I Know Everything

Chapter 1037: Continuous reading of this master's degree! ?

     The students have no worries and always have more happiness.

  Especially freshmen who have just escaped from the heavy study in high school, just when they want to have fun, they like to run around even more.

   Even if they returned to school, they were still in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival all day long. They were very chic with New Year's money and pocket money.

   In fact, this is the reason why many students who were good students in high school suddenly became worse when they arrived at university, and they will be confused when they enter society.

   In fact, such a change can also occur during the transition period from elementary school to junior high school and junior high school.

   If you want to be better, you have to start working hard from elementary school, and you can't relax for a lifetime.

   Few people can do this.

   Therefore, there are only a few successful people.

   For example, after the New Year of the Agricultural University, those who can control their various desires and start to study seriously will at least have the foundation for success.

   Shen Huan is not among these people who study hard.

   In fact, he has many things.

   Even in school, in addition to class, he has to coach the basketball team twice a week.

   In addition, Zhou Xilan has to rely on his teacher for animal breeding.

   Shen Huan is not looking at the beauty. The girl wants to help, but it is good for him to exercise his skills. I and the animals are friends.

   After leaving school, he has 5 days a week to go to the agricultural experiment base.

   Sometimes Bai Wushuang will accompany him, sometimes he has to go by himself.

  This is also thanks to the special security guards who take care of the farmland part-time on the experimental field, otherwise Shen Huan will spend more time.

   Then, Shen Huan still has a script to write, and he needs to slay the stone slowly. The graphene aspect needs to constantly check the world-color information in order to have a better understanding... etc.

   From another perspective, Shen Huan is busier than any other student.

   What he is busy with is not just school stuff, but learning and career together.

   This day is very busy, but also very fulfilling.

   There is not too much free time to splurge.

   In fact, time is wasted and time is wasted. Many people regret it later, but regret it again and again.

   The words don't go so far.

   Busy Shen Huan, that day was taught the office of the department head Chen Sen.

   "Little Shen!" Chen Sen showed the kind old man's smile, "Sit, sit!"

   "Thank you, Director." Shen Huan also sat down generously.

   With his outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics, even the principal Zhou Nengbei did not regard him as an ordinary young man, let alone the head of the department.

   "After the Spring Festival recently, it was pretty good, right?" Chen Sen asked fluently, "Are there any difficulties in studying?"

   "I think it's good, and there are no major problems in studying." Shen Huan responded.

"That's also true! Look at your final grades, it really makes many people blind." Chen Sen couldn't help but admired, "Even I think that you have delayed a lot of class hours, and you will definitely have a little academic performance. Decline. I didn't expect you to have such excellent performance no matter in class or exam, genius really is genius!"

   Shen Huan smiled and said nothing.

   He can't tell the dean of the department that by virtue of the professional agronomy (intermediate level), I have actually completed the university courses completely, right?

   This will be regarded as an evildoer by others.

"Looking at you so excellent, there was a discussion in our college. Let me talk about it. You see how you feel." Chen Sen went on to say, "According to your talent, you only read undergraduate in 4 years. What a waste of time.

   It is better for us to make a 6-year study cycle. You have completed the university, graduate, and doctoral courses. We also believe that you have such strength. Then you can directly choose to be a lecturer in our school or do agronomy research work. "

   Shen Huan listened with a headache, "Director, my plans for the future have not been so far-reaching. I think it is better to proceed gradually."

   "What? Do you think agricultural research is too boring and meaningless?" Chen Sen asked.

   "No, no, I think it's very interesting." Shen Huan said, "But I like to try new things constantly, maybe I will do other work after a while..."

   Chen Sen nodded, "When you chose our school before, didn’t you mean that you wanted to contribute to the country’s food security and wanted to do something meaningful? This habit of giving up halfway is not good!"

   Shen Huan said, "Don't worry, if I want to leave this field temporarily, I will make certain achievements."

   "For example..." Chen Sen asked tentatively, "What is Fermat's Last Theorem in the field of mathematics?"

   "I dare not say that high, but it will definitely be very good." Shen Huan replied seriously.

   Chen Sen looked at Shen Huan and hesitated for a while, "I still hope you will consider our suggestion... You can be a lecturer at the age of 24. You are the first person in our Agricultural University!"

   He believes that Shen Huan is a genius, but if he can say that he can formulate Fermat's Last Theorem in the agricultural field, he doesn't believe it.

   Young people still have to go through more exercises, especially the continuous training in school, to be truly talented!

   Seeing his persistence, Shen Huan had a headache.

   For a moment, Shen Huan wanted to tell him that he had actually achieved something.

   If you can make the wheat seeds of Youpeiyouyu, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will greatly optimize the rice seeds, then Shen Huan will also fulfill his promise.

   But Shen Huan was worried again that if he told the matter so early, would it make the school feel more suitable for farming, and it would be even more troublesome to stay in school for life and death.

   Shen Huan did not want to have any conflicts with the school.

   Otherwise, Shen Huan would not use donations in exchange for asking the school to agree to some of its conditions.

   It seems that because of my excellent performance in exams and class last year, the school has the heart to cherish and love talents.

   Their willingness to keep themselves is still very firm.

   If it doesn't work, Shen Huan can only redeem himself by waving a big stick of money.



   Donate more to the school, so that the school has the ability to do more things, they can not embarrass themselves too much, right?

   After all, the agriculture industry needs large-scale basic talents to guide the farmers in farming.

   Compared to Shen Huan, cultivating more basic talents is the more important job!


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