I Know Everything

Chapter 1010: Sitting on the floor

After yesterday's two meals, the Bu family has probably learned about Shen Huan's eating habits.

Even though they were eating hot pot at noon today, they actually ordered a mandarin duck pot, and the small pot in the middle was a special mushroom soup pot for Shen Huan.

This made Shen Huan a little moved.

They all say that the uncle who came to the door for the first time suffered, and his treatment was pretty good.

In Rongcheng, you can say that eating hot pot with a mandarin duck pot is the biggest compromise, but for the locals in Yuzhou, this is basically nothing.

Their slight spiciness is the biggest compromise.

I heard that Yuzhou is not the hottest.

The hottest is in the two lakes area.

Shen Huan was very fortunate that none of his girlfriends were from the Hubei and Hunan Provinces.

Otherwise, he would never dare to go there as a guest before he got the good master's spicy skills.

After Buyiyi told her sister-in-law about the secret of "When Happiness Knocks on the Door", Boothyun was really excited.

But she still held back, did not go to the micro-chat group to spoiler.

After all, there are still many days of serialized chapters, let everyone know, is it interesting to read the following chapters?

Booth Yun is not the happiest person at the dinner table.

The most happy is the 16-year-old cousin Bu Shaojia.

He is also a basketball fan, so he admires Shen Huan as a matter of course.

Today I saw a real person at the dinner table, and he was so excited that he was crying.

Especially Bu Yiyi let life pass and hug him, Bu Shaojia cried directly.

This caused Tu Rumei to knock her daughter on the head directly, and blame her for tossing around.

But the next moment, when Buyiyi handed the Shen Huan championship limited edition sneakers signed by Shen Huan to Bu Shaojia, he laughed with joy.

Crying and laughing made Bu Shaojia look silly, but it made the family happy.


This joyous atmosphere lasted until I got home, until Buyiyi's uncle's family came over.

Tu Rumei has only one elder brother, and his family came to six people last night.

There are five people who came here today, but the atmosphere is different.

The eldest uncle and the eldest aunt looked a little embarrassed, the elder cousin Tu Yuesheng was slightly decadent and nervous, and the second cousin Tu Yueqin and the third cousin Tu Chenyan were angry.

"What's wrong, is this?" Tu Rumei welcomed them in, "It was fine yesterday! By the way, where is Fang Xing? Why didn't she come?"

"Come on! Tell her how far to climb!" Tu Yueqin cursed.

"What are you talking about?" Tu Rumei glared at him, "I didn't ask you again, did you eat dynamite? Shut me up and go away!"

Tu Yueqin didn't dare to fight back when he was scolded. He could only enter the house in a desperate manner and found a place to sit down.

Originally, Shen Huan and Buyiyi were talking in the room, but they walked out after hearing the sound.

After seeing Shen Huan, the uncle's family greeted them, but they were even more embarrassed.

"Hey, I said you sang it? Say three!" Tu Rumei sat aside, "Xiao Shen is not an outsider, say!"

"Just talk!"

Tu Chenyan was also a little irritated. She quickly said: "Isn't it Fang Xing's family? They heard that Yiyi brought Teacher Lu back yesterday, the kind of uncle who came to her mother's house, so they immediately demanded that 1 million be added to the gift. In addition, they bought a new house of no less than 100 square meters in Yuzhou for their second brother-in-law and brother-in-law."


Bu Changwei said in surprise: "Why did it suddenly rise so much? Isn't this too outrageous?"

Houses in Yuzhou are not very expensive, but a new house of 100 square meters costs one or two million, and two is three or four million.

Add 1 million, isn't that four or five million more burdens out of thin air?

"Yes!" Tu Rumei finally understood why the family's expression was like, "Xiao Fang is really wrong! Although it took two days to prove, but all the invitations were sent out, and suddenly changed, what does this mean? ?"

"Yes! That's it! If you don't give it, you won't marry!" Tu Chenyan said, "Huh, unfortunately! I really met a best product!"

Buyiyi's eyebrows also raised when he heard it beside him.

She has a hot temper, and she always talks about anything in the media and scolds people.

She is not afraid of facing audiences all over the country. Who else is she afraid of offending?

Seeing that the young lady was about to talk, Shen Huan squeezed her hand and whispered: "Don't worry, listen to them and then watch."

Before coming back, Shen Huan heard Bu Yiyi say that her eldest cousin will hold a wedding after the Spring Festival.

So Shen Huan specially prepared a set of gold jewelry, including gold bracelets, gold rings, gold necklaces and gold earrings for the bride, which totaled more than 30,000.

Fang Xing was overjoyed after receiving this gift last night.

But the way Shen Huan looked at her was not the kind of person who was not satisfied.

Why did it suddenly change after one night?

Big cousin Tu Yuesheng spoke at this time. He rubbed his hands and whispered: "In fact, Xiao Xing didn't want to be like this. She just went home and talked about it, and showed them the gold jewelry they received...

Then the two brother-in-laws heard Xiao Shen's name and said that our uncle was very rich, and every word was 700 million yuan! Playing abroad has made billions!

My father-in-law and mother-in-law were immediately moved. They felt that our uncle is so rich, and the gift or something should definitely be added. It’s just a few million, not for Shen Huan. Is it the size of fingernails? "


Buyiyi couldn't help it anymore and scolded, "Where does Shen Huan have so much money? Almost all his income, including money in the NBA and advertising endorsements, has been donated to children in mountainous areas to study schools.

There is also the copybook. Shen Huan donated it and didn't get any money. Why would anyone think that he has 700 million copybooks? Are these people blind? "

This time, everyone next to him nodded slightly.

No wonder Bu Yiyi was angry.

It is true that Shen Huan makes a lot of money, but it is also true that Shen Huan donates a lot.

Last year, some media conducted statistics. According to the amount disclosed by Abao Charity, UU Read www. The amount donated by Shen Huan at uukanshu.com has surpassed that of Teacher Chu Liuxiang, becoming the number one charity.

There is almost no money left in his hands.

Such a philanthropist, who is only 18 years old, can understand so much and have such a good heart. What a rare child?

This is why Bu Changwei and Tu Rumeiming know that Shen Huan will definitely marry another woman, and they agree that their daughter will be with him.

Of course, a man with a good heart and an excellent man is worthy of his daughter's life.

As a result, some people talk about things with Shen Huan's income, and it is still such a disgusting situation.

Not to mention Bu Yiyi, even Tu Rumei was angry.

Had it not taken into consideration that her brother and sister-in-law were in front of her, she would have cursed.

At this time, Tu Rumei suddenly felt that she had cursed Tu Yuesheng just now, as if she was wrong.

Xiao Er was right, even too gentle!

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