I Know Everything

Chapter 1106: Going desperately!

     Shen Huan wants to leave China to play in the NBA playoffs in the United States, which touched the nerves of many people.

   First of all, he "meeted" more classmates in school.

   Except for the classmates he meets in class, Shen Huan rarely interacts with other classmates.

   Even if they met, they smiled at most, said hello and left.

   But it is different now. When they meet Shen Huan, more people will say a few more words.

   "Shen Huan, come on! Take another championship this year."

   "You must still be FMVP this year, right?"

   "Huan Ye, although I don't have the money to go to the U.S. to watch your game, I will watch the game in China to support you!"

   "Shen Huan, you are the pride of us all!"

   "Nothing can stop you, you will definitely continue to win!"


   April should be the most stressful time of the school semester. Everyone has to prepare for the final exam, or prepare to graduate, or even prepare to be promoted to graduate student or doctoral student.

   It is reasonable to say that Shen Huan went to the United States to play football regardless of his studies, which should be opposed by many people.

   He is still a student after all.

   It is also a coincidence that the good master gave Shen Huan a "graphene" physical theory problem, so that Shen Huan published two papers on graphene in the journal Nature.

   The academic circles in China, especially the physics circles, have been enthusiastic about this topic in the past two months.

   At the age of 18, he published two papers on "Nature". Such a genius boy has never appeared in the world.

   Especially the research in the field of graphene represents a new door to the future world.

   If it can be really broken down and its various functions are studied, it will inevitably bring about a leap in the development of future technology.

   Therefore, Shen Huan has become one of the most concerned technology upstarts.

   Otherwise, the graphene laboratory of Academician Fu Yunfei would not be easy to set up-everyone gave him a lot of help.

   It is countless scientists and physicists who expressed their sincere admiration to Shen Huan, so countless college students have become numb to Shen Huan's deeds.

   No normal college student thinks that Shen Huan is the same college student as himself.

   Shen Huan has surpassed any college student. The place where he should stay is the top research institute in the world, and he is not as an assistant.

   Shen Huan can completely host a large-scale physics experiment by himself.

   This is how the students feel.

   So Shen Huan wants to go to the United States to play, and most college students will not feel anything wrong.

   It is very ridiculous to restrain a genius with the definition of treating ordinary people.

   It's like Einstein is about to graduate. You have to ask him to reach the level of top students in sports, or it's ridiculous not to let him graduate.


   Apart from the classmates, another person who came to entangle him was the general manager Xin Changkongxin, an employee of Shen Huan.

   Shen Huan gave him a bottle of Yingyue Ointment and Gubendan, and asked him to show it to his girlfriend. Well, his former girlfriend Wang Qing used it.

   Xin Changkong wanted to get a few more bottles before.

   Ke Shen Huan told him that he would give him bottle by bottle, and he would continue to give a new one after a course of treatment, so that there would be more opportunities for contact.

   Xin Changkong also feels good.

   But Shen Huan is going to play in the United States now, and it will be close to five months once he goes. How could Xin Changkong have lost this opportunity?

   "Ten bottles! I only need five bottles each, please, boss!" Xin Changkong is still walking on limping at this time, so it is most effective to pretend to be pitiful.

   Hearing his request, Shen Huan couldn't laugh or cry.

   "I give Dong'er and Yiyi only three or four bottles of Yingyue ointment a year. Gubendan only needs one bottle of wine a year." Shen Huan said, "You need so much in one breath, there is no need at all!

   No matter how old and haggard she is, as long as she is not too old, there must be no problem when she runs out of two bottles. I will give you at most one bottle of Yingyue Cream and one bottle of Gubendan. "

   Good things are good, but if you give too much, people will not cherish them.

   Even if Xin Changkong is always diligent, he can't give too much.

   Hearing what Shen Huan said, Xin Changkong felt bitter.

   He was mentally prepared long before he came.

   Qi Wenfang hates Xin Changkong for hurting his daughter so much, but is willing to come to him for Yingyuecao and Gubendan, so he can know the effects of these two panacea.

   Actually Xin Changkong himself experienced it, and that can really be described as a magic drug.

   Otherwise, Xin Changkong would not want to use it for Wang Qing.

   Since it's so good, then Shen Huan definitely doesn't have much in his hands.

   Earlier, Xin Changkong wanted to ask for more, so he didn't panic in his hand.

   As a result, Shen Huan did not make him wish, but gave two bottles first.

   Counting the 2 bottles that Shen Huan has returned now, that is 4 bottles, far less than Xin Changkong's lowest estimate.

   He originally thought, Shen Huan must give 4 more bottles no matter what?

"Boss, this... how much is this? Do you think I can't buy it?" Xin Changkong gritted his teeth. "Even if my money is not enough, I will sign a 10-year contract with you. I don't need money to work, okay? "

Shen Huan looked at him and shook his head, "Old Xin, why are you not smart at all when you involve Wang Qing? You didn't expect that you took two bottles of yours before and added the 4 you have now twice. Is the bottle enough to restore her health and beauty?

   Now that she has recovered, why should you rely on these panacea to compensate her? Shouldn't you go out in person, follow your previous thoughts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Use your sincerity to touch her and get her back? "

   Xin Changkong gave a wry smile, "You don't know, the last time I saw her was so haggard, my heart was broken. Suddenly I felt that I was guilty and didn't dare to approach her anymore."

   turns out to be timid!

   Shen Huan knows that this is normal.

   People's courage often needs long-term accumulation to increase, but losing courage is often in an instant.

   "But if you don't work hard anymore, will you wait until Wang Qing gets out of the pain, embrace a new life and find a suitable man to marry?" Shen Huan changed his opinion.

   "No... can't it?" Xin Changkong subconsciously denied.

"How can it be impossible? If you don't try your best to fight for it, her parents will forgive you and help you create opportunities because of your little merits?" Shen Huan shook his hand, "Don't be whimsical, these things you If you don't fight for it, there must be no drama at all!"

   Xin Changkong's face turned blue all at once.

   "Boss, stop talking!" He stood up abruptly, "You can give me two bottles! I'll do my best!"

   If he chooses one of the possible failures after losing Wang Qing forever and hard work, he would rather choose the latter.

   At least he has tried desperately.


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