I Know Everything

Chapter 1011: Hold on

While the family's relationship was infuriated, the uncle Tu Rulong and the aunt Zhang Fen did not speak.

When their emotions settled down, the aunty said in a low voice, "Talking, scolding, but always thinking of a solution? Is it to cancel the wedding, apologize to everyone, or negotiate again and see. How to deal with it best?"

Shen Huan nodded slightly as he listened.

Like the scolding before, indulgence is fun.

But there is no help in how to deal with things.

"What else can I do? I cancelled it!" Tu Chenyan said without hesitation.

"Xiaochen! You are too rash!" Uncle Tu Rulong frowned.

"It's not rash, this is my thoughtful idea." Tu Chenyan looked at Tu Yuesheng, "Boss, if we now, now we have all the money together, will you be able to successfully marry a wife? Isn't she at home? There will be a little bit of trouble?"

Tu Yuesheng hesitated for a moment, "Should...should be okay?"

"Well, I'm planning to stop asking for conditions after they are satisfied this time." Tu Chenyan said, "What about after getting married? Do you guarantee that your sister-in-law will not help the family again and again?

This is actually no problem, if you can make money, everything can be solved! But you are just an ordinary company employee, what can you do to satisfy her relatives who dare to call millions at every turn?

More importantly, you are a relatively shy person, embarrassed to reject others. Then not only do you have to endure these pressures, but your family members have to accompany you to endure them. Do you think this is fair? Especially for our parents! "

Tu Yuesheng's face turned red all at once.

He clenched his fist, but then released it again, his face looked ugly.

Although my sister said something bad, it was also true.

According to Fang Xing's family's attitude now, I am afraid it will be difficult to get along with in the future.

If he can't get it out, I'm afraid he will fight, and then his parents will help solve it.

His parents are not rich people with a lot of money, only some savings and retirement funds. If they give all this money to himself, Tu Yuesheng feels that he is too unfilial.

"Yes, the third sister is right!" Tu Yueqin looked at her elder brother, "Boss, you should consider it carefully! My opinion is that if you can't convince Fang Xing this time to let their family give up such unrealistic ideas, then Break up early and find a new girlfriend early, so that the rest of your life, and the rest of our life, will be easier."

"Then...Xiaofang can you talk about it?" Tu Rulong asked his son, "She is diligent and has a good personality on weekdays. If there is no such thing, I would still recognize her as a daughter-in-law."

"She, she..."

Tu Yuesheng couldn't say it.

It is precisely because Fang Xing can't say it, everyone understands Fang Xing's attitude.

"What else do you mean?" Tu Rumei spread out her hands, "It's not that the family can't get the money, but there is no reason! We are marrying wives, not buying wives."

"Well, I also agree with everyone's opinions." Buyiyi said simply, "Big brother, don't worry, you are a good talent and a good job. You will soon find a good girlfriend!"

"But..." Tu Yuesheng stopped talking.

"Don't worry about embarrassment, we are not afraid of embarrassment. We are not willing to suffer a lifetime of suffering for the sake of face." Zhang Fen also said, "Fortunately, it will take a few days to prove it, otherwise it will be too late!"

"Listen to me!"

Tu Yuesheng was anxious, and finally raised her voice a little: "Xiao Xing... she has it."

Everyone: "..."


The head of the family, Bu Changwei, smiled bitterly, "I said how courageous, I really have no fear!"

Buyiyi was also stupid, "Brother, why are you so careless?"

In the face of everyone's inquiries, Tu Yuesheng smiled bitterly, "I'm talking about marriage and marrying, and I'm going to prove it soon! Isn't it normal?"

Several people were also speechless.

To blame Tu Yuesheng from this aspect seems to be meaningless.

Even the most active Tu Yueqin and Tu Chenyan were silent.

A silent "fuck" continued to flow in their hearts.

What is holding without fear?

This is to have no fear!

Tu Rumei frowned: "When did it happen? Are you sure?"

"It's just a few days ago, I haven't had time to tell you." Tu Yuesheng said: "I wanted to talk about it during dinner yesterday, but I didn't find a chance..."

The protagonist of last night was Shen Huan, of course he couldn't take the lead.

A group of people became silent again.

Buyiyi gently poked Shen Huan, "Genius, do you have anything to say?"


"No, you have."

"I'm not a genius in EQ, what advice do you suggest?" Shen Huan hugged Buyiyi beside him, and whispered: "How to do it, and how to do it properly. The opinions of these old people are the most important , We can only suggest, we can't decide."

This is usually the case in family matters.

Don't look at the children who have their own ideas on weekdays, but when there is a major event that is not caught, the elderly must make the decision.

"How about this!"

After thinking for a while, Zhang Fen suggested, “Get married as usual! But this condition cannot be fully agreed. You go to discuss with Xiao Xing and see how to reduce it. If she is sensible, she will certainly not embarrass us.”

"Yes indeed!"

Buyiyi discovered something, "Big brother, what did Fang Xing say by herself? Does she want you to accept it completely, or does she want to communicate something? Or does she want to find a way?"

Unconsciously, everyone's eyes looked at Tu Yuesheng again.

On this matter, Fang Xing's attitude is the most important.

If she is blindly weak, or blindly thinking about her natal family and ignoring her own small family, that is unacceptable, and it will definitely make the family uneasy in the future.

Tu Yuesheng didn't disappoint everyone this time, "She also felt that they were asking too much... The point is that we really don't have that much money. But she was scolded at home, and she is still crying at home."

"That's better!" Tu Rumei nodded, "Boss, you will make an appointment with them tomorrow, and I will talk to them with your mother!"


Tu Yuesheng was surprised, "I don't need to go?"

"Are you going to have a hairy?" Tu Yueqin, who had been silent, mumbled.

Tu Yuesheng thought about it, but stopped insisting.

At this time, Buyiyi gave a light cough, "I have a bad idea, I don't know if it is appropriate."

"Let's talk!" Aunt Zhang Fen nodded.

"When you go tomorrow, just click this." Buyiyi turned to his aunt and said, "Tell them, if it doesn't work, let their daughter go back to her family with a big belly. It's not a man who suffers. ."


Bu Changwei scolded, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, "You can think that way? Men don't have this responsibility, are they fair? No matter how difficult it is, can't let the child be wronged like this?"

Tu Yuesheng also became a little nervous.

"You shut up!" Tu Rumei scolded her husband again, but thoughtfully, "Do you want to threaten them with this, and let them back down?"

Buyiyi said: "The more you show that you don’t care about your children, the more you can win the negotiation. What is their support? Isn’t it Fang Xing and the child in her stomach? When these advantages are gone. , How are they bullying?"

Zhang Fen also nodded, "Yiyi's method is very good. If we become more nervous, they will grasp our weakness and continue to make progress."

"Well, you can do this!" Tu Rulong agreed.

Although this is a bit unkind, in order to deal with such a weird in-laws, he has always been honest and can't help it.

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