I Know Everything

Chapter 1073: Miraculous effect

     Wang Qing was so bitter by Xin Changkong, of course Qi Wenfang could not trust him unconditionally.

   So when he returned home, Wang Qing took a pill that night and applied a thin layer of Yingyue Ointment on his face when he went to bed at night.

It is impossible for Qi Wenfang to know the effect of    pills or something, but when Yingyue Ointment was applied to his face, Qi Wenfang immediately felt it.

   not only has a faint fragrance, it feels very comfortable on the face, and even the air I breathe becomes full of the breath of nature.

   Not long after, Qi Wenfang fell asleep sweetly.

   When Qi Wenfang woke up the next morning, he felt that he was full of heat, he felt very powerful, and he had a lot of energy.

  While eating, the old man Wang Benliang asked her, "What skin care product did you use last night? I smell it so good, and you fall asleep so fast, it’s not like before!"

   Women’s sleep is inherently bad, especially when they are older.

   Qi Wenfang is worried about her daughter and has been depressed for many years. Natural sleep is impossible.

   After listening to this, she just remembered, as if she fell asleep without much effort.

  Qi Wenfang, who had thought about it, asked her husband again, "Old man, look at my face. Is there any change?"

   "It's still the same face. After decades, can it suddenly become younger?" Wang Benliang couldn't help but smile, "I can...Huh?"

   He was suddenly surprised, one hand directly touched the corner of his wife's eye, "The wrinkles on the corner of your eye are obviously reduced. Are you going for beauty treatment?"

   "I'll be a beauty for a fart!" Qi Wenfang was in a good mood, and asked her daughter who has been eating silently and not talking, "Xiao Qing, do you see if the bags under your eyes have also become smaller?"

   Wang Qing raised his head, then nodded: "It's a little change."

   "That's great!" Qi Wenfang clapped his hands, "Hurry up and eat. After eating, my mother will give you a gift. I'm sure you like it!"


   Wang Qing nodded and agreed, but in fact she didn't have much emotion.

   But after breakfast, Qi Wenfang took out the two small bottles and put them in front of her, she was surprised.

   "Really, how could mother lie to you?" Qi Wenfang promised, "You have seen the effect of mom's use, absolutely correct!"

   "But..." Wang Qing still hesitated.

"It's nothing, don't you want your hair to grow back, and then your face will be moisturized?" Qi Wenfang said, "You are only 32 years old, how can you be like this for the rest of your life? There are a lot of good The days are waiting for you! Nothing else, no one else will look at you with strange eyes when you go out, right?"

   These last words touched Wang Qing's heart.

   After suffering from mental depression, Wang Qing cares too much about the eyes of outsiders.

   As soon as I left the house, I felt that everyone was watching her and making fun of her.

   If her hair can increase, wrinkles are reduced, and her skin becomes better, she will naturally have more confidence when she goes out.

  Wang Qing herself doesn't like going out, but for her sake, her parents would drag her out for a walk from time to time.

   In order to live up to the kindness of his parents, Wang Qing thought for a while, but agreed, "Okay, I use it!"

   As a result, she couldn't stop using it like this.

   Not to mention the daily Yingyue ointment applied in the morning and evening, Gubendan is also eaten once every three days.

   Just a week later, her face changed drastically.

Wang Qing’s face is like a girl in her 20s, tender and tender, taking out her 20-year-old photo, except for a slightly gloomy temperament, her appearance is not bad at all, and she is more attractive .

   Although the hair hasn't grown a lot, it doesn't fall anymore. Sometimes Wang Qing can feel the itching of the scalp. It is obvious that the hair has begun to emerge.

What makes Wang Qing most happy is that she has suffered from severe insomnia for so many years. On the first day she applied Yingyue Ointment like her mother, she was able to fall asleep quickly and peacefully, sleeping for 8 hours before getting up. .

   One day may be said to be a coincidence, but for a week in a row, it is really amazing.

   When I went out yesterday, a young man from the same community came up with courage and wanted to invite Wang Qing to watch a movie.

  Wang Qing asked him how old he was. The young man said that he was 25 and he must be older than Wang Qing.

  While Wang Qing laughed out loud, he told him that he was 32, and the stunned expression of the young man made Wang Qing laugh when he thought of it.


   These two small bottles of medicine and ointment have too much effect on me!

  Life has completely changed!

  , together with the feeling of depression, was firmly suppressed, and replaced by very energetic, and the energy was much better.

  Wang Qing helped his parents move things, and walked a distance of more than ten meters with thirty or fifty catties, without breathing.


   Wang Qing looked at the Yingyue Ointment, which was about to bottom out, and there were only 4 Guben Pills left, and he was unavoidably worried.

   "Mom, do you still have these two medicines?" Wang Qing found Qi Wenfang and asked.

   "It's gone." Qi Wenfang shook his head.

   "Then let's go buy it again?" Wang Qing suggested.

   Qi Wenfang looked at her daughter, her eyes tangled, "Daughter, there is nowhere to buy this thing."

   "What can I do!" Wang Qing sighed, "Pills can help me strengthen my body and nerves, and the plaster can reduce wrinkles, smooth my skin, and make a world of difference in sleep..."

   She didn't resent her mother, but she was a little flustered inexplicably.

   Qi Wenfang's mind is also ups and downs.

   Her daughter's changes in the past few days, she can see clearly.

   This is what she couldn't even think of when she was holding the two small bottles of Xin Changkong.

   She could hear her husband secretly crying even at night.

   cried with joy.

   Isn’t she?

  If my daughter keeps doing this, maybe within three to five months, she will be able to completely return to normal and return to a normal life again!


   If you want to get these two ointments, you have to find that guy.

   Would he use this to pester his daughter?

   Compared to her daughter's physical and mental health, Qi Wenfang feels that these are not important.

   Didn’t he say that he was making atonement?

   Then continue to atone for your sins until you pay for your sins!

   Thinking of this, Qi Wenfang suddenly became open-minded, "Daughter, mother will look for you again, maybe there will be gains."


   Wang Qing opened his eyes wide and looked at his mother with joy.

   "Hmm! Don't worry!" Qi Wenfang touched her face, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com "As long as you are good, mom is willing to pay any price!"

   "No, no." Wang Qing refused subconsciously, "Mom, if it's too expensive, don't buy it... I think I can actually use these enough..."

"Stupid girl, it's not expensive, it will take some effort if mom wants to find it." Qi Wenfang smiled, "You see my mom looks like such a stupid person, thousands or tens of thousands of things, I dare to buy things without knowing the effect. Did you come back to try it?"

   Wang Qing pondered, it really is such a thing.

   If the outside lied to say that these tens of thousands of ointments can cure diseases or beautify or something, Qi Wenfang would certainly not be so stupid to buy.

   There is not much money at home, Qi Wenfang dare not waste it.

   "Oh, if the price is right, you can buy some for yourself and my dad!" Wang Qing said, "You should have used it, and my dad~~You have worked hard all these years..."

   "No hard work, no hard work!!"

   Qi Wenfang heard her daughter say so, tears came out.

   My God!

  My daughter is like this, she is almost recovering!

   In order for her to return to normal, even if Xin Changkong is in Longtan Tiger's Den, she has to go for a break! !


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