I Know Everything

Chapter 1075: Find a local restaurant

The natural advantage of      Huajing gave birth to a large number of occupations that were not available in other cities in ancient times.

  , for example, helping people.

   For example, various brokers.

   Of course, in fact, there are such people in various cities now.

   But when it comes to prosperity, it has to be counted as Huajing.

   It’s just that people are now advancing with the times. Brokers all know how to start a company, what is called a "consulting company", "solution company" and so on.

   Mr. Ke's youngest son, Ke Shu, opened such a "Koshi Consulting Company".

   After all, he is an old Huajing man. Ke Shu went everywhere to help lead the needles and naturally accumulated a lot of contacts.

   Therefore, his most important job every day is to have tea and chat with a group of bosses, and everyone is amused.

   Being a broker also requires the ability and characteristics.

  The characteristics of this person is that he is very cheerful and generous, and he is definitely not deceiving, and his mouth is not particularly oily.

   Even if he is unsuccessful in doing business, he can't force you into the game.

   This is very popular with wealthy businessmen from other places.

   Among Huajing’s brokers, there are too many shameless people, and they often deceive others into dumbfounding.

   You have to say that bankruptcy is unlikely, but you will suffer a loss or something, that’s for sure.

   Therefore, in this circle, a good reputation is very important.

   Of course, although Ke Shu has a good reputation, he doesn't make much money.


   Because his own resources are not enough.

   Look at that so and so. Although his hands and feet are dirty, he often speaks loudly and cheats others, but countless rich people still flock to him. Why?

   is very simple.

   His brother-in-law’s cousin is xxx, **** is the grandson of xx! !

   So some people are born to make money. Although Ke Shu admires it, he can't.

  He can only do his own things by himself.

   Although he can't be a billionaire, he earns millions of dollars every year, he has all kinds of contacts, and his little life is very moist.

   Because of his comfortable life, Ke Shu lives as a bachelor by himself, and has not considered finding a regular girlfriend to get married.

   There are already several third generations in the family anyway, and neither the father nor the mother have any intention of persecuting him.

   This morning, Ke Shu got up from a little model. After a comfortable breakfast, he went to play golf with a rich man from Eastern Guangdong.

   I don’t know how, although Ke Shu understands that the four girls in the private kitchen are absolutely impossible for him to blame, but they have always been in my mind recently.

   made him subconsciously choose those with similar characteristics when choosing playmates, but he felt that something was wrong every time.

   Ke Shu thinks that this may be because he should find a more beautiful student to train well, and gradually talk about marriage.

   At the golf course, the rich man from Eastern Guangdong and a few friends have already started to play.

   Ke Shu can also play a little golf, but he can't play well.

   But because of his bad performance, Ke Shu can become the bottom and make several bosses happy, so his existence is necessary.

   took the caddy in the caddy's hand, Ke Shu waved vigorously, and with a "pop", the ball flew into the distance.

   "Oh, Shuzi, your skills have improved a lot recently!" The fat rich man named Li Rencheng from eastern Guangdong said with a grin.

   "Isn't that? I practiced recently!" Ke Shu also smiled and replied.

   Although the two talked and laughed, but during the whole playing process, Ke Shu felt that Li Rencheng had something to do.

After playing a game, everyone sat under the green shade to rest. Suddenly Li Rencheng sighed, "You guys, why is eating such a trivial matter as a big headache in the city of Nanjing? "

Ke Shu was slightly surprised, and someone next to him asked, "Li Sheng, what are you worried about? The eight buildings and eight residences of Huajing, isn’t it enough for you to find something to eat? There are dozens of large and small five-star hotels. There are super chefs in every hotel restaurant!"

   "It's useless."

   Li Rencheng shook his head.

"Is it impossible?" As a Huajing native, Ke Shu disagrees a bit. "Li Sheng, tell me what you want to eat, I'm sure I can find it for you! Even if you can't find it, it will be airlifted You can buy something alive and make it right away!"

"It's not what I want to eat, it's one of my...a partner!" Li Rencheng said, "His hometown is in Shanghai, and he has gone to Europe to work hard with his ancestors since he was a child. Now his business there is very big and his assets Both exceeded 10 billion U.S. dollars.

   This time he returned to China with several projects, and I wondered if I could find a chance to contact him. As a result, many people know that this person likes to eat local dishes.

   Wherever we Chinese people are, the relationship has been opened up at the dinner table, can we not discuss business? So I was thinking about finding him a good local restaurant. "


   Ke Shu smiled, "You said it earlier! Our top ten restaurants in Huajing are all famous, and all the chefs from Shanghai and the sea are here! Make sure he is satisfied!"

   "No." Li Rencheng shook his head, "I've inquired about everything you know. In fact, when I returned to China this time, I spent a few days eating these all over, but I almost vomited!"

   "Is eating too much?" a person asked.

  "No, it was unpalatable~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Rencheng said, "He said, they don't have the taste that he ate when he was a child, they are all too commercial, and they don't have the connotation of their own dishes. "

"This is more troublesome." Another person shook his head, "The dishes are delicious or not, it depends on his own taste. Maybe he will find it delicious in a small restaurant... But the key is the size. There are thousands of restaurants, how can we try them one by one?"

   "That's it!"

   Li Rencheng sighed, "It's really rushing to the street! Finally there is such a chance... I can't catch it!"

   "Then no one else caught it, everyone is the same." One person said smoothly.

   "Haha, you said that too!" Li Rencheng couldn't help laughing.

  Since he can't open the situation at the dinner table, then others must be no good, so everyone is still on the same starting line, and no one is ahead.

Ke Shu next to    was thoughtful at this time, "Li Sheng, didn't you find him private food?"

"Huajing's private kitchens are all set from the Imperial Dining Room, which is not in line with the tastes of Shanghai people." Li Rencheng shook his head directly, "I see, is it going to go to Shanghai to find a real teacher? , Come and make him a table!"

   "This is not necessarily true."

   Ke Shu stood up, "Wait a moment, I'll make a call first."


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