I Know Everything

Chapter 1036: Full of big names

     After the Spring Festival, most people actually started to work as early as the seventh and eighth day of the new year.

   New Year 15 is just to help them calm down.

   However, some migrant workers will return to coastal cities to start working after New Year's Eve.

   As a contracted actor of the "Infernal Affairs" crew, the silly and strong actor Qin Renbin ran into the crew as early as the sixth day of the new year.

   Bu Tao did not rest much during the Spring Festival.

   took his wife and children to eat New Year's Eve dinner at the parents' house of both sides, accompanied for a day or two, he started preparations on the third day of the new year.

   On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, those members of his team returned to the team one after another.

   Actors like Qin Renbin did not come too early.

   When he arrived, he found that the four celebrity-level talents had already joined the crew.

  The crew rented a hotel in the suburbs of Huajing for everyone to use.

   Qin Renbin came in with luggage that day, and saw the vicissitudes-faced actor Jin Weijie, who was wearing leather clothes and leather pants, was talking to another actor Fei Qingyang.

   Fei Qingyang is wearing a police uniform.

   The two of them are obviously already at work.

   Then while eating dinner, he also saw Yan Yu and Xie Hou appear.

   Yan Yu and Xie Hou are superstars in the TV industry, and they are also top-notch actors in terms of acting.

   Especially Yan Yu, who has been very popular recently, has won many people's appreciation for his "Yue Prison".

   The film circle admired Yan Yu's style even more, hoping to make him act more in the film circle instead of playing soap operas on the small screen.

   In fact, the two groups of film and television circles are inseparable.

   But the two sides have their own problems.

  For example, the film industry thinks that the TV industry is very low-level. Things that can be said in a few minutes have to be delayed for an episode, and the performances of the characters are too facial and have no meaning at all.

   TV circles don’t think so.

  Although your film industry is a bit more advanced, you have more bad films than the TV industry.

   The TV series that can be shown in my TV circle are all pretty and interesting.

  Where is it like your movie, I often bring out some inexplicable bad movies, and then blame the audience for not understanding and without cultural appreciation.

   Those TV shows in our TV circle are suitable for all ages and bring joy and entertainment to the people. What's wrong?


   In short, it is normal for two interdependent circles to be often noisy.

   But for Qin Renbin, whether in film or TV circles, he is the lowest existence. He has no right to speak at all, and he is not even a serious actor.

   Now that I have such a good opportunity to play a role with many lines and scenes, Qin Renbin certainly cherishes it.

  His posture is very low.

   was calling teachers all the way, such as Mr. Jin, Mr. Fei and so on.

  Even Yang Shaoxian and Duan Shaohua, who are younger than him, both shouted to the teacher.

   People are young, but one is a niche in the movie circle and the other is a niche in the TV circle. They are both super stars with millions of fans, but he can't compare them.

   Everyone has no impression of him, because in the crew, there are many characters like this.

   The most important thing for the big names is to perform their own plays well, without having to worry about supporting roles.

   But the supporting characters must rely on the existence of the big names.

  Who is going to work or not, and whether there is a future for development, we still need to know in the process of acting.

   When Qin Renbin called his agent at night, he still looked very excited.

   He told Cheng Hui that he had seen so and so today. They were all celebrities, and even the supporting roles were **** teachers and so on.

   Cheng Hui felt a little funny.

   Did this kid join the crew with a star-chaser attitude?

   But he didn't scold Qin Renbin, because Qin Renbin had no such experience before, and he felt fresh and excited. That was normal.

   Not to mention that he hadn't told this silly boy yet, during the Spring Festival, he called the company's sister Bu Yiyi to pay New Year's greetings, and boldly said something about Qin Renbin.

   Buyiyi did not say anything at the time, but after half a day, he sent a message.

   "Tell him to work hard, Shen Huan and Teacher Chu both value his talent."

   Cheng Hui read this news back and forth hundreds of times, but he couldn't see what the two teachers were after Qin Renbin.

   But the two teachers are definitely not what Cheng Hui can compare to him. More importantly, they have a film and television company, and all their works are fine.

   As long as they say yes, then Qin Renbin's performance can be of great use.

   Didn’t Qin Renbin just post it?

   Qin Renbin sent it, doesn't it mean that Cheng Hui sent it?

   So Cheng Hui immediately went to Qin Renbin's hometown and brought him a lot of New Year goods, which made Qin Renbin very beautiful.

   So the relationship between the two is closer.

   Qin Renbin was more casual when calling him, "Brother Hui, you said I am so stupid, can I catch their scenes? ... Especially for my characters, most of them are actually playing against Mr. Jin Weijie!"

   This is a problem.

   When Cheng Hui knew about it, they thought it was the screenwriter and director who were deliberately arranging Qin Renbin.

   What are you kidding?

   Qin Renbin has acted in dozens of TV series and a dozen movies. In addition, there are not as many roles as other actor Jin Weijie!

   In the end, you let him and Jin Weijie play against each other?

   Isn't this the posture of being bombed into scum?

   If Jin Weijie is suppressed and can't show it at all, Qin Renbin will finally have a better acting career, and he will definitely suffer a setback.

   People don't care if you become like this because of Jin Weijie, but they will definitely say that you, Qin Renbin, can't get on the wall in mud.

no no!

   is not "if it is", it will definitely be suppressed by Jin Weijie, there is no doubt.

   Now it's just to see how far Qin Renbin can struggle.

Listening to Qin Renbin’s worries, Cheng Hui could only say to cheer him up, “Don’t worry, the director must have a way, and you can take advantage of Teacher Jin’s free time to ask him and see if he can Can't help you a little."

   "Should I go to Teacher Jin?"

   Qin Renbin took a breath, "Can he care for me?"

"Why not? You are also a cast actor, and you have to play against him. If you don't perform well, he will have flaws no matter how good he plays!" Cheng Hui said, "According to my understanding of Mr. Jin Weijie, he definitely doesn't want this. of."

   "But I..."

   "Ohama, if you don't have the courage to fight, it will be useless for others to help you, you know?"


   "Go! This is the time when you make a way for yourself. If you can, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will soar into the sky. If you can't, you can only be a dragon for a lifetime... Would you like this?"

   Qin Renbin over the phone was silent.

   After a long time, he shook his head heavily, "No, I don't want to!"

"That's right! But you can't be too reckless. You have to figure out the role yourself before you are eligible to consult Teacher Jin." Cheng Hui exhorted: "If you don't know anything, you don't understand. Just ask someone, he must have a bad impression of you."

"I know!"

   Qin Renbin said firmly.

   Hanging up, Cheng Hui still sighed.

  Although Qin Renbin is a serious and simple man, the first time he filmed was such a big production. In the eye-catching place, either the movie emperor or the emperor, as well as the movie queen, Xiaohua Dan, Xiaosheng, etc.

   With a silly and strong character, it is really difficult to make a way out of it and let everyone remember him a little bit.

   Now Cheng Hui can only hope that Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Chu can see that this role really fits with Qin Renbin and can let him play a bonus!

   God bless!


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