I Know Everything

Chapter 1047: You choose

     In the afternoon, Bai Wushuang and Shen Huan went to the experimental field to observe and record data as usual.

   also walks the dog along with it.

   Walnut is no longer the only boy in the experimental base.

   There is a new watchdog and two cats.

   There is no shortage of mice in any field of this kind.

   The damage done to vegetable crops by rats is obvious.

   Therefore, the security guards at the door, after obtaining the consent of Shen Huan and Bai Wushuang, came back with a male and a female cats.

   They are less than half a year old now, and they can only play and be cute, but if you wait a few months, they will be good at catching mice.

  Because these two cats are not those pet cats that are not to be used, but the native cats of China.

  The parents of both of them are experts in catching mice fed by the workers at home.

   Walnut still likes these two little guys very much. When they come to play during the Spring Festival, they often tease them and give them something to eat.

   But for another one-year-old guard dog brought back from the animal rescue station-Tao Tao, a little bigger than walnuts, although not very naughty, walnuts are very fierce to him.

   From time to time, Walnut will rely on its own physique and strength to crush and bully torrents. Every time they torrent, they are beaten pitifully by it, and they see blood several times.

   Bai Wushuang said about it many times, and once beat it several times.

   But when Walnut faced Bai Wushuang, he looked very cute and cute. He kept acting like a baby without saying it, and relied on Bai Wushuang's "whispering" cry to make Bai Wushuang not bear the heart to educate him.

   In the end, Bai Wushuang gave it to Shen Huan. After Shen Huan's cleaning up, Walnut finally became a bit more honest, and stopped bullying so fiercely.

   This is also related to the faithful boy who has been beaten many times and turned into a walnut, otherwise it will still be cleaned up.

  Considering that Taotao, there are two kittens-the three little guys, flowers and grass, which have very important practical effects, so Shen Huan specially fed them a few times of mixed spiritual water of Gathering Liquid and Gubendan.

  Although I can't drink as much as walnuts, it is enough for initial inspiration.

   At least today, the little male cat hastily opened for the first time, killed three mice and placed them on the ground, excitedly asking Shen Huan and Bai Wushuang for credit.


   When he returned home, Bai Wushuang handed a cell phone to Shen Huan.

   "What are you doing?" Shen Huan took the phone, "I have a phone."

   "This is about the contact phone of the Graphene Lab." Bai Wushuang said, "A lot of people want to join in. I will let them call this number or send a message to contact in the future."

   Shen Huan was stunned.

  Sister, is it really appropriate for you to do this?

  I just left this to you just to be lazy?

   As a result, you changed hands and gave it back to me! ?

   Seeing Shen Huan’s surprised eyes, Bai Wushuang’s heart flashed with joy, “I’m not good at communicating with others, come on! Are there any questions?”

   Looking at her big, pure and bright eyes, Shen Huan was quite speechless.

   But he can't refute it either.

   Compared to himself, Bai Wushuang is indeed less suitable for setting up a graphene laboratory.

   "How about leaving this to Lao Fu?" Shen Huan had a bad idea.

  Bai Wushuang has a cold personality, and he couldn't help but give him a blank look, "My teacher has a lot of things to do, and he is allowed to come for such small things in the laboratory gradually, don't you treat academicians as dry food?"

   Shen Huan smiled upon hearing this.

   This is the same.

   If an academician does these things all day long, then he really has nothing to do.

   "Apart from handing over the task to me, don't you have anyone to recommend?" Shen Huan stretched out his hands, "I don't know anything about them or the physics department of Qinghua University!"

   Bai Wushuang tilted his head, "Well, my current laboratory deputy director, Jin Lixuan, is pretty good."

  According to the standard of Mei Xueba, she can say a good person, that is really good.

  Considering that Bai Wushuang herself definitely has no communicative skills, she can help her to support the laboratory, and has made considerable achievements in the past two years, this Jin Lixuan should also be an individual talent.

   "Good!" Shen Huan nodded and said, "I will contact him as soon as possible."

   Bai Wushuang was relieved to see Shen Huan agreeing.

   If Shen Huan insists on not accepting the move, she will have to go to Fu Yunfei to appoint a deputy director.

   The teacher must do everything for himself, and Bai Wushuang is also a little embarrassed.

   Shen Huan did it differently. He and himself are one body now. Doesn't what he does is equivalent to doing it myself?

   Well, it makes sense, very logical.

   Bai Wushuang still thinks too simple.

   Both she and Fu Yunfei understand that this is a very important laboratory.

  Fu Yunfei valued the results of this laboratory, but Bai Wushuang valued the novelty of this laboratory and the effect of exercising his abilities.

  Neither of us know that the graphene laboratory is a Nobel Prize in Physics laboratory!

   Its success can directly make the host become the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics!

   There is no Nobel Prize in Physics in China so far!

   And the entire laboratory has naturally become a laboratory for the Nobel Prize in Physics-this is international!

   One can imagine what kind of glory everyone inside will get.

   It must be a little bit ambiguous to describe it as a person who can be ascended to heaven.

   But it actually means that.

   Even if it’s just a postgraduate student, when going out to find a job, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can write on his resume that he participated in the first Nobel Prize in Physics project in China.

   With such a qualification, I dare not say anything about an annual salary of 1 million. At least it is more than enough to find a stable teaching and research job in the school.

   and it’s a university.

   High school, junior high school or something, don’t come all.

   These are just graduate coolies.

   If those people are truly capable, wouldn’t they take this opportunity to become a dragon and have a broader world?

   Think about it, with such great benefits, how could Shen Huan not try to make his own people cheap?

   Of course he has no one in this aspect.

  The only acquaintance is Bai Wushuang.

   But it doesn’t matter.

   Shen Huan still has so many friends and his own teachers. Ask them if they have good candidates. Isn’t it good for Shen Huan to hand in hand with these people?

   When the results come out, not only will they benefit themselves, but these relatives and friends, who doesn't praise Shen Huan for his benevolence?

   When the time comes, everyone's relationship will naturally become closer.

  Shen Huan's such a smooth favor makes it more meaningful.


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