I Know Everything

Chapter 1055: Visit the sick and wounded

     Xin Changkong had a car accident!

   This news occupies a meager hot topic on the homepage for the first time.

   For a time, hundreds of people uploaded photos of the scene of the car accident, including photos of Xin Changkong being taken to the hospital for treatment.

   They almost took a picture of Xin Changkong lying on the hospital bed.

   But this is the case, these photos and information still make people breathe.

   The top of the BMW 5 Series opened by Xin Changkong, lost half of his head, and both sides were hit deeply and recessed, and the rear trunk was hit directly into it.

   In such a situation, he can save his life and go to the rescue. It can only be said that Xin Changkong's life is good!

The police immediately mobilized the monitoring route and discovered that it was because Xin Changkong's car was driving crookedly and unknowingly drove into another lane. As a result, there happened to be a vehicle that was merged in advance and the off-road vehicle directly hit the BMW. The side front of the car.

   Then the BMW car was hit on the other side, then hit by a car behind, and flew directly into the barrier.

   An hour later, while Xin Changkong was still treating, the police announced the results of the investigation.

   They checked Xin Changkong's blood, and they didn't find any drinking or smoking reaction. The preliminary judgment should be excessive fatigue or distraction.

   This is to wash away Xin Changkong's suspicion for a while.

   After all, there are a lot of people in the entertainment industry who do this thing. They are all superficial people who are actually ugly.

   Wang Qing's family of three also saw the news for the first time.

   They are the first people to know the reason except Xin Changkong.

   Wang Qing watched the news report, even squeezed his hands tightly, his nails were about to bleed, but he still didn't move at all.

   The prince's father and the queen's mother both wanted to say a few words, but seeing that their daughter's state was unstable again, they could only shut up quickly.

   From the outside, there are many people who want to visit Xin Changkong.

   The crew of "Han Zhu Ge Ge 2", who had just finished filming and disbanded, all ran over to visit.

The little princess Yang Kaixin was in Huajing. She was the first to come. After she came out, she looked relaxed and told everyone that Xin Changkong was not a major problem, that is, minor concussions, broken thighs, broken arms, and multiple cartilage tissues. For bruises, it will take about one or two months of training.

   Buyiyi is now attending the Berlin Film Festival in Berlin, and she also entrusted Yang Kaixin to offer condolences.

   It is not just Yang Kaixin. After many people came out, they conveyed the opinions of doctors, and the Internet gradually calmed down.

   But many people who want to flatter, still want to come over to show their concern, what if Director Xin remembers this favor?

   When Shen Huan arrived at the hospital the next day, he saw a group of people surrounded by his ward.

   These people are quite orderly. After one person enters, the rest are waiting, and they don't go in in a swarm.

   saw Shen Huan, they hurriedly said hello.

   "Teacher Lu!"

   "Huan Ye!"

   Shen Huan nodded slightly and looked at the time, "How long shall I wait?"

"Hey, look at what you said, how could you be like us?" A long-haired man laughed, "After Lao Xiao comes out, you can go directly in. We have nothing to do, wait a while, it doesn’t matter. ."

   "Thank you!"

   Shen Huan smiled, and sat on the stool beside him calmly.

   These men and women wanted to say a few words to Shen Huan, but if Shen Huan took a break, they were not good to bother.

   Then there is that their status is too far from that of Shen Huan, they can't say anything if they say it rashly.

   Did they still hope that after such a conversation, Shen Huan appointed them to be the main actors in Fengxiang Film and Television's works?

Stop dreaming!

   You are not Han Donger, and you are not Buyiyi. Why do you want such treatment?

   Looking at the great **** here but unable to worship, it really made this group of people anxious and entangled.

   It didn’t take long for the long-haired man to call Shen Huan: "Mr. Lu, you can go in now."

   Shen Huan opened his eyes, and walked into the ward without hesitation.

   Xin Changkong's treatment is not bad, and a single room is arranged.

   He closed his eyes and wanted to take a break, but when he saw that it was Shen Huan, he squeezed out a smile, "Boss!"

   Shen Huan looked at him with gauze wrapped around his head and hands and wanted to sit up, and waved quickly, "Don't move!"

   Xin Changkong smiled bitterly, "I am like this, I can make you laugh!"

"Let's talk, what's the matter?" Shen Huan sat beside him, "You haven't drunk alcohol, have you taken drugs, how can you get this way? You can't ask why you are happy, you can always tell me Right?"

   Xin Changkong and Shen Huan are still very familiar.

   When Shen Huan selected him to film "Returning the Pearl" the year before, he told Shen Huan that he wanted to make up for his mistake.

   Now this matter happened to be related to Wang Qing, so he just said it directly.

   Shen Huan was amused again, and shook his head, "Old Xin, you are too horny! You know this is not a thing overnight, what are you doing so eagerly? It's totally confusing yourself!"

"Yeah." Xin Changkong also reacted at this time, "I should move her unyieldingly, instead of failing all of a sudden, so suffering from gains and losses, at a loss... If I become a vegetable because of a car accident, Wouldn’t it be over for a lifetime? Not only did I have no chance to make up for my mistakes, but I couldn’t take care of myself.”

   "It's good if you understand!" Shen Huan said, "After that, hire a driver so that it is convenient for you."


   Xin Changkong nodded.

   He also has this meaning.

Shen Huan stood up, took out two small bottles from his pocket and placed them next to Xin Changkong’s pillow. "One is called Gubendan. You can eat one for three days. One bone injury can be almost healed... Another one is called Yingyue Ointment. Rub it on your wound so that there will be no scars and whitening."

   Xin Changkong was taken aback, "Where did this medicine come from? Is it really so effective?"

"I made it by myself. It worked or not. You will know if you try it yourself." Shen Huan said, "Remember, don't tell the outside, and don't be seen by others... These two ointments are very troublesome in the process. Get it casually."


   Xin Changkong grinned, "Thank you, boss!"

"You hurry up to recover from the injury, and go back early to deal with the company's affairs, is a good way to thank me." Shen Huan waved, "Remember, don't be too impatient! As long as you have regrets, as long as you continue to be able to Success, then one day, she will forgive you!"

"I know!"

   Xin Changkong said seriously.

When    was speaking, his eyes looked at the two vials beside him.

  If these two plasters are useful...

   In front of his eyes, Wang Qing's haggard and heartbreaking face appeared again.


   kneel begging to subscribe, you'd better order all~~~


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