I Know Everything

Chapter 1107: Ready to go public!

     In March, Shanhai.com broadcasted "The Gift of Room 7".

   The one who took over in April became "Han Zhu Ge Ge 2".

   has the strong popularity of "Returning the Pearl", this second sequel, has become the focus of everyone's pursuit from the beginning.

   The original version of "Han Zhu Ge Ge 2" is barely qualified, and it is still better than the third one.

It's just that Shen Huan directly and greatly revised the plot of "Han Zhu Ge Ge 2", putting the main contradiction outside, instead of an old emperor fighting a group of children who yearn for freedom and love for his concubine. s story.

   It's too trivial to write like this, and it simply loses the lighthearted and playful humor of "Han Zhu Ge Ge".

   Therefore, since the first episode was broadcast, "Han Zhu Ge Ge 2" has won everyone's praise.

  The number of viewers of Shanhai.com directly exceeded 200 million in the first episode, and quickly reached a terrifying scale of 300 million in the third episode.

   Of course, it is watched by overseas Chinese, and because the Japanese version, Korean version, and Thai version are on the shelves together, the total number of viewers of 300 million people still stunned all the practitioners in the industry.

   Even the originators of video sites in the United States sigh.

   Also at this time, there was news that Shanhai.com was preparing for an IPO in the US.

   Cui Zhong specifically mentioned this when calling Shen Huan.

"The growth of Shanhai.com has reached a bottleneck. It needs new motivation and more funds to produce more content programs, so as to truly become the leader of video websites and entertainment media." Aunt Cui is rare. Speak seriously.

   Many things about Shanhaiwang are mentioned by Cui Zhong to Shen Huan.

   Not only because Shen Huan owns 1% of the shares, but also because Shen Huan is a guide to whether Shanhai.com can keep going.

   For example, in March this year, it was Shen Huan’s "Gift from Room No. 7", in April it was "Huanzhu Gege 2", and in June, I ordered "Yue Prison 2".

   These three TV series are the highlight of Shanhai.com this year. If they are missing, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on Shanhai.com.

   If your company started as a video site, if it does not have good content, it is purely the same as other video sites, and there is no way to support such a high valuation.

   It is April 2017.

  The valuation of Shanhai.com is as high as 130 billion US dollars.

   looks tall, doesn’t it?

   But you have to know, as early as October 2016, that is, half a year ago, Shanhai.com's valuation reached 120 billion US dollars.

   only increased by 10 billion US dollars in half a year, for Shanhai.com, it is undoubtedly a serious manifestation.

   After all, in October 2015, they were only valued at 80 billion U.S. dollars. One year later, in October 16, it skyrocketed to 120 billion U.S. dollars.

   In fact, it has been soaring continuously in previous years.

   Now, it took six months to increase the valuation by 10 billion US dollars, which has to make them vigilant.

   This is the bottleneck Cui Zhong said.

   If a company does not go public, it is absolutely impossible to survive by constantly increasing its valuation.

   One day, people’s understanding of your company will be bottlenecked.

   Shanhai.com can reach the current valuation of 130 billion US dollars, which is already the maximum limit. No matter how high it is, other consulting companies and investment banks dare not give it.

   Otherwise, you will be 130 billion today, and tomorrow I will give you 200 billion...In this way, investors and investors are willing to believe!

   The valuation is too high, and no one wants to take over, let alone go public.

   The break after listing is the treatment of these highly valued companies.

   So, at this point, the princess Zheng Rongrong finally seriously considered the listing.

   Shanhai.com is going to be listed, so it must be in the United States.

   Huaguo’s stock market cannot accommodate the 900 billion renminbi super large company market.

   Besides, the U.S. is still very interested in this kind of video website company. There were two listed companies there before, and the life is pretty good.

   As the largest network technology company in China in the past 10 years, Shanhai.com has certainly moved countless investment banks.

   including Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, UBS, Royal Bank of the Netherlands and other big-name investment banks, have joined the ranks of underwriting merchants.

   Undertaking the task of IPO listing, and obtaining the underwriting right means that the original stock can be obtained at a relatively cheap price.

   Once the company goes public, its stock price continues to rise, which is a very cost-effective deal for these investment banks.

   Conversely speaking, if you break the market as soon as it goes public, and then go all the way down, investment banks will lose money instead.

   So it is not the kind of company that is particularly popular and sought after. There are not so many big-name investment banks vying for underwriting.

   Usually, it should be that listed companies ask these investment banks to help them underwrite.

   However, the valuations given by these investment banks are still relatively conservative.

   Shanhai.com is currently valued at 130 billion U.S. dollars. If it goes public, it can actually increase it by one or two ten billion U.S. dollars, or even 150 billion U.S. dollars.

   But in order for Shanhai.com to have a better development, it can have a good upward momentum, and all major investment banks have directly lowered their IPO valuations to 130 billion US dollars.

   Regarding this point, Cui Zhong expressed dissatisfaction with Shen Huan.

   But Shen Huan knows that this just proves that the Wall Street financial sector in the United States is optimistic about Shanhai.com.

   They are not ready to fish and leave, but are optimistic about this company for a long time.

   Princess has no objection to this.

She is seriously choosing an underwriter. Although there is not much room for her to choose, it may even be a combination of two or three companies to make the Shanhai.com plate ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She is still constantly learning about information and convening her staff to discuss .

   Cui Zhong is an absolute senior, and he also revealed some more specific information to Shen Huan.

  Shanhai.com is preparing to raise 10% of the shares, which is 13 billion US dollars.

   Probably the underwriter will buy 1%, and the rest will be released to the market.

   These high-level and even middle-level employees, who were originally only paid, will receive the company's shares as a gift from Zheng Rongrong.

The total value of    will not be too much. It may add up to about 1%-3%, but everyone can be divided into tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

   There is no price for this money, it belongs to the princess for nothing, and of course they are happy.

   Shen Huan knew very well that this must be what the eldest princess asked him to say, in order to make himself more at ease.

   After all, Shen Huan also has 1% of Shanhai.com's shares!

   Even if it is listed in the United States at a fair price, 1% of the shares are sold for 1.3 billion US dollars, or 9.1 billion yuan!

   A writer who cooperates with a company, can get so much bonus, I am afraid it is unprecedented!


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