I Know Everything

Chapter 1029: Jumping incident

   At night, the wind is strong.

   Standing on the 32-story rooftop, He Weili looked at the neon lights in the distance, and then at the darkness below, she couldn't tell what she was thinking.

   But she didn't want to think too much, gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and jumped down.



   With such a series of loud noises, two security guards who were patrolling not far away rushed over quickly.


Where    enters the eye, is a body lying in the green belt.

   Although they could not see clearly, they soon realized that this person had jumped down from the stairs!

   This is a high-end community. The security guards are not uncles in their 50s and 60s, but strong young men in their 20s and 30s.

   When they saw this, they were afraid and nervous, but they did not forget their duties.

   The two rushed over, wanting to see if this person was still angry.

   turned around, they realized that this was a woman.

   put his finger under the bridge of the woman's nose, and the security guard felt a slight venting sound.

"Still angry! Thank God!" the older security screamed: "Xiao Zhu, call the emergency center quickly, and then send a few more people here, bring the medical kit, and see if you can do something. ?"

"it is good!"

   Xiao Zhu quickly called the emergency center, and immediately called the office.

   After a while, the whole community became lively, and the sound of the ambulance was very harsh.

   There are a bit bolder community residents, all of whom stretch their heads to take a look at what is happening downstairs.

   But there are a lot of people, and they can't see it clearly.

   It was not until the next morning when these people watched the meager and news that they saw the truth.

   "The famous actor He Weili committed suicide by jumping off the building last night and is now being rescued."

   "Because of the trouble of being secretly photographed, He Weili chose to commit suicide!"

   "Is He Weili the first? No! Too many stars have been victimized!"

   "In this ugly era, how many people will be killed by the ugly sneak shots?"

   "The police and investigators were dispatched quickly and arrested and detained the people involved in the incident."

   "He Weili's friends came to visit one after another, but it is said that He Weili is still in the intensive care unit, life and death uncertain."

   "Uranus superstar Su Mo issued a severe condemnation, hoping that these people will maintain a little conscience and not be eaten by dogs!"


   At about noon, Shen Huan also saw the news.

   Speaking of He Weili, she has something to do with Shen Huan.

   When "Love Letter" was filmed, director Tian Nianfeng, who was in the ring with Zhu Mei, made a movie called "Youth Flying".

   And the heroine of "Youth Flying" is this He Weili.

   Of course, the latter result is very natural, "Youth Flying" was crushed to the point that there were no bones, and a group of leading creators and leading actors all left the scene sadly.

   Director Tian Nianfeng has become the laughing stock of the entire circle.

   Zhu Mei is different. She rose from the wind, and since then embarked on the broad road leading to the first-class director.

   As an actor, He Weili is certainly not involved much.

   In these years, who hasn't made bad films several times?

  A few big movie stars have been taken advantage of, when they bid 20 million or 30 million, are they still going to shoot the same?

   Have you seen any effect on them?

   So although He Weili is still between second-rate and third-rate in the past two years, she has no shortage of acting opportunities. Movies and TV dramas can be played, plus some advertising endorsements, and her life is pretty good.

   As the saying goes, people sit at home and disasters come from the sky.

   Just a few days ago, everyone who had just transitioned out of the atmosphere of the New Year suddenly discovered that a lot of posts and photos about "fruit photos" appeared on the Internet.

The heroine of    Guozhao is He Weili.

   The shooting location should be a hotel, and the agency of He Weili at the back also proved that this is the hotel where He Weili stayed when he was filming, before the Spring Festival.

  The crew hasn't disbanded yet. It was originally planned to gather and film the rest of the plot in a few days.

   Many places in the hotel room where He Weili is staying have cameras installed. The photos released by the secretly captured people are all He Weili's fruit photos, as many as hundreds.

  Some in the bathroom, some in the room...

   wait a minute.

  In the room?


   He Weili has this habit.

   She closed all the windows and curtains. In the heated room, she walked around and made phone calls.

   So these photos are really taken very finely and clearly.

The habit of    is not that weird, but if it is seen and photographed by others, it is a huge disaster.

   Such a disaster has occurred now.

   The most important thing is not these photos at all.

   After investigation, it was found that high-definition cameras were installed in the hotel. These photos were only taken, and the more scary ones were the videos.

   It is said that the candid camera contacted He Weili and asked her for a cover fee of 10 million yuan, but He Weili refused.

   So hundreds of fruit photos appeared, and they spread quickly, and they couldn't be blocked at all.

   Then in the past two days, the sneak shot contacted He Weili again. This time, he asked for 20 million. If you disagree, dozens of videos will be posted online.

   He Weili panicked this time.

   He Weili, who was already about to collapse, chose to yield this time.

   But 20 million in cash is not a small amount for her. She begged that it would take a week to raise money.

   But the sneak shot refused, UU reading www. uukanshu.com wants her to be ready in three days, otherwise the video must be released.

   Under this tremendous pressure, even if a company helped her raise money, He Weili completely collapsed.

   He Weili has never dared to go out because of the previous fruit photos. She hides at home crying and drinking.

   now collapses like this.

   naturally walked onto the rooftop and jumped down.

  According to the insider of the brokerage company, everyone is not really worried about the 20 million yuan. What is more worrying is whether this is just the beginning?

   After 20 million, it’s another 20 million, another 20 million...

   As long as the video is in the hands of the sneak camera, then there is a fearless and long-term blackmail.

   Besides, even if you give the money, you can guarantee that he will not send it?

   I'm not sure he will post a video that day. This panic waiting is a huge suffering.

   He Weili just couldn't stand this kind of suffering, so she couldn't support the collapse.

   When the news came out, I don't know how many people sighed.

  Everyone in the celebrity circle is in danger, for fear that I have also suffered such bad luck.

   The beautiful new year vision brought by the Spring Festival just now was crushed all at once!


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