I Know Everything

Chapter 1030: Shameless

     commit evil!

   Shen Huan looked at the photos of He Weili's smiling face on the news and compared them with the photos taken outside of the intensive care unit. He could only sigh.

   It is really shameless to say that things like sneak shots are used on ordinary people.

   Unless it is necessary to handle the case, it cannot be forgiven for any reason.

  Especially He Weili, whose purpose is to blackmail money, should be sentenced directly.

   What surprised Shen Huan was that although the police arrested many suspects, the most important thing was all the residents who had stayed in this room this year.

   Even the owner of the mobile phone who has used the tool to contact He Weili cannot find the real "murderer".

  Because the owner of this mobile phone registration is an old lady from Yanzhao, and she doesn't understand any culture at all, so she would never be able to install a camera in a hotel room.

   When you asked her when the ID was borrowed, and who borrowed it, she didn't know if she asked.

When I asked the people around her, the police found out that in a large town here, men, women and children, all have the habit of selling ID card information to others, as well as reselling mobile phone cards to others, and it has continued for many times. Years.

   Hundreds of middlemen come to buy from them every year, and then resell them all over the country.

   Everyone only recognizes money, not people, and never remembers who bought the phone card.

   Such a complicated network, such a long-term crime, is almost impossible for the police to track down.

   As soon as the news came out, the whole network was in an uproar.

   I didn't expect such a strange thing.

   No money, poor, that is the status quo of many people.

   But eating and drinking can be solved after all, and medical treatment is basically okay. Life can always go on, why do you want to make money so shamelessly?

   Aren’t you afraid of being struck by lightning?

   These people are really not afraid.

   In other words, they don't think it's wrong at all.

   Even the old lady’s son Zhong Xiangsen said, “What does that woman do in the room without clothes? Such a disorderly woman, shouldn’t you blame yourself first when something goes wrong?”

   immediately cursed the middle-aged man online.

   It's a pity that people don't go online at all. As you can see from the photos on the Internet, they still play cards and drink tea all day long and grinning, just like a okay person.

   Shen Huan also saw these interviews and photos.

   The boy felt annoyed.

   Regardless of past and present, you should not expect to see no wonder.

   is impossible at all!

   Other actresses are still undecided in the hospital. Indirect criminals like you dare to say that. They really deserve to be beaten up.

   "Ding Dong!"

   "The system feels very gratified that the host can have a courageous mentality."

   "In this case, the system will issue an additional task, and ask the host to work hard to complete it."

   "While the host should treat He Weili, he should also give those ugly people a heavy blow, especially to get the criminals to be punished. This is what the brave and passionate youth should do."

   "This task is completed, the system will still give a warm reward response, come on!"

   suddenly heard the voice of the good master, Shen Huan was a little surprised.

   Why did I just remember that your old man started to release tasks excitedly?

   He Weili stayed in the intensive care unit and she didn’t know her condition. How could I treat her?

   Besides, how can ordinary people go to the intensive care unit?

   brought bacteria in, isn’t this harming people?

   But the boy turned to think, in fact, this step can be changed.

   He can first catch the criminal who secretly photographed, and then treat He Weili.

   It seems that this criminal still has a lot of videos in his hands. If he releases it, I am afraid that He Weili will have to commit suicide again when she wakes up?

   I must hurry up!

   Shen Huan clenched his fists and immediately began preparations.

   Don't blame Shen Huan for being so active in accepting tasks.

At the level of Shen Huan, he must have reputation and fame, prestige and prestige, money and money, and a beautiful wife, and there is more than one... You said there is something he wants to pursue actively in his life. ?

   The task given by the good master is a source of motivation for Shen Huan to prove himself and do some interesting things.

   Otherwise, all day long is to earn money to sleep with his wife, and then eat, drink and have fun. Such a life, every day, the emperor will have to vomit!


   The police couldn't find evidence because they didn't use extraordinary methods to investigate.

   If I changed it to hundreds of years ago, when I was in the Ming Dynasty, I would be tortured one by one.

   Now I dare not use any punishment, so I can only rely on brain analysis and gathering evidence.

   Shen Huan is different.

   He dared to be cruel.

   old lady...

  Uh, the old woman still didn't dare to move. He went to check the news mainly. If he touched the old woman and died, wouldn't it be a bit too much?

   But the old woman's son, the man who uttered slanderous words, Shen Huan could perfectly teach him how to be a person.

   Shen Huan read the news and searched by netizens. He knew that the village was in Yanzhao, which was a two-hour drive from Huajing.

   If you take the high-speed rail, 30 minutes will be there.

   But taking the high-speed rail will leave some traces, it is better to drive there.

   As long as you don’t take the highway, the provincial road and the national road, there are not many cameras along the way, and it is not easy to find the trace.

   After preparing his belongings, Shen Huan drove his BMW out.

  The boy also thought about not changing cars.

   But you have nothing to do, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has no guilty conscience, why change the car?

   This will cause suspicion by others.

   So I just drove my own car.

   If someone asks, Shen Huan can answer honestly. I'm trying to collect my own stories and songs!

   Don't doubt.

   People in the literary and art world do whatever they want.

   drove to the county seat closest to the town. Shen Huan found an underground parking lot and stopped. After taking the elevator up, he first entered the toilet, immediately changed his costume, and disappeared into the crowd.

   At this time, Shen Huan's dress is almost the same as before in Riben.

   The same is the beard, plus a small belly.

The image of    is so different from himself that no one can see it.

   took a taxi in Shen Huan, and when it arrived in the town, it was already dark.

   Zhenzi is a dozen miles away from the village where Zhong Xiangsen lives.

   Shen Huan would not let the taxi go there directly. After he got off the bus, he walked fast along the trail.

   If someone could see Shen Huan’s steps, he would definitely feel that he was running, and disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye.


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