I Know Everything

Chapter 1094: Shen Huan is in trouble

     Satiated with wine and rice, Ruan Jiahao bid farewell to Shinji Abe with a warm face, and agreed to see you when the treasure of the good country arrived.

   But when he got in the car, the hearty smile on Ruan Jiahao's face disappeared, replaced by a strange sneer.

  The confidant driver who drove saw Han Yu without realizing it, and subconsciously said: "Young Master, what are the Japanese people doing?"

"It's nothing."

   Ruan Jiahao didn't want to talk about it, but he was panicked if he didn't talk about it. Besides, the driver was an old man who had followed him for more than ten years, and his father was the one who helped the Ruan family. He was very reliable.

   Otherwise, the driver would not dare to ask about other people.

   So there was a pause, Ruan Jiahao said with a smile, "Shen Huan is going to be unlucky."


   Of course, the driver knew Ruan Jiahao and Shen Huan’s holiday, but he was very curious, “The Japanese people came to prepare for the antique exhibition. What does this have to do with Shen Huan? Did Shen Huan be challenged again?”

   "No." Ruan Jiahao shook his head, "Have you heard about the major events during the New Year's Day in Japan, about the fraud and theft of antiques."

"Of course I know, isn't this what you said when you chatted with them?" The driver has a good memory. "Just the three big collectors of Japanese benzene who came to the exchange meeting last time, two were given by the fake "Shu Dao" I cheated, and a home was stolen..."

   The theft of Abe Yushan’s house was of course a city full of ups and downs. Both Japanese and Chinese people know it.

   The fact that Shioji Kameda and Akira Odawara were deceived also came from the experts who identified them. ——They didn't want to say at first, but Naihe has really been donated by Shen Huan to the National Museum of China, so it is obvious that they have proved that their identification is fake.

   As a result, the appraisers on both sides said it at the same time, and they were both taken aback.

   There are still two same fakes?

   That even more shows that the ones sold are fake! !

   Although the specific price is hard to say, it is generally speculated that they have lost at least US$70 to 80 million.

   If these things are done by a group, it is normal to make a total of three to five billion US dollars after this trip.

  Because of the incident in Japanese benzene that can almost be faked as "Su Shishu Li Baishu Road Difficult", the National Museum also specially invited several calligraphers to come and appraise it.

   In the end, it was proved that what he had in his hand was indeed without any flaws, and it should be the genuine product exhibited by Shen Huan.

   They didn't doubt Shen Huan, but doubt whether they had been tuned up during the exhibition. The three paintings that appeared in the world were all fakes, and the genuine ones had long been hidden!

   involved in such a big incident, Ruan Jiahao talked about it when chatting with his friends, it was no surprise.

   "Well, this thing is too strange, so the Japanese people are like crazy dogs, looking for criminals everywhere." Ruan Jiahao said, "Now they should put the suspect target on Shen Huan again."


   The driver shook his head, "Shen Huan's face can be recognized even if it is a Westerner, let alone a Japanese person! Besides, whether he has entry and exit records, can this be known without checking it?"

   "Idiot, can't Shen Huan pretend to be?" Ruan Jiahao scolded.

   But instead, he nodded again, "They didn't find out what was suspicious about Shen Huan when they came here, otherwise it's not just a doubt, they want to test Shen Huan."

   "Speaking of which, they suspect that Shen Huan will cooperate with others and give them a set?" the driver said thoughtfully.

"It should be possible." Ruan Jiahao said, "From the very beginning, Shen Huan has laid out. When the Japanese side is interested, they will immediately send people to the Japanese side to do things! Otherwise, where is such a coincidence? How many did they go back? In just a few days, two pieces of copybooks can almost be produced as fake ones? With such a level of calligraphy, it is impossible for a calligrapher of this level to be able to copy two pieces continuously in three or five days."

   The driver nodded, "It seems reasonable."

"So, I put some eye drops on Shen Huan." Ruan Jiahao said, "I deliberately said that people like Shen Huan are a little bit evil, and they have the ability to see through jadeite... so that they will feel Shen Huan when they think about it. Huan is not a normal person, so he spends more energy on Shen Huan."

   "What if Shen Huan is not behind the scenes?" the driver asked.

"That's okay. I'm very happy if it will cause him a little trouble anyway." Ruan Jiahao sneered, "If it is found out by the Japanese...hehe, he will be ruined! No matter what the status of a great mathematician , Can't save him!"

   "You are so smart, young man, this is called killing with a knife!" The driver admired him very much.


   Ruan Jiahao couldn't help laughing, as if he had seen Shen Huan's unlucky appearance.


   On the side of Riben, when Ruan Jiahao left, two middle-aged Riben walked out of the small room next to him.

   "Do you think what Ruan Jiahao said is a bit grounded?" Shinji Abe asked them while drinking sake.

   One of the two is Kato Yasu, the butler of Kameda Joji, and the other is Shota Kunishita, the assistant of Odawara Akira.

   The three of them are specifically responsible for the work of hunting down and arresting thieves this time.

"I think it must have something to do with him, otherwise it can't be so coincidental." Guoxia Xiangtai said, "Apart from Shen Huan, who else can see this copybook up close and copy it? Don't tell me, they just Relying on taking pictures to restore, we can forge these two superb copybooks that we can't find any flaws now."

   "I think so too. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Kato nodded seriously.

"But how do you check Shen Huan?" Shinji Abe said, "This is China, and Shen Huan is also a national treasure of China. It is impossible to touch him... Moreover, we can't find out that Shen Huan has any entry and exit records. As long as it is not certain that he is related to that criminal gang, there is no way to seize his handle!"

   "Look at this time, will he take the bait!" Kunoshita Sho said viciously, "As long as he reveals a flaw, even if he pays a high price, our boss will retaliate severely!"

   "Naturally, so is my master." Kato Yasuzu said.

   The two of them who lost only 100 million US dollars were both gnashing their teeth there. Shinji Abe was reluctant to compare with them.

   stolen 37 treasures that can be called the national treasures of China and Japan. Although they will not completely bankrupt the Abe family, the injuries are absolute.

   The accumulation over the past 100 years has directly lost half of it!

   is not about quantity, but about the degree of quality!

   That hateful thief took almost all the portable national treasures he could take away! !

   For this reason, his father is still in bed and has not recovered!

   Only by catching the thief and recovering the baby, can he please his father! !


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