I Know Everything

Chapter 1046: Steamed bun

     want to set up a laboratory, for others, it is certainly not a simple matter.

   But for Fu Yunfei, a member of the Academy of Sciences, it couldn't be easier.

   He has huge scientific research funds in his hands, and nano-related topics are his projects. It is definitely not a problem to open a "graphene laboratory" under this branch.

  The problem with a scientific research laboratory is how to attract more talents to join the laboratory.

   There are laboratories where Dana is based, and laboratories with good prospects are the most attractive talents.

   At this point, the graphene laboratory is occupied by both.

   First of all, the laboratory under Fu Yunfei, a member of the Academy of Sciences, represents qualifications and strength.

  The chances of getting results in this place are higher than other laboratories.

   In case there is any good performance, it is not surprising that Academician Fu Yunfei would like him to become an upstart in physics.

   From then on, I can still claim to be Fu Yunfei’s disciple. This is a big good thing in the entire pediatric physics community.

   There is a backing behind, it can be easier everywhere.

   Needless to say, the good prospects of the second laboratory itself.

   The concept of "graphene" is enough to make people excited.

   Especially after the two papers of Shen Huan are published in Nature, then talented physicists, masters and doctoral students will definitely actively join the ranks.

   Of course, the most important thing is to select people from your team.

   Unless it is a very confidential laboratory, many university laboratories, assistants and coolie students usually have to concurrently work in two or three laboratories.

   Normally it is the project of the same mentor, they will all go there again.

   Because there are so many things, I usually spend more than 10 hours a day busy, and sometimes I have to work overtime at night.

   But the subsidies given by the tutors are very small, even the minimum hourly salary is not up to.

   Many master students and doctoral students complain that they are more difficult than migrant workers, and the reason is that.

   But it is correct to say that, but they are still scrambling to do these experiments and projects.

   Not to mention what they have achieved, just to say that such exercise is enough to benefit them for life.

   Then, if you are lucky, you can add a third author and a fourth author, which will greatly help them in their future work.

  Fu Yunfei's entire team is definitely not only his disciples, but also the professors and associate professors in his laboratories.

   The students of the subjects he has taught, as well as the students and students of the professors and associate professors of his laboratory, can be classified as his own.

   If you choose people, you must first choose their recommended colleagues, or disciples, or students.

   Otherwise, all the benefits are given to outsiders, so what is the point of a small team?

   Can you unite people?


   Bai Wushuang, who was authorized by Fu Yunfei, originally planned to do everything in his hands first, and then think about the funding, location, equipment, and personnel of the laboratory in a few days.

   Fu Yunfei was not stingy with regard to funding, and the initial funding was as high as 10 million yuan.

   Are you accustomed to seeing Shen Huan’s hundreds of millions of dollars in making money, and feel that 10 million yuan is too little?

   In fact, there are quite a few.

You consider that there are hundreds of universities in China. Each university has various experimental contents such as physics, chemistry, medicine, agronomy, mechanics, etc. Thousands of professors are allocated, even if it is tens of billions. The funds to a specific laboratory are not much.

   Besides, a professor usually has more than one project. Many people are two or three. An academician like Fu Yunfei has more than a dozen projects under his hand. That is quite normal.

   Then, under such circumstances, the first fund that Yunfei Fu allocated to the graphene laboratory was 10 million, and it was only used for various preliminary preparations, such as the purchase of equipment, etc., which seemed more abundant.

  Of course, Bai Wushuang doesn't care about this, as long as she can do experiments.

   Fu Yunfei used to feel sorry for her little disciple. When she gave her a sufficient budget, she was not stingy, did not put it in her own bag, but assigned it to the hard-working graduate students and assistant lecturers.

   This allows Bai Wushuang to have a good reputation in the entire Erfu Yunfei team.

   It’s just that Bai Wushuang is usually colder. Those who think of her badly, after experiencing setbacks, gradually died down, leaving only the respect and favor of Bai Wushuang.

   She had lunch with Shen Huan and Fu Yunfei in the cafeteria, and went back to her single dormitory to rest for a while. When she got up, she found that there were more than a hundred messages in her mobile phone.

   "Sister Bai, are you free this afternoon?"

   "Wushuang, Brother Zhang has something to ask for you. If you are free, please call me back."

   "Wushuang, regarding the graphene laboratory, I have one person here who will recommend it to you, and I will guarantee your satisfaction."

   "Sister Bai, I'm Professor Huang's graduate student Wang Zunguan, can I take your time..."

   "Wushuang, we haven't had dinner for a while? Are there time tonight? Sister Ren invites you to an Italian dinner!"


   Messages are basically sent by people around me.

  There are professors, lecturers, and graduate students whom Bai Wushuang knows.

   More people she doesn't know. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   They looked for Bai Wushuang naturally for the graphene laboratory.

   Some volunteered to come to work in the laboratory, some wanted to occupy the position of assistant in advance, and some came directly and wanted to be a deputy.

   All in all, surrounding this graphene laboratory, which has not been specifically prepared, is a bit of a flurry of demons.

   Bai Wushuang couldn't think of it, in just one or two hours, the news could spread so fast!

   Bai Wushuang is very familiar with his profession.

   But she has no experience with these people and the specific business operations at all.

   Her own laboratory relies on a lecturer assigned by Fu Yunfei to control daily affairs, so that Bai Wushuang can devote all his energy to scientific research instead of dealing with people all day long.

   Now suddenly everyone has found themselves, making Bai Wushuang quite at a loss.

   Is this the first step in becoming an independent laboratory?

   Mengmei. Female Xueba is a little bit distressed.

   Speaking of it, Shen Huan's life is really good. He just wrote the paper, and then throws all the troubles to himself. He only needs to do the experimental research at that time!

   is too unfair!


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