I Know Everything

Chapter 1091: The private restaurant that started to lively

     "The Story of Xiao Ba" got good box office results, Qi Yiwen became active.

   On Sunday evening, Qi Yiwen invited the entire crew to a celebration dinner.

  Of course, it includes the invitation of Shen Huan.

   But Shen Huan did not go.

   It’s not that Shen Huan knew that Qi Yiwen was going to talk about Gubendan, but it happened that this morning, the four shopkeepers of the private kitchen had an appointment with Shen Huan for dinner.

   There are four school Miss Hua on one side, and a group of messy people on the other. Of course, Shen Huan chose a closer and cleaner school. Miss Hua’s appointment.

   I cooked a table of Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine last night.

   is a group of rich people from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

   happened to be Shen Huan's hometown, so Shen Huan had a more precise grasp of dishes and taste.

   The final dish that Shen Huan gave them is the bastard!

   The **** raised for two weeks not only grow a bit bigger in appearance, but also taste different from the farmed ones.

   There is even a bigger advantage...

   "You said that boss Zhuo is disgusting? He actually posted such a message in the circle of friends!" Long Yuqing despised while eating.

   The three girls beside them smiled reddishly.

   Boss Zhuo, who was the host of the treat yesterday, posted a message in the circle of friends this morning.

   "The real wild bastard! Too nourishing! I picked three of them last night and killed them crying father and mother, but I got up this morning so refreshed... so cool!"

   This news was turned over by Ke Shu who had added Long Yuqing's micro-chat, making Long Yuqing a little bit to curse immediately.

   She also knew that Ke Shu had no other meaning, but this feeling was unspeakable.

   "Men, aren't they all like this?" Shen Huan said in passing, "Boss Zhuo is in his 40s, and he can perform such vigorous performance. If he doesn't brag, is he still a man?"


  Xu Qiao gave Shen Huan a white look, "You men! Whenever you talk about this, you can get energized~~"

   "If men don't talk about women, and they talk about men, you will feel happy?" Shen Huan asked.

   "Bah, baah~~"

   Four schools. Ms. Hua is also a college girl, of course she knows what Shen Huan is talking about, she feels sick.

   "So, this is good." Shen Huan said with a smile, "When they are happy, won't our business get better?"

   "What's the use of good business? You are going to the U.S. again soon." An Nianchun frowned.

   Since Boss Zhuo posted the Moments of Friends, just a few hours this morning, there was an endless stream of people who came to set the banquet in September.

   was booked up very quickly even in November.

   If it weren't for Long Yuqing's worries about any accidents, they would even make arrangements for the banquets in December and January.

   more than half of those who set a banquet require that there must be wild bastards.

   This is the main reason Long Yuqing and the others complained just now.

   There are four schools. Ms. Hua is even more unhappy, that is, Shen Huan has to leave Huajing for the United States again.

   I originally thought that having such a sweet and sweet college life for four years can further increase the relationship, and then it will be more and more logical to marry Shen Huan.

   But I did not expect that Shen Huan played basketball for two months last year. Not only will he go this year, but he will also have to go to Europe and the United States for two more months of advertising and commercial promotion. When Shen Huan returns, it will be the end of August.

   How come they don’t feel sad?

"What's so sad about this?" Shen Huan patted An Nianchun's hand, "We are less than 20 years old and our youth hasn't started yet. When I've been busy with this time, I will spend time with you. Let's go to Riben hot springs together in winter!"

   "You said it!"

   Lei Chushuang's eyes suddenly brightened.


   Shen Huan smiled.

   "Then five of us!" Long Yuqing said enthusiastically, "Let's book the air tickets quietly, and go as soon as the holiday is off, and then we can go back in time for the winter vacation... so they won't know!"

   A few of them, they are naturally talking about the remaining 6 schools. Ms. Hua.

   Although everyone’s relationship is very close, and they have already agreed to advance and retreat together, there is still a little difference after all.

   Besides, now that none of the four of them are done, how can they care for others?

  Only when they are safe on their own, will they help the remaining sisters and sisters.

   That is, the four of them didn't know that Di Xiaoling and Li Miao had already stolen them.

   Otherwise, the four Miss Hua Ms. Hua will be angrily and directly push Shen Huan back instead of being so shy and difficult to start.

  Shen Huan, a smart person, would not tell them so idiotically, this would cause a lot of conflicts.

   Shen Huan also agreed to the fact that what they proposed was only five people.

   "You choose the specific time and place." Shen Huan sent the task out.

"it is good!"

  Women are most interested in itinerary planning.

   They chatted and chatted at the dinner table.

   Shen Huan’s own thoughts turned to the private kitchen.

  Private kitchen itself is definitely profitable.

   Three tables in a row of private kitchens were ordered at 80,000 tables, and 30,000 tables of low-end private kitchens. They seemed to have not seen them.

   It is natural to think about it.

   If you open a table every day, someone might order a table of 30,000.

   But there is only one table a week, and it is intermittent. Which rich man who grabs a spot is willing to lose this face?

   You ate on the front foot, and someone was gossiping outside on the back foot.

   "Then **** has no money to pretend to be compared? Why is it so poor that you have to eat a table of 30,000?"

   If you say something like this, who can stand it?

   There is nothing wrong with being wronged. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but if it affects the judgment of your business partners on your strength, it will be a big trouble!

   Some businesses could have been successful, but in the end they gave it to others because they doubted your strength.

   Won't be wronged?

   Therefore, they have to order a table of 80,000, and a few pots of secret wine for 10,000 yuan!

   For example, boss Zhuo ordered 5 bottles yesterday, and everyone had a good time.

   As for the 30,000 table?

   Sorry, I don’t like it!

   In fact, if the effect of the spirit-gathering liquid is removed, and the labor of Shen Huan and the four Miss Xiaohua are removed, even if the rent is included, the cost of a table will not exceed 5,000 yuan.

   With drinks, a table of banquets can earn eighty to ninety thousand yuan or more. If you say this kind of business, which chef does not envy?

   But Shen Huan was not too happy.

   Making money on private kitchens is not his goal at all.

   The key is that the reputation of private kitchen is the first in Beijing!

  From the current stage, it is just the beginning.

   It is a long way to go if you want to accomplish your goals and get rewards from a good master!


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