I Know Everything

Chapter 1031: Clean up the rogue

     People in the countryside don’t have a good way of entertainment at night. Playing cards and mahjong has become a popular entertainment.

   It is common for many people who go out to work, save money for a year, return to their homes in the countryside, and lose all of their money in one Spring Festival.

   It's just that there are more people, and playing mahjong is not that big.

   Zhong Xiangsen played small mahjong with a starting price of 1 yuan and a cap of 8 yuan.

   One night, winning or losing is about one hundred yuan, and it doesn’t hurt the fundamentals.

  The land in their village is not very fertile, and they can't make much money by relying on the sky.

   So selling ID information and applying for a card over the phone have become a very important way to get money.

   Needless to say the specific method, anyway, every household relies on this crooked way to earn three to fifty thousand yuan every year. There is no problem at all.

  Because it is easy to get money and you don’t need to be punished much if you leak it, all the old and young in the village and town joined in.

   Tonight, Zhong Xiangsen killed three parties and won more than 200 yuan. When he was happy, he was humming along the way home.

   They played cards and mahjong in the teahouse in the village, and they were up to two to three hundred meters away from each person's home.

   are all familiar villagers along the way, of course, don’t worry about things.

  Those who robbed the money went to the big cities in the city, how could they commit crimes in a small mountain village?

   Seeing that his home would be 50 meters after turning a turn, Zhong Xiangsen touched the money on his body, wondering how to use it, and he didn't feel happier.

   As a result, he was unprepared, and a person rushed in the dark place next to him, grabbed Zhong Xiangsen's clothes with one hand, and covered his mouth with the other, and pulled him out of the wall of the neighboring house.

   Feeling the gloved hand covering his mouth, Zhong Xiangsen hadn't realized what was going on, and he hit his belly with a heavy punch.


   In the severe pain, Zhong Xiangsen couldn't make a cry of pain at all.

   because his mouth was covered.

   With Venus in his eyes, he almost vomited out the food he had eaten tonight.

   Leaning against the wall, he slowly fell to the ground.

   Before he breathed evenly, at the sound of "Chun!", a bright dagger was inserted next to his ear.

   Zhong Xiangsen shuddered, but his mouth was immediately covered again.

"I'm a civilized man and I won't kill you." A husky middle-aged man called: "But if you call out, I will stabb you, and if you call out three times, I will cut your finger. Do you want to try? a bit?"


   Zhong Xiangsen hurriedly shook his head desperately.

   He is so scared that he peees out now, where is there any sign of resistance?

   When the man moved his hand away, he drew his dagger by the way, he looked up at the man with tall glasses with a little belly, full of fear in his heart.

   Zhong Xiangsen trembled and said, "Okay...good guy, you...I have more than 300 yuan here...you take it all...I don't need a penny!"

   The man with glasses smiled, "I don't want money."

   "Then you, what do you want? You said, as long as I can give it, I will give it!" Zhong Xiangsen said quickly.

   At this time, life is the most important thing.

   "Who did you sell your mother's mobile phone card to?" Shen Huan said, "It's the phone card that sent the message to the female star."

   "I don't, I don't know... My mother has dozens of calling cards, and I sold them to different people... Oh!!!"

   The man with glasses drew a knife on the back of Zhong Xiangsen's hand. Under the pain and horror, Zhong Xiangsen subconsciously wanted to yell, but he was covered with his mouth for the third time.

   When he cried with his nose and tears, but his emotions slowly returned to normal, the man with glasses released him.

   "Next time I won't cover your mouth, just scream if you want to." The man with glasses quickly turned the dagger on his hand, "But I also speak for words, tell me to stab you once, give it a try!"

   "No, no, no, I dare not! I dare!" Zhong Xiangsen was so scared that he passed out.

   Fortunately, the pain in the back of his hand reminded him that there was an extremely fierce person in front of him, and he must not play the fainting set, otherwise he would be stabbed with a knife to make him sober.

   "Then you just think about it." The man with glasses said lightly, "If you can't think of it, I will help you think."

   Zhong Xiangsen's pupils instantly enlarged.

   He understands, what does the man in glasses mean by "thinking for you", he must be knifed again.

   His courage is not at all, he is just the leather in an ordinary village, and he will naturally be persuaded when he meets fierce people.

Seeing the horror of this man with glasses, Zhong Xiangsen no longer dared to make the slightest perfunctory, "Don't kill me! You find Tao Shan, Xie Shu, Lu Xiaofan three of them! Tao Shan and Xie Shu are in town, Lu Xiaofan In the county!! I will give you the address!"

   "The wind is so tight now, are they still at home?" The man with glasses sneered.

   "We don't have anyone here to report them, so they hid a few days ago and came back these two days." Zhong Xiangsen hurriedly said, "Even if they are not there, you can find them by asking their family members!"

   The man with glasses nodded, recognized the paper and pen, "write it!"

   Zhong Xiangsen didn't dare to neglect, so he picked up the pen and paper and started to write.

   Just as he was writing, the man with glasses suddenly asked: "You know that I intentionally hurt you and gave you such a knife. If you are caught by the police, what is the punishment?"

   Zhong Xiangsen looked at the man with glasses in surprise, wondering why he said that.

"If you report me, let the police wait for me at their house, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I will be sentenced to three months to six months at most." The glasses man smiled grimly, "Wait for me to come out. I will be close to you, I promise, you will regret why you were born."

   "No, no, no!"

   Zhong Xiangsen was frightened and shook his head desperately.

   Don't say he just wants to save his life now, he didn't think of this at all, even if he thought about it, he would definitely rest his mind when he heard the cruel words of Shen Huan.

   No matter how much he wants revenge, he doesn't dare to provoke such a cruel and desperate person.

In a blink of an eye, he had already written the address and contact information, and handed it to the man with glasses, "Don't worry, brother, I will forget what happened today. This wound was accidentally cut by me when cooking, and others. Nobody has nothing to do... Please spare me!!"

   "A smarter person will always live a long time." The man with glasses patted him on the shoulder, "I will stare at you, so I can do it myself!"

   said, the man with glasses turned and left.

   Zhong Xiangsen didn't dare to get up for the first time, until after a while, he struggled to get up against the wall, looked around tremblingly, and quickly rushed to his house.

too frightening! !

   I will never meet this person again! !


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