I Know Everything

Chapter 1032: Evil??/a>

     One night, Shen Huan found the three middle dealers Zhong Xiangsen said.

   They saw that the police and Cha had evacuated, and they went straight back home.

   And I feel very lucky that this matter can be safe and sound.

   But Shen Huan did not make them feel better.

   The two men are a little better. After a few punches, under the pressure of Shen Huan, they said everything.

   The one named Xie Shu is actually a woman in her forties.

   Originally, she wanted to behave as a woman, so Shen Huan cut off her hair directly with a dagger. The woman was also scared to pee, and then she softened.

   Shen Huan is not afraid that they will call the police.

   It was a question whether the police would accept it or not—they were originally not injured, and Shen Huan did not rob the property.

   The police want to ask what the reason is. When it comes to this, they have the face to say?

  Second, what courage can there be to do this kind of sidetracker?

   There is that kind of bear-hearted leopard guts, who have been in a desperate business a long time ago, and those who resell some calling cards are all cowards.

  When you meet someone more cruel than them, you will immediately behave like a dog.

  Although these three people are all unemployed, they usually have records when they buy and sell things.

   Shen Huan got their transaction log book.

   It is densely written which phone card is sold to which person.

   Zhong Xiangsen can't remember who the phone card was sold to, but it can be seen on the records of the three of them.

   Shen Huan returned home, looked at the transaction records for the whole night, and finally found the relevant one.

   This calling card was sold by Xie Shu.

   is located in Huajing.

   They contacted them through small advertisements. They were all called by others, paid on the spot, and didn’t ask each other for any information.

   However, Xie Shu still has a snack machine. She wrote down the phone number of each customer.

   Although it is not necessarily the phone number registered by these people's own ID cards, they can only be found according to this clue.

   The owner information of the phone is actually very easy to get.

   These news leaked in many places.

   Shen Huan followed the example of some people in the previous life, and quickly found a merchant on Abao.com, and found the owner's information within a short while.

  Mai succeeded.

30 years old.

   is in the northeast, and currently works in an electronics company in Huajing.

   Abao.com’s merchants even gave out their home addresses.

   Shen Huan sighed without being too excited.

   This number does not necessarily belong to me, I still need to check to know.

  How to check?


  Isn’t the truth charm come in handy?


   It's night again.

After    Mai successfully got off work from the company, he changed from the subway to a bus and arrived at the nearest bus stop from his home, which was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

   Many people working in Huajing are in this state.

   Originally 6 o'clock was the off-duty time, but because all kinds of things were arranged just before the end of get off work, so it’s no surprise to get off work until 7 o’clock.

   Then add the time to ride and transfer, and it is very fast to get home in an hour.

   It's okay to have family members at home, and you can have a bite of hot rice when you go home.

   If you don’t have it, you have to cook at home, which is very troublesome.

   So many people simply eat out and go back, or simply order takeaways.

   But this way, the cost of living will greatly increase.

  Mai succeeded after eating a bowl of noodles at the gate of the community before returning home.

   When he left the small noodle restaurant, he collided with a man, but he didn't care about that.

   Mai succeeded and said embarrassed, but didn't even lift his head.

   But very quickly, a person walked over after Mai Chenggong.

   "Mai is successful!"

   the man shouted in a hoarse voice.

   Mai was taken aback for a while, stopped and looked over, and found that it was a bearded man with glasses.

   "You are..." Mai Chenggong asked.

   "You took He Weili's video?" asked the man with beard and glasses.

  Mai's eyes condensed successfully, but the next moment he involuntarily replied: "Yes."

   "Did you use your name to stay at the hotel?" Shen Huan asked.

   "No, I found a woman and registered with her name. I will only go up later." Mai Chenggong said. "After finishing, I fed her a drink with sleeping pills before I started installing the camera."

   Unexpectedly, this guy is quite careful, which also proves that he had planned for a long time.

   If the police found that woman, she would definitely not admit that she opened the room for business.

   What's more, the woman didn't even know that Mai Chenggong had installed a camera, so she had no reason to involve herself.

   Time has passed so long, the hotel's surveillance has long been covered, and it is impossible to find out if she is lying.

   No wonder the police have searched all the people who stayed in, but have not been able to find any useful information.

   "Then how did you get it back?" When Shen Huan asked, he regretted and felt a little stupid. Isn't this obvious?

  Sure enough, Mai Chenggong replied, "I still called a woman and used the same method to retrieve the records... once a month."

   "Only He Weili alone?"

   "Of course not, there are many people, but only He Weili is a celebrity, and the rest are useless."

   "So you have to blackmail He Weili to make money?"

   "Of course! How easy is it for their celebrities to make money? Just give me millions or tens of millions. What is UU reading www.uukanshu.com?"

   Hearing Mai Chenggong's words, Shen Huan frowned.

   This person's heart is a bit twisted.

   Do you think the stars are picking up money?

  Many celebrities just look beautiful on the surface. A number like 10 million is definitely a big number for them.

   Moreover, it is really hard to imagine how much pressure He Weili is caused by blackmailing in this way.

   Thinking of this, Shen Huan asked a more critical question: "What do you think about the jumping off building that triggered He Weili? Are you guilty?"

"Guilt? Haha! What am I guilty of? She is stupid, she is reluctant to spend money to avoid disasters, that is what she deserves!" Mai Chenggong said without thinking: "It's wasted all my efforts! This stupid woman is dead! That's great!"

   Shen Huan's eyes quickly became cold.

   Looking at this Mai Chenggong, the man with glasses and gentleman is like a normal IT staff, I did not expect it to be so cruel and distorted.

   This is not extortion, it has already abandoned the moral bottom line, and is purely a criminal!

  Like such a wicked person, even if it’s not the mission of a good master, Shen Huan should teach him well and let him learn how to be a person!


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