I Know Everything

Chapter 1009: Shen Huan went to Yuzhou!

The comments from a few people at the beginning were quite satisfactory.

Maybe it's a friend of this meager blogger.

"Hehe, aren't you kidding Xiaozhu? How could someone from the city team come here to train?"

"That's an amateur level, nothing special."

"No, why don't you guys look at it? This man has a very good figure, and his tights are out of the model!"

"Well, it is true that you can exercise regularly to have such a figure!"

Gradually, the comments below began to increase.

And the speed of reply is getting faster and faster.

"I accidentally saw this video, accidentally saw this running teenager, accidentally discovered...FAK! Isn't this our Huanye? Xuanhuang Universe, Xiaoshengyouyou, come and watch!"

"It's really Huanye! Where are you, the author? How can I take pictures of Huanye running?"

"The sky is very dark, but as hard-core Huanye fans, we will not admit mistakes!"

"Wow, that's so handsome, our Shen Huan is so handsome even for running!"

"Where is Shen Huan? I'm going to meet him tomorrow!"

"Don't guess. Look at the China Merchants Bank and Siemens brands across the river. This is my Da Yuzhou!"

"It's the Spring Festival soon, why would Teacher Lu go to Yuzhou without going back to Lin'an?"

"Don't worry about anything else, let's see how fast Huanye ran. This is almost a world record, right?"

"Ye Huan was originally a world-class sports superstar. Although he only played basketball, his running speed must be faster than ordinary people. What's so strange?"

"What does it mean to be faster? I checked the meter and calculated it. Based on my 10 years of marathon experience, Huanye definitely ran in 3 minutes and 20 seconds! And it's easy!"


Just when Shen Huan came back to take a bath and dine, over half an hour, this meager article has already received millions of clicks and more than 20,000 people commented.

This is only around 8 o'clock in the morning when the Spring Festival is approaching. It is conceivable how lively it will be during the day.

Shaking his head and smiling, Shen Huan put down the phone.

Tu Rumei is not an old antique either. She immediately asked worriedly, "Xiao Shen, if they know that you are coming back with Yiyi...will it harm you?"


Shen Huan said cleanly, "I am not from the entertainment industry, and I am not planning to be a celebrity. But there may be more people talking about Yiyi."

"Oh, that's not afraid." Tu Rumei immediately let go, "This girl is also 21 years old. Is it a weird thing to date a boyfriend? And this girl is so careless, she won't be afraid of anyone saying it."

In the entertainment industry, gossip is indeed going to attract people's attention.

But if you find true love, most people will still bless.

For example, Shen Huan and Buyiyi were originally a natural pair. How do they match each other? Although Buyiyi's fans are reluctant, they also expressed their blessings.

However, the problem is that Shen Huan is not only compatible with Buyiyi, but also with Han Dong'er, with Li Bi, and with Wang Zhen.

There are still many people who think that the childhood sweethearts are not bad, after all, the little girl will soon be 17 years old.

Therefore, what Shen Huan said was that Bu Yiyi would be punished by Dong'er and their fans.

But according to Bouyiyi's big heart, there is no problem to get these things done.

After breakfast, Shen Huan watched Bu Yiyi not come out, so he said to Tu Rumei and went back to the room to do something.

Even in the Spring Festival, Shen Huan has a lot to do.

Buyiyi took a bun, knocked on the door while eating, and saw Shen Huan looking at a thick pile of manuscripts.

"New script?" Buyiyi asked casually, sitting beside him.

"No, it's the script of "Infernal Affairs" and characterization." Shen Huan said.

"Hey, isn't this series of movies about to start shooting? Why haven't you given the script to Director Bu Tao?" Bu Yiyi asked in surprise.

"He wrote this." Shen Huan raised the thick manuscript, "and it's the third edition, the director is really serious!"

"But I don't have a little confidence?" Buyiyi helped him say it. "It's not a good thing to worry about gains and losses like this."

"It doesn't matter, who is not worried about making a big movie?" Shen Huan said, "There are so many movie stars and experienced stars in it in one breath. Of course, the pressure of the director is great."

"That's what I said, but our Xin Dao is under the same pressure, and we haven't seen him like this." Buyiyi said.

Shen Huan shook his head and smiled: "That's different. Xin Changkong has had the successful experience of "Happy Campus" before, and when he made the first part of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", although you are famous, you are not so popular. He will accompany you in the first part. Does the second part care about you being a big star?"

"Ha ha!"

Buyiyi ordered Fenzhen.

This is indeed the case!

"Unfortunately he didn't know that Teacher Chu is Teacher Lu, and Teacher Lu is Teacher Chu, otherwise it would be much easier to communicate!" Bu Yiyi chuckled.

She is one of the people who knows this big secret!

After a pause, she said again: "My sister-in-law Booth Yun, but your hard-core book fan! She bought every one of your works. If you let her know that you are Chu Liuxiang, she might hold you for three days. Three nights, I will beat you while talking!"

Shen Huan: "!?"

What's happening?

Seeing Shen Huan's puzzled look, Buyiyi laughed and said, "Isn't it to blame you? Write every story so miserably! No one will end well... she said, their fans have decided Well, if you dare to accidentally write about the actor and son of "When Happiness Knocks on the Door", they will come to your door to sit and protest together!"

"When happiness comes knocking on the door" is Chu Liuxiang's latest serialization.

By now in January, it has basically come to an end. UU reading www. uukānshu.com

But those who are familiar with Teacher Chu Liuxiang know that his favorite writing is tragedy.

Maybe just when the actor finally succeeded, there was a bolt from the blue that he was actually seriously ill, or his son had an accident...

Therefore, everyone looked terrified and did not dare to relax.

"This story won't." Shen Huan shook his head, "You can't just let them cry, you still have to give them a ray of warm sunshine."

Buyiyi said, "Speaking of which, I really like the hero's spirit of never giving up! Since it is a comedy, your fans should be very happy too!"

Speaking of this, Bu Yiyi became excited, "When I was eating at noon today, I told my sister-in-law that she would definitely be screaming with joy!"

She talked about having lunch at noon, and still eating hot pot, Shen Huan felt that she really wanted to prepare a cup of hot water to rinse next to her?

It's spicy, and it's wine, it's a bit too much!

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