yiyi's makeup is not ugly. She is a child star that the people all over the country have seen growing up, and of course she has never had plastic surgery.

In addition, she is only 21 years old, which is when she is invincible without makeup.

But Tu Rumei was worried that this girl would be too careless, which would make the future son-in-law dislike it.

Buyiyi also understood what she meant, smiled when she saw it, lowered her head and took a bite of incense, then ran back to the room like flying away.

Shen Huan looked down at the page of Buyiyi's phone with a smile.

I saw the meagerness of an unknown ordinary user and posted a video.

The title is "Did I meet Superman?"

The first segment recorded by this person was a 20-second or so footage of Shen Huan running past him. There was still his speech in the middle of UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

"Fuck, I originally thought he was practicing sprinting, but I looked at him inadvertently, but found that he was running all the time. Then I stood on the stone table and looked at him. He ran back from a long distance, and his speed has not changed. Over."

Then comes the second scene.

The first half was the same as the first paragraph, and after that, he ran behind Shen Huan for a while. He could clearly hear the panting voice, and soon stopped.

"No way, no way, I'm still an amateur runner, I can't keep up at all! This person won't belong to the city sports team, right? The pace is at least 4 minutes or less!"

The video of this person is average, because the sky is not bright and the shots are not very clear.

It is estimated that he himself only uploaded it with a playful mentality.


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