I Know Everything

Chapter 1095: do not worry

     One of the things that the three big collectors want to do most now is to find the man in his thirties with explosives.

   Although the Abe family didn't see the appearance of the thief, they just relied on the timing to be so coincidental that they subconsciously felt that they must be inseparable from this man.

   This is the only clue they can think of.

   Kameda Joji and Odawara Akira, not to mention, they will never forget this **** in their lives.

   With their descriptions, the two men and horses of Niben x White, all have the sketch of this man, including the feature of his not small belly, they are also painted vividly.

   I searched all over the country, but they did not find this person, even the surveillance of major airports and ports did not find this person.

   Riben does not have any ubiquitous monitoring. The only security is that there must be a monitored entry and exit port, but the thief in the portrait is not found, which makes everyone very confused.

   It's not that one day or two days, they searched for more than 2 months, and they didn't find any clues.

   Even if the whistleblower bonus was raised to 1 billion yen, there is no news.

   It’s not that people didn’t see this information. In February, all major TV stations and newspapers and magazines in Japan published the news, the characteristics of this person’s portrait, and so on.

   It stands to reason that even if there is a concealment of the relatives, people who have nothing to do with him can always see him and know a little information, right?

  1 billion yen and you don’t want you to kill and set people on fire. As long as you can provide relevant information, you can get it. Which idiot would not do such an easy money-making thing?

   As long as this person is still living in Japan, going out to buy things, and meeting with TV viewing staff, it is possible to reveal his identity.

   There was still no news, as if this person had appeared out of thin air.

   So it was not until March that they finally determined that this man who speaks fluent and authentic Japanese is not a Japanese man.

   is not a Japanese man, the range of the yellow race is too big.

   China has 1.5 billion people, Tai Chi has 50 million, and Southeast Asia has hundreds of millions.

   It is harder than finding a needle in a haystack to find a person among such two billion people.

   So they can only change their minds, putting aside the fake copybook and theft this time, thinking about the whole process from the antique exchange meeting to the theft.

   In this way, Shen Huan, who owns the authentic "Su Shishu Li Baishu Road Difficult", came into their sight.

   From normal circumstances, Shen Huan shouldn't be the one who does this kind of thing.

   The two sides have no grudges, and Shen Huan is also distinguished.

   Needless to say, a world-class NBA superstar, he is also a famous world-class mathematician.

People like    should be full of flowers and applause wherever they go.

   Besides, Shen Huan is not short of money.

   Most of the money he made was donated to build a mountain school, and he also donated the precious authentic "The Road to Shu" to the National Museum, giving up 100 million US dollars.

   If Shen Huan really likes money, and he sells it directly to collectors in China, can anyone accuse him of anything?


   Therefore, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Shen Huan to do such a thing for money.

   But they didn't believe that this matter had nothing to do with Shen Huan, at least he should know something.

   So this time I came to China to exhibit and exchange again. On the one hand, I focused on tracing suspicious people to see if they would appear at the exhibition again.

   Erlai also wanted to test Shen Huan to see if he was related to this matter.

   Once it is found out that Shen Huan has something to do with this matter, even if his status is noble, the three-day rich man can't manage that much, and he has to fight Shen Huan!

   Kameda Joji and Odawara Akira couldn't swallow this breath.

   Abe Yuzen is the enemy of life and death!

   Once confirmed, the madness of the Abe family can be imagined.

   Does Shen Huan know these flaws himself?

  Of course he knows.

   Just as Ruan Jiahao and Guoxia Xiangtai thought, why can these two fake copybooks be so wonderfully done?

   Couldn't it be in Shen Huan's house in advance, and copy it with the real copybook?

   There must be more than one or two people who think so.

   But this is no way.

   If Shen Huan doesn't bring out the authentic product, no matter where it is seen by Japanese collectors, they will be puzzled and dare not start.

  Only in such a formal occasion, let them carefully taste and understand all aspects, then they are willing to take the bait.

  No plan can be perfect.

   In order to win the final victory, it is normal that there are some flaws in the process of acting halfway.

   Shen Huan already knew this when carrying out his plan.

   Still as Japanese people think, you can't find any evidence. What's the use of suspicion alone?

   Shen Huan is not afraid at all!

   From now on, the man with the detonator bomb will never show up again, and Shen Huan will never sell them fake copybooks. If there is no intersection with each other, then the clues will naturally be broken.

   As for the Abe family, it's better.

   They are now following the clues of the two collectors to find the thief, which is purely a guess.

   They don't have a clue at all, and they don't know if it's really related.

   Shen Huan doesn't care about their ideas even more.

   It's just that, the necessary preparations are still required.

   Of course, Shen Huan will not start to shift those national treasures nervously now.

People without thought, he must worry about.

   If other people are already watching Shen Huan now, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is watching near his home, and Shen Huan’s transfer of the baby like this has fallen into their trap.

   Shen Huan had thought of this a long time ago, so he hid these national treasures in the cave next to the Shou'an Mountain Gathering Array.

  The boy spread lime on the outer layer of the big box, and inside it, various sealing methods were used to individually wrap each national treasure.

   Some other precious emeralds, Shen Huan also put them in the box beside them. ——This is also to prevent those thieves from jumping over the wall in a hurry and carrying away Shen Huan's Nuo big safe, wouldn't it be a big loss?

   Unless there is a ghost, no second person can find the place and dig three feet to dig out the big box.

   But this is also a stopgap measure.

   After two years, when Shen Huan wants to settle down, he will pick up these treasures and put them in the basement of his new home.

   Now, hiding in the mountains is more secure than hiding at home.

  Without any worries, Shen Huan can slowly watch how the Japanese performers.

   He wanted to see what tricks the Japanese people would do!

  In other words...

   Good Lord, should you post a mission now to let the widows defeat the Japanese conspiracy! ?


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