I Know Everything

Chapter 1092: Gloomy Qi 2 Shao

     "The Story of Xiao Ba", won the first international award for Yanhuang Pictures-the Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear Award.

   This is a huge achievement for any film company.

   is just like Shanhaiwang.

   Three years ago, everyone was laughing at Shanhai.com, an outsider, who dared to enter the entertainment circle.

   Many big names give you money, but they are unwilling to pick up Shanhai.com's play for fear of ruining their reputation.

But when Zhu Mei used "Love Letter" and "Gift from Room No. 7" to bring Shanhai.com the awards of seven or eight international film festivals, especially "Gift from Room No. 7" won the Golden Lion Award and Guo Hang No one dared to despise Shanhaiwang after he and Yang Shu were both crowned kings.

   Shanhai.com was also accepted by the entertainment circle and regarded as his own.

   Yanhuang Films is a predator in the entertainment industry, but they have always lacked significant awards.

   Now that "The Story of Xiao Ba" has won the Golden Bear, one of the three major European awards, of course, Yanhuang Pictures is proud of it.

   And the box office of 225 million yuan in 3 days over the weekend is even more predictable. The domestic box office of "Little Eight Story" directly points to 1 billion, and the global box office directly points to 4 billion!

   If you can really reach this point and directly break the domestic and foreign box office records of "Tai囧" and "The Gift of Room No. 7", then Yanhuang Pictures will not be overstated for three consecutive days and three nights.

   However, Qi Yiwen, as the big boss, is not so happy.

   He is not unhappy either.

   My own company has achieved great success, it is a fool to be unhappy!

   But compared to my family's health, especially in terms of life span, these are trivial matters.

   Qi Er Shao is not hypocritical.

  You go and ask the Superman in the Li family, do you want to spend 10 billion dollars to buy a ten-year lifespan?

   He must do it.

   People are afraid of death, the richer they are, the more afraid of death.

  The richer people are, the more they want to spend their lives.

   This is all normal.

   It's just that Qi Yiwen is not thinking about himself, but his parents.

   Oh, yes, and big brother.

   After Shen Huan made a new Gubendan in February, didn't he give Qi Yiwen three bottles?

  I didn't leave a bottle of Qi Wen, but gave it to my father, mother and elder brother.

   What I didn't expect was that the eldest brother Qi Yixiu didn't use it for himself, but passed it to his parents.

   This way, each parent has 18 tablets. If you save a little, two years' worth is enough.

   Qi Yixiu didn't mention this to his younger brother, but Qi Aiguo told his younger son.

   "It's rare that you both have filial piety, and you don't need it by yourself. If you give it to your parents, it makes me happier than I earn hundreds of billions.

   It’s just that, Xiao Er, your brother is getting older. If he can take care of it now, he can support our family for at least 40 years.

   With your elder brother’s character, you, and your children and grandchildren, can all benefit from this...Do you know what Dad means? "

   Qi patriotic means, Qi Yiwen naturally understands.

   Isn’t it just asking yourself to ask Shen Huan for a bottle of solid pills for your brother to use?

   If he could get it, he would definitely not use it first, and he would give it to his eldest brother.

   Big brother can be so filial to his father and mother, it proves that he has not lost the best character in the fierce business war, and that is his dear brother.

   But the problem is that I can’t get it now.

   It was extremely difficult to get a bottle before, now Shen Huan has given 3 bottles, you go to ask for another bottle...Do you think Shen Huan is a wholesale store?

   It's better for Shen Huan to collect money and sell things, but the key point is that Shen Huan doesn't collect money. They are all sent, which makes it even more useless.

   Last night, Qi Yiwen hosted a banquet for the crew of "The Story of Xiao Ba" and specially invited Shen Huan, in fact, he wanted to be cheeky.

   As a result, Shen Huan's family didn't come at all.

   Some methods and ideas carefully planned by Qi Yiwen were completely lost.

   For a while, he wondered whether Shen Huan saw his thoughts, and in order to avoid embarrassment, he didn't want to come at all?

   Shen Huan’s unwillingness to come proves that he does not want to give it.

   This is a very simple and clear logic.

   So Qi Er Shao was in a particularly bad mood.

such a pity!


   I am not only thinking of my eldest brother, but also of myself!

   When I just got the Gubendan last year, I regained the bravery of invincible energy in my twenties. It was really memorable.

   But I didn’t eat a few and gave it to my dad. From then on, I never had a chance to show my bravery.

At the time of the Chinese New Year, two little stars who had just entered the industry pestered themselves. They did not hold them for a while. They picked two, but they couldn't settle down on the spot. They still slept the next day and ate a lot afterwards. The nourishing medicinal materials came back.

   The two little stars naturally didn't dare to come out and say anything, but Qi Er Shao was ashamed when he thought of it.

   Therefore, Qi Yiwen is even more looking forward to getting Shen Huan's solid pill.

   can get two more bottles is the best!

  Qi Er Shao carefully analyzed why Shen Huan would give himself 3 bottles of Consolidated Pill in February?

   The root cause should be Han Dong'er.

   Yanhuang Music has spent a huge price, holding Han Donger to the position of the third queen. These 3 bottles of Gubendan are thanks to Shen Huan.

   Money or something, Qi Er Shao doesn't care, but the problem is that there is no such opportunity anymore.

   There is no one else except Han Dong'er in contact with Shen Huan.

   Even with the current crew of "Little Eight's Gift", everyone is only working together once, and they may not be able to continue working together next time.

   After all, Shanhai.com is still watching.

   Shanhai.com has signed a 10-year contract with Teacher Chu Liuxiang, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com gave 1% of the shares, so the next time "When Happiness Comes Knock at the Door", Fengxiang Film and Television will not be produced on Shanhai.com. It must be a great disrespect.

   Not to mention taking 10,000 steps. Zhu Mei’s team continued to cooperate with Yanhuang Pictures. It was also an official business. It seemed that his own Yanhuang Films had gained more. Shen Huan didn’t need to take his own love.

   Think about what Shen Huan needs? what do you like?

   Shen Huan is at best that women have better fate, but there are no other shortcomings.

   He doesn't love money or power, and he doesn't like jewelry and antiques.

   From the bottom of his heart, Qi Yiwen still admires Shen Huan very much, thinking that he and Chu Liuxiang are both rare earthly talents and role models for many people.

   But it is because Shen Huan is too good and has no pursuit, so Qi Yiwen is not able to target it.


  God, you give me some pointers, how can Shen Huan send me two more bottles of Gubendan!

   Qi Er Shao prayed in his heart, and decided to go to the temple tomorrow to donate something.

   is also so that the Buddha can see his sincerity, so that his luck will burst.


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