I Know Everything

Chapter 1034: Follow-up

     Mai Chenggong didn't know what happened to him.

   It's like meeting a ghost, saying everything, and it's all the truth secret.

   With so many people corroborating evidence, the police who came over handcuffed Mai Chenggong the first time, and called the bureau to ask them to prepare.

   They also took away Mai Chenggong’s computer bag.

   No matter what Mai Chenggong says, it must be checked.

   There is also Mai Chenggong's home, which will also be searched carefully.

   There is no way to conceal it, sin cannot be concealed at all.

   Soon, the police made a network-wide report.

  Mai Chenggong’s home computer and laptop on his body have found hidden videos about various candid photos.

   There are dozens of videos of He Weili among them.

   In the face of strong and powerful evidence, Mai Chenggong finally couldn't deny it and confessed the facts of his crime.

   He also confessed at the same time, because He Weili's jumping off the building made him a little panicked, so this batch of videos hasn't been sent out yet.

   This also avoided the greatest harm to victims such as He Weili.

   Seeing the news, countless people breathed a sigh of relief and yelled at the shameless person.

   If he continuously releases the video like this, even if He Weili is rescued, she will become a mentally disordered lunatic.

  No one knows. In fact, the reason why Mai Chenggong is so crazy and truth-speaking is that Shen Huan used four spells for him in one breath.

   Truth Talisman

   bad luck charm

   I don’t want to spell like this

   I want to release my spell

   The superposition of such a few spells gave Mai Chenggong's profanity and madness in front of the security booth in the community.

   Otherwise, he didn't think about why Shen Huan was by his side, and he could escape to the security pavilion quickly.

   Shen Huan, who had retired after accomplishing his accomplishments, did not pay attention to anyone.

   Even those onlookers saw that Mai Chenggong and Shen Huan had a fight or a fight, but for such a wicked person, they would not have the slightest sympathy, and they did not feel that there was anything wrong with the opponent who had a dispute with him.

  Mai Chenggong himself was confused and couldn't explain such a thing at all.

   Therefore, Shen Huan successfully disappeared from this case.

   No one traces why Mai Chenggong suddenly went crazy because of his shortcomings, and no one traces what Shen Huan did.

  Mai has successfully faced multiple charges and caused bad social impact. Under the combined punishment of several crimes, I am afraid that there will be no way to come out within ten or twenty years.

   This is what he deserves.

   It's just that He Weili has suffered.

   News came from the hospital that He Weili suffered multiple injuries to soft tissues and bones, as well as impact injuries to her brain. Although she is now awake, the possibility of getting active in the second half of her life is very small.

   She also got her life back.

   On the floor below where she jumped, several residents had installed railings for drying clothes against the regulations.

   And three families happened to be drying the quilt that day.

   He Weili's jump was blocked by the three railings and quilts, and then the last railing bounced into the green belt next to her, so she didn't fall directly to the ground.

   Otherwise, He Weili's three lives are not enough to fall.

   For this reason, the He family's parents who came to take care of their daughter specially thanked these three families.

   In these two days, He Weili was also transferred from the intensive care unit to the nursing ward.

   After her consciousness came to a clear level, and the complications of the operation were no longer serious, she was transferred to the general ward.

   She already knew that the sneak shot had been caught, and her video was no longer in danger of being circulated, so she was naturally relieved.

   At least she would have the courage to live.

   Unfortunately, she can't stand up yet.

   can't even move.

   The next step is to wait until her injury has fully recovered, and she will have to implant many steel nails and steel plates in her body to determine if it is possible for her to stand up.

   Even if she stood up, the steel nails and steel plates all over her body were destined to have various symptoms, and she was always suffering.

   But these are the best estimates.

  If steel nails and steel plates are useless, then He Weili may only be in a wheelchair for a lifetime.

   The news came out, and many people in the entertainment circle lamented and expressed condolences.

   Some celebrities also specially donated a sum of money, which totaled about 2 million yuan, and gave it to her parents.

   He Weili's future recovery will still require a large sum of money, and in her current state, I am afraid that she cannot return to work in the entertainment industry.

   So she doesn't have much savings, and she definitely needs more money.

   Although this sum of 2 million is not much, for the current He family, it is simply a gift in the snow.

   When her parents read the name of the donor to He Weili, He Weili's tears shed tears.

   Shen Huan also donated money with the public, 100,000 yuan, not much, but also a kind of heart.

   Anyway, he donates more money to schools in the mountainous area on weekdays, and he is not afraid of others saying "only donates to the rich" or something.

  On the third day when He Weili was transferred to the general ward, at 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, the teenager began to act.

   There were monitors everywhere in the hospital, and Shen Huan didn't dare to walk through the main entrance, but climbed up from the water pipes next to him.

   In order to be afraid of accidents, when Shen Huan stood downstairs, he posted a "Good Luck Charm" to himself.

  In order to breathe, the windows of hospitals are generally not closed, at least a small slit must be left.

   Shen Huan quietly opened the window, UU Read www.uukanshu.com jumped in, saw He Mu who was sleeping on the single bed next to him, and He Weili who looked like a mummy.

   Looking at her now, I think of the beautiful female star when "Youth Flying" started three years ago. There are two great contrasts.

   Shen Huan didn't have time to think about it. Taking advantage of the time for the good luck spell, he stepped forward and shook her jaw bones, and used a big grab to remove the joints so that her mouth and teeth could open.

   With the other hand, Shen Huan also took out the prepared syringe with the needle removed, and gently stuffed the tip into her mouth.

   Pressed the syringe and mixed the 10ml liquid of Gubendan, Juling Liquid and pure water, and it entered He Weili's mouth and followed her throat into her body.

   Because her injury was too serious, Shen Huan took out 5 drops of Spirit Gathering Liquid in one breath.

   One time is not enough.

   In the next week, Shen Huan came over twice and fed her the same amount of elixir.

   Thus, He Weili has become the one who enjoys the most spiritual liquid besides Shen Huan.

   Spirit Gathering Liquid is the most powerful magic weapon in Shen Huan's hands. From the young man's point of view, it can exert magical effects no matter what.

  If He Weili can't be cured in this way, then Shen Huan really has nothing to do.


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