I Know Everything

Chapter 1056: Anecdote

     The awards ceremony of the Berlin International Film Festival came under the attention of everyone.

   The entire award ceremony was broadcasted by Chinese TV stations.

   Shanhai.com and Youyi.com even have their own camera lenses.

  The reason, of course, is that "The Story of Xiao Ba" once again represents China's expedition.

   This time, "The Story of Xiao Ba" won the five biggest award nominations in one go, namely Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Screenplay.

   basically everything that can be covered is included.

   There are still many people who have been strongly protesting, saying why there is no special performance award for animals?

   For example, Xiao Ba in "The Story of Xiao Ba" is pretty good. Is there anything wrong with selecting a best supporting role?

   The organizing committee really responded.

   said that they are actively considering and may add this award in the future.

   After all, the Berlin Film Festival even dare to be selected for the "Best Calcium Film" award. What are the trivial animal awards?

   The awards ceremony was basically not a big surprise.

  It should be said that Germans don’t like to play dramas with big reversals and different endings. Basically, whatever is popular, you can get awards.

   Of course, they will not ignore "The Story of Xiao Ba", which scored 8.7 points by the critics.

   represents the Golden Bear Award for the best film award, which was awarded to the "Little Eight Story".

   However, the award for best actor went to Jackie Phoenix of "The Joker". His interpretation of the neurotic clown is indeed more in line with the taste of the judges.

   Although Guo Hang’s performance is good, the protagonist of this kind of warm movie has never been a popular candidate for awards.

   But the award for best director and best screenwriter is still in the pocket of "The Story of Xiao Ba".

   No matter how unwilling others are, the crew of "Little Eight Story" is still the biggest winner.

   In contrast, the crew of "Joker" is a bit bleak.

   not only did not have the Golden Bear Award, but even the best screenwriter and best director lost, and they lost to their investors-Shen Huan and his films.

   Fortunately, they didn't know that Chu Liuxiang was Shen Huan, otherwise his heart would be even more depressed.

   This is also nonsense.

   Yanhuang Films has learned from Shanhai.com's experience.

   30 million US dollars in various public relations and publicity expenses are definitely not in vain.

   The crew of "Joker" does not have Shen Huan's support, what public relations can there be?

   Can Warner Bros. give you?


  Since you didn’t follow Shen Huan’s intentions and had to squeeze with "The Story of Xiao Ba", then this is what Shen Huan teaches you!

   Jacques Phoenix from "Joker" performed really well. It is a movie invested by Shen Huan, otherwise Yanhuang Pictures would dare to drop another 10 million dollars and directly grab the leading actor.

  In the European film scene, for the judges, there is no use of morality.

   is still the most affectionate of the green dollar, not to mention the performance of Guo Hang is also remarkable.

   When the news came out, the domestic Internet was full of joy.

   even the largest national network has posted combined posts, let alone ordinary netizens.

   Everyone has never doubted Chu Liuxiang's success.

   Zhu Mei has won three international director awards for the two films "The Gift of Room Seven" and "Little Eight's Story". This is really enviable and hateful.

   That night, many people even took out the title of "China's No. 1 Director" and snapped it on Zhu Mei's head.

   Fortunately, Zhu Mei is more sober herself, just saying that she is an "ordinary film worker", and she has absolutely no meaning of being overwhelmed.

   Even the old man Hao He has never recognized and was proud of his well-deserved number one director. How could the younger Zhu Mei do it?

   There is also an episode in this.

   was said by the jury itself.

  The best actress of the Berlin Film Festival is French actress Anna Belle, but the second, third and fourth places are all Chinese.

   are Yang Shu and Chen Qian from "The Story of Xiao Ba", and Bu Yiyi from "The Clown".

   Among them, Yang Shu and Annabelle were the winners in the final round.

  The reason is certainly not that Yang Shu's acting is better than Anna Bayer.

  Annabelle is a well-known French actress. At the age of 43, she has appeared in more than 20 movies and her acting skills are already perfect.

   The reason why Yang Shu reached the final round with Annabelle was purely because the two female judges loved her deeply.

   They have liked Yang Shu very much since they watched "The Gift of Room No. 7".

   This time Yang Shu came to Berlin, and they invited Yang Shu to dinner together, treating her as a daughter.

   You have to know that women do not need logic to do things, they like a person, and they also don’t need reason.

   "The Story of Xiao Ba" seriously, it should not be reported to the two heroines, because its absolute protagonist is actually a dog.

   Even the nomination of Guo Hang's actor is not so appropriate.

  The people of Ke Yanhuang Films wanted to report all the awards, so when the two movie queens both appeared, they simply reported them all.

   Anyway, if you swipe it off, you can swipe it off, and there is no loss.

   As a result, the two female judges certainly agreed with this approach, and kept Yang Shu into the final round.

   But in the end they were still no match for the other judges, so Yang Shu lost the competition.

   Such a process, placed in the country, will definitely be criticized for abusing one's own authority.

   can go abroad, that is the representative of romance and personal character.

   The two female judges have never felt ashamed, but UU reading www.uukanshu.com felt that they did not give enough respect to the excellent young queens.

   This statement has made many dog ​​lovers agree.

   Because Yanhuang Pictures is in the publicity photos, there are many photos of Yang Shu and Xiao Ba. That way, many people are cute.

  Especially everyone knows that after the filming was over, it was Yang Shu who adopted Xiaoba, and Xiaoba followed Yang Shu.

   Aiwu and Wuxia, how come they don’t support Yang Shu?

   Xiao Ba can't win a prize, and its owner can be compensated if he wins the prize!

   Shen Huan said that he was speechless.

   But when thinking of the selection process and inside stories abroad, Shen Huan also expressed understanding.

   These are the three major European awards. Together, they are the most important reason why they are no better than Oscars!

   They are too straightforward, too personal and emotional, not too professional.

Of course.

   If this time the best actress award is given to Yang Shu, it would not be a good thing for the little girl.

   will instead give her some bad names, which will hinder her future development!

   is not coordinated, but it is a very serious problem!


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