I Know Everything

Chapter 1072: Well-intentioned hard work

In the      vegetable market, Qi Wenfang has looked back for the second time.

   In the past two days, she always felt that someone was staring at her behind her back, but she never found anyone.

   She laughed at herself all the time, whether she had been with her daughter for too long, so she almost became crazy too.

   Although Qi Wenfang does not want to admit it, the fact that his daughter Wang Qing has been depressed for ten years is a fact.

   Wang Qing’s depression is definitely not the kind of death-to-living, but the whole child's depression, unwilling to do anything at all, just like being stupid.

   But this time is different, because the **** Xin Changkong has suddenly become hot again in the past two years, so he can often be seen on TV. Although his daughter is sad, at least various emotions have gradually increased.

   Especially last month, Xin Changkong didn't know where he got the news. He came to the door to make amends for his daughter. After the daughter cried so silently, the whole person became a little angry.

   Originally, Qi Wenfang and the old man were still worried about whether Wang Qing would be irritated to make his condition more serious, so those days can be said to be inseparable.

  Facts have proved that Wang Qing is really better...this feeling can only be felt by the parents of Qi Wenfang and Wang Benliang.

   However, my daughter has also begun to follow Xin Changkong’s news.

   Well, that's the **** who was hit by a car when he went out.

   Although Qi Wenfang also thinks he is a little bit pitiful, it is not worth mentioning compared to the sufferings his daughter has suffered in the past ten years.

   Therefore, only after that moment, Qi Wenfang left Xin Changkong behind and took care of her daughter intently.

   In the past two days, she is still discussing with Wang Benliang whether or not to go abroad to go to Thailand to play a circle, so as to make her daughter feel better.

   If you want to go to Thailand, you have to prepare a lot...

  Thinking about the matter, Qi Wenfang suddenly bumped into someone.

   No, not alone.

   is a wheelchair.

   Qi Wenfang was unsteady and almost fell directly on the person in the wheelchair.

   But this is the case, all the vegetables in her hand are also pressed up.

   "Ah, ah, I'm sorry, don't you..." Qi Wenfang quickly stood up straight, but the voice of apology stopped abruptly.


  Because Qi Wenfang can see clearly, who is blocking the person in the wheelchair in front of him, isn’t Xin Changkong?

   "Why are you here?" Qi Wenfang looked disgusted.

   Then she immediately woke up, "I said, how come I feel like someone is following me these days, is it you? What do you want to do? I'm going to call the police!"

   "No, no, auntie!" Xin Changkong smiled bitterly, "What can I do to you? I can't stand up yet!"

   Qi Wenfang thought about it too.

   But she still did not relax her vigilance, "I can tell you, don't come to Wang Qing anymore! Now that you have a good time, what kind of woman can't you find? Don't harm my daughter again, you know!?"

   "Auntie, I really love Xiaoqing, and I want to make up for my fault. I have no other meaning." Xin Changkong said bitterly.

   "What do you think is your business, but I don't want to!" Qi Wenfang angrily scolded, "Did you make her not enough for these years?"

   "Yes, it's my fault..."

Xin Changkong was very sincere, and took out two small bottles. "Auntie, this is the special medicine I found for Xiaoqing. One is applied to the face and the other is for food. Just take one for three days. Okay, it's great for the body."

   "What? I don't want it!" Qi Wenfang didn't answer.

"Auntie, this is really a good thing!" Xin Changkong was anxious, and pulled up his sleeves directly, "Here, look, I have such a big and long scar here. After only rubbing for three days, it has recovered. Mostly..."

   Qi Wenfang looked at the long wound that was wiped out by steel. It was indeed a bit shocking, but fortunately, it was more closed and it looked less scary.

   "Since it works, why don't you continue to use it?" Qi Wenfang asked strangely.

"Isn't this thinking of Xiaoqing." Xin Changkong smiled honestly, "This medicine is only a small bottle. What do I use for such a man? That day, I looked so haggard on Xiaoqing's face and wrinkles in the corners of her eyes. I feel distressed, so I left it for her to see if it works."

   "You didn't kill you yet?" Qi Wenfang scolded him.

   shouted so, several people nearby looked over.

   Xin Changkong did not feel embarrassed at all, "Yes, it is my fault! But since there is a mistake, you give me a chance to remedy it!"


   Qi Wenfang wanted to turn around while holding his own dishes.

   Xin Changkong quickly grabbed her, "Auntie, these two bottles of medicine... Take it!"

   Qi Wenfang shook his head and said, "No! Who knows if you are true or not?"

   "If you are not worried, you can use it yourself." Xin Changkong's brains turned quickly, "but don't use too much...I really don't have such a precious thing!"

   "You actually used me as a test drug!"

   Qi Wenfang sneered.

   But looking at the scar on Xin Changkong's hand, she hesitated again.

   Xin Changkong is right, and her daughter has been aging and haggard all these years.

   What Xin Changkong saw that day was only the surface. In fact, her daughter's hair loss was also very serious, and her mental state was unstable again. It was really pitiful.

   She is unwilling to ask her to go out and turn around on weekdays, UU reading www. uukanshu. com because she thinks she is ugly and ugly, shameless.

   If Xin Changkong's two medicines are really useful, then I might as well let my daughter try.

  Who wouldn't want his daughter to be beautiful and then in good health?

   Anyway, Xin Changkong didn't dare to mess around. What kind of medicine was used to harm his daughter!

   Xin Changkong's social experience is much richer than Qi Wenfang.

When he saw this, he half-forced the two small bottles into Qi Wenfang's pocket, "Auntie, take it! Look at it, it must have an effect! By the way, this ointment is best applied at night before going to bed, and it can help. What about sleep...Don’t tell Xiaoqing, this is from me, otherwise she will definitely not use it!"

"Aren't you nonsense?" Qi Wenfang gave him a blank look. "Well, it's because you are so poor. I'll take it back and try it... I'll say it first, even if it's useful, don't you Thinking of doing meritorious service to redeem your sins or something! Your sins will never be cleared away for a lifetime!"

   "Yes, yes, I know I know... Auntie, go slowly!"

   Xin Changkong was small for a while, watching Qi Wenfang leave, and then let out a long breath.

   Boss, boss!

   The magic medicine you gave must work!

   Otherwise, I wasted so many days of holding back the pain, but I have been using my heart without medicine!


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