I Know Everything

Chapter 1074: Boss, you are my father

     Xin Changkong has been living like years all this time.

   It's not because of his various pains during recovery, these are nothing.

   but he was waiting for news from Qi Wenfang.

   When Qi Wenfang went home that day, Xin Changkong sent her a text message, saying that it was his own phone number, and he could contact him at any time.

   He has both Qi Wenfang and Wang Benliang's phone numbers, and the little spy packaged and "sold" them to him last time.

   It has been a full 7 days, but Qi Wenfang did not call him a single call.

   This made Xin Changkong feel depressed for a while, wondering if the ointments and pills that Shen Huan gave him really worked.

   Or is it only effective for men, but not effective for women?


   This is a man who has fallen into a love panic. It is normal.

   So Xin Changkong, who lived like years, saw that the caller ID was Qi Wenfang's phone number, and he felt like he was overjoyed.

   "Auntie...Hello!" When Xin Changkong answered the call, try not to tremble in his voice.

   "Oh, hello." Qi Wenfang had nothing to say to him, and asked directly: "Are there any pills and ointments you gave me last time?"


   Xin Changkong lied without blinking, "I can still get... Auntie, Xiaoqing has used this ointment and pills, is the effect good?"

   Qi Wenfang felt relieved when he heard Xin Changkong said that he could still get it.

   So she was in the mood to answer Xin Changkong's question: "It's not bad, that's it... Well, when will you bring it to me!"

   "I'll be as soon as possible." Xin Changkong said without thinking.

   Of course he understands that if the effect is not particularly good, Qi Wenfang would definitely not be able to call himself.

   But since Qi Wenfang has said it, it proves to be very effective. It is especially good for Wang Qing! !

   At the thought of the sin he had committed, he already had a certain degree of compensation, and Xin Changkong felt a little bit to cry again.

   "Well, call me when you get it." Qi Wenfang hesitated for a while, and added: "It's best to get more, at least enough for a month."

   "Is it all used up before?" Xin Changkong asked subconsciously.

   "Yes, if you give so little, it is not enough." Qi Wenfang said.

   "Okay, I see, I will try to get more."

   After saying this, Qi Wenfang hung up the phone there.

   She didn't feel embarrassed, she didn't rely on her daughter to be overbearing here.

   It was Wang Qing’s illness, which was completely corrected by Xin Changkong. Now Xin Changkong is just atonement. Would she still be grateful?

   If it weren't for the **** of Xin Changkong, her daughter would find a boyfriend at random, and now she has married and established a family, with one, two or three children!

   Such a big sin, Xin Changkong wants to make up for it, it's too early!

   Xin Changkong also doesn't think Qi Wenfang is too much.

   He was just excited and happy.

   Because he can finally make some compensation to Wang Qing.

   Then Xin Changkong dialed Shen Huan's cell phone for the first time, "Boss, where are you? Can I come over and see you?"

   Shen Huan suddenly heard Xin Changkong say this, a bit inexplicable, "What's the matter?"

   "No, I just want to thank you for doing so much for my car accident." Xin Changkong respectfully said, "Are you in class now?"

   "I'm at home." Shen Huan replied smoothly.

   "Okay, then I'll come over right away!"

   Xin Changkong hung up the phone, and directly called his two assistants to the hospital, pushing his wheelchair, and trekking all the way to Youzuo Hutong.

   Seeing that Xin Changkong was still in a wheelchair and was carried in by someone, for a moment, Shen Huan wondered whether Gubendan had timeliness? What I gave him expired?

After entering, Xin Changkong waved his hand and asked the two assistants to close the door and wait outside. He pushed the wheel and raised his head shyly and said to Shen Huan, "Boss, I haven't seen you in just over two weeks. You are handsome again. Oh! Su Mo is much worse than you!"

   Shen Huan felt that something was wrong, "Have you taken the wrong medicine?"

"No, no." Xin Changkong smiled very sincerely, "Didn't I come to congratulate you? Our "The Gift of Room No. 7" has gained both fame and fortune. You and Teacher Chu are already big hits in the entertainment industry! After a while, the three major film and television giants in China will definitely become four!"

   "You wait a minute!"

   Shen Huan simply stopped, "I said Lao Xin, just say what you have! Such a way of speaking is completely different from you!"

   "Hey, the boss is really the boss, I can't hide anything from you." Xin Changkong scratched his head, "Then I said it?"

   "Let's talk!" Shen Huan said slightly, "But first tell me, what's the matter with your injury? The Gubendan I gave you, have you taken it on time?"

   Xin Changkong slapped his hands, "Why don't you say there is such a thing as a communion? This is what I want to tell you!"

   Shen Huan sat on the stone bench, raised his hand, motioned for him to say quickly.

"Isn't I injured because I went to find Xiaoqing?" Xin Changkong said, "The Gubendan and Yingyue Ointment you gave me, I only used it a few times, and I found out that they are really magical medicine. Ah! It is a waste of a man like me to use such precious ointments and pills!

   Xiaoqing, she was hit by a car because she was pregnant, and she was gloomy at home for so many years. Her health has been ill and her face is haggard. I feel distressed when I think about it.

   So I suddenly had an idea, thinking about Gubendan and Yingyue Ointment for her to use, will it also have a good effect? As a result, guess what? "

   Shen Huan glanced at him without a smile when he heard the words, and didn't bother to take care of this guy.

   Now, if he can't hear Xin Changkong's meaning, he is a fool.

Xin Changkong was not embarrassed when he saw this, he directly said again: "Haha! The effect is really great! Not only has Xiaoqing's body improved, the temperament on his face has also improved, and skin wrinkles have disappeared...I I'm so happy...oooooo..."

   Speaking of the scene he had fabricated, Xin Changkong also deliberately cried to himself. Such acting skills are indeed from a professional background in Shanghai opera.

But Shen Huan was not deceived by him, and said amusedly: "Are you here to tell me that Gubendan and Yingyue Ointment have been used up by your ex-girlfriend, and now you want to give her some more to redeem your merits? ?"

   "You are right!" Xin Changkong compared his thumb, and then showed a pitiful expression: "Boss, you should be able to fulfill me, right?"

   "Do you know that the better the effect, the harder it will be?" Shen Huan said, "Isn't it too easy to give it away, wouldn't it be cherished?"

"Who dares not to cherish? That's a fool!" Xin Changkong immediately said impassionedly: "I have to give Xiaoqing to Xiaoqing for the daily nerve pain. Isn't that the realization that they are the best panacea? The best? Of course you have to use the most cherished people, right, boss?"

   Seeing him look increasingly faceless, Shen Huan smiled unconsciously.

   Since Xin Changkong worked for Shen Huan, he has been diligent, and very attentive. Shen Huan uses it very smoothly.

   Otherwise, he wouldn't let Xin Changkong be the general manager, and gave him Yingyue Gao and Gubendan.

  Yingyue ointment and Gubendan are not the kind of panacea with very small output, but they are not available to everyone.

   For example, Qi Er Shao, would rather spend 10 million a bottle to buy, but still can’t get what he wants?

   Now that it involves him and his ex-girlfriend's important chance to reunite with each other, Shen Huan can certainly understand his feelings better.

   "Well, I'll give you another bottle." Shen Huan finally nodded.

   "That's great! Boss, you are so kind, UU reading www.uukānshu.com is my pro-dad!!!" Xin Changkong said with unbridled gratitude.

   "Go!" Shen Huan pointed directly at the door.

   "No, no, I was wrong!" Xin Changkong hurriedly pretended to be pitiful, "but boss, can you give me more? Two more bottles? I want to give her more!"

   "You fool!"

Shen Huan became speechless to him, "Give me one bottle at a time. Why don't I come to you next time when I use it up? How many times did you give it all at once, so how many times did you get in contact? How many times did you keep in touch with her? Wouldn't it be able to gradually get acquainted again?"


   Xin Changkong got excited, and suddenly he was enlightened, and almost knelt down to Shen Huan, "Boss... you are really my father!"

   Shen Huan didn't bother to scold him.

   This guy is completely irrational now, completely talking nonsense.

   But it can also be seen that Xin Changkong really cares about Wang Qing so much that he has completely influenced his emotions.

  Think about it, but Shen Huan didn't sympathize with him.

   deserve it!

   Didn’t you find all this by yourself?

   Knowing that there is today, why couldn't you control your waistband?


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