I Know Everything

Chapter 1012: On the importance of reading

With such an interruption, the Bu family and the Tu family's New Year's interest is naturally greatly reduced.

Shen Huan naturally understood their feelings.

In the next two days, he and Buyiyi strolled around the streets of Yuzhou to see the style of the old mountain city and feel the excitement of the companion capital 80 years ago.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, Yuzhou was foggy, the air quality was not good, and there were many people wearing masks on the streets and alleys, so the two were not recognized.

Buyiyi calmed down some worried emotions and introduced various scenic spots and lively places to Shen Huan.

Except for regrets not being able to taste Yuzhou snacks with Shen Huan, Xiaohuadan's tour guide duties are still very good.

The two wandered outside, and naturally the news at home has never been interrupted.

Unsurprisingly, the people of the Fang family resolutely asked for additional gifts, not a penny less.

Even if Fang Xing refused in front of them, asking them to think about how they would live after marrying, she didn't give in the slightest.

In no way, the aunt Zhang Fen could only declare the wedding abolished and let Fang Xing leave the house.

It is said that Fang's family stayed there.

"She is pregnant with your family's flesh and blood, are you so cruel and ruthless?"

"So what? Is it illegal? Go and sue!"

"It's too impersonal, you are going to be pricked in the backbone!"

"So what? There are too many abortions, what am I afraid of? My son suffers?"

"I want to sue you!"

"Blindness! Stupid! Can the law favor you for this thing that you want? Besides, it costs a lot of money to get a lawyer, do you have it? Are you willing?"


"What are you? Get out! Shameless, idiot selling your daughter! Return our gift money, or I will sue you!"

"You dream! That's for us!"

"The gift money given on the premise of marriage is legally binding. If you don't get married, we have the right to take it back! If you don't give it, you will be arrested. Read more, idiot!!"


This is probably the communication process.

Of course, people in Yuzhou are certainly not so gentle in their speech, and a sincere greeting to each other's family is naturally indispensable.

Fortunately, I greeted Fang Xing in advance, otherwise Fang Xing would even have a dead heart when he heard this.

When Bu Yiyi relayed it, it was naturally impossible to say these words.

But the result of such a fallout is still very positive.

Seeing that his parents insisted on adding millions of financial resources and houses regardless of their lives, Fang Xing's heart became cold.

She had originally planned that if her parents agreed to surrender, she would still ask for an additional 300,000-500,000 bride price if her parents agreed to surrender, and then she would slowly return it to her parents-in-law.

But now that her mother's family treats herself like this, you will feel uncomfortable no matter how much Fang Xing wants to help them.

Therefore, Fang Xing made one move throughout the whole process-crying. No matter what the two sides said, she would cry without expressing any opinions.

Without the support of his daughter, the Fang family would of course have no grasping, no support.

So after several rounds of sawing, an agreement was finally reached.

"The Tu family pays 500,000 yuan as a gift money at a time. From then on, the Fang family can't ask them to give other things for any reason and guarantee the smooth progress of the wedding."

After signing this agreement, the Tu family felt as if they were lost, and even the atmosphere of the New Year was gone.

Thanks to Fang Xing who also knows how to behave.

She cooked a meal at home, thanked everyone from the Tu family for their help to herself and the small family, and promised that she would manage the small family well and would not make her family uncomfortable because of her natal family.

With such a statement, the Tujia talent was a little relieved.

It was originally.

A good marriage was made by the Fang family like a business, how unpleasant?

How will you get along in the future?

It is impossible to return to a normal state of in-laws.

"For such a small amount of money, I can see how ugly my heart is." When I got home, Buyiyi said to Shen Huan: "This has made me a little afraid of marriage and my own children. The enemy is the same."

"Throughout the ages, there have been many such things, and not many people have escaped." Shen Huan smiled and hugged her, "Besides, don't just look bad, there are good ones."


"The Rockefeller family, Morgan family, etc. in the United States are families that have existed for hundreds of years, and they are still developed." Shen Huan said: "A better example is actually in our country... Have you heard of the Langya Wang family?"

"No." Buyiyi shook his head.

"Since the Qin Dynasty’s record, Langya Wang’s history has spanned our country’s history for more than 2,000 years, and it is still prosperous now." Shen Huan said: "Since the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six nations' general Wang Jian, Langya Wang has produced nearly 100 prime ministers. Plus there are thousands of geniuses from all walks of life. For example, the book saint Wang Xizhi belongs to their family."

"Ah? It lasts for so long?" Buyiyi said in surprise: "Isn't it said that the rich is only three generations?"

"This is something in recent decades." Shen Huan said, "Zeng Wen Zhenggong has a famous saying that if it is a wealthy family, it may be weakened after one or two generations. If it is a family of prostitutes, it may be weak in three or five generations. Only farming and scholarly families can continue to be passed on continuously, for dozens of generations to hundreds of generations, which is consistent with the development of the Langya Wang family."

"So you mean that in the future, our children will have to read more and fight if they don't read?" Buyiyi looked a bit vicious, "do more and more talents?"

"In theory, this is the case, but the specific operation is definitely not that simple." Shen Huan laughed.

"Well, I have to prepare in advance." Buyiyi remembered about his cousin again, "It's really scary to have no culture!"

Only Fang Xing from the Fang family was read by the university. The other two brother-in-laws went out to work before finishing junior high school. Both parents were typical rural people.

"Reading may not bring you money. UU reading www.uukānshu.com can bring you many other things." Shen Huan agreed with her, "It will not show up in a short time, but it will not show up until it is really needed. , You will know what effect it has."

"it is good!"

Buyiyi patted Shen Huan's chest, "Shen Huan, you have to study harder! Not only mathematics, but also Chinese and ancient poetry, etc., you must learn it for me during this university, otherwise the child will not be well educated. , I will ask you to settle the account!"

Shen Huan's eyes widened: "How about you?"

"I have graduated, what else do I study?" Buyiyi said frankly, "Are you still a student? Isn't learning your essential job?"

Speaking of this, Buyiyi haha ​​laughed.

Shen Huan didn't feel a smile either.

It seems that this girl still makes some sense!


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