I Know Everything

Chapter 1108: Happy farewell to all the people!

     April 7, Friday.

   Shen Huan boarded Kobe’s private jet and flew directly from Huajing to Los Angeles.

   Outside the airport, thousands of fans are sending off Shen Huan, hoping that Shen Huan can get a good result back.

   As a very weak Chinese in competitive sports in recent hundreds of years, he is very eager to stand on the stage of China and become the protagonist.

   When Dayao went to the United States before, it was a bit like this.

   But Dayao can only be regarded as a superstar in the era of the alliance, there is no way to become a unique superstar.

   Some people even belittle Dayao, saying that he is not even a superstar, but can only be regarded as a role superstar. This is too much to belittle him.

   Yao at his peak, even O'Neal is not afraid of fighting alone, he is a hegemon under the basket.

If it weren’t for the Rockets to be too bad, who would co-shoot with Yao and who they would change, plus Yao’s weight gain and hurt his knees and body, so Yao’s sports career was so short that he didn’t get it. A coveted honor.

   Shen Huan is different.

   He had never received basketball training before, but he practiced secretly by himself, and then he was born at the age of 17. With his amazing talent, he attracted the attention of the NBA.

   When Shen Huanka was 18 years old, he participated in the first playoffs in his life.

   Everyone thought that Shen Huan could have such an experience, such an experience in the playoffs, is already a very valuable asset in his life, and he will do better in the future.

   No one can think of the result, including Kobe and Iverson. Shen Huan was extremely shocked from the first playoff game. He blew his opponent in one breath and beat the opponent 4:0.

   Since that time, people have witnessed miracles.

   Shen Huan is invincible on the basketball court. Both offensive and defensive ends are jaw-dropping. No one can resist.

   Under the witness of basketball fans in the United States and even around the world, Shen Huan swept all the way, easily won the NBA championship, and won the title of FMVP.

   This is also the most convincing FMVP in the past 20 years. Even the boss of Joe, who has always thought that he is the **** of basketball, praised Shen Huan for being able to compare himself.

   You know, boss Joe often praises people, but basically he never said that others can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

   Of course, this is also related to the fact that boss Qiao was the first person who wanted to sign Shen Huan.

   As the first Joe boss to identify with Shen Huan's development prospects in the NBA, he now relies on Shen Huan to prove his vision is outstanding.

   Don’t care if I had bad vision before and after, anyway, there is Shen Huan, then you have to admire my boss, Joe, the vision is first in the world!

   As for the matter of passing by with Shen Huan because Boss Joe is stingy, it doesn't matter.

   He doesn't care at all.

   Even boss Joe appreciates and praises Shen Huan so much, not to mention the domestic fans.

   Since the day Shen Huan played in the NBA playoffs, basketball fans in China have increased at a crazy rate of growth.

   After a playoff game, at least 50 million die-hard fans and hundreds of millions of passerby fans have been added.

   NBA’s commercial activities immediately saw a substantial increase in China, with a performance increase of up to 300%.

   Take last year's 16-17 preseason game as an example. The three teams came to China and caused a huge sensation. The intangible brand value increased by at least US$5 billion.

   So it's no wonder that after Shen Huan announced that he would return to the NBA, the NBA's commercial department was so excited to send more than 30 tweets to express his happiness.

  The happiest ones are the sponsors of the NBA.

   Many of them are connected with Shen Huan, such as Adidas, such as Gao Pepsi, such as McDonald's, such as BMW, such as VISA credit card and so on.

   Shen Huan re-signed to the NBA. Their product sales in the past six months can be described as a blowout.

   Even the sales of BMW, the most difficult to improve, the two models endorsed by Shen Huan-X3 and 3 Series, have reached an average monthly sales of 15,000 vehicles in China, more than doubling the previous one.

   On a global scale, although sales growth is not as scary as China, a 50% growth in performance is easily achieved.

   BMW is thinking about whether to sign a lifetime sponsorship contract with Shen Huan.

  Even BMW, let alone other sponsors.

  Especially Adidas, you can’t use the word "pourful" to describe the earning, you can directly use the term "heart-wrenching". ——Even basketballs are printed with the LOGO of Shen Huan's head. You said that for the sake of sales, what else would they dare not do?

  According to the statistics of Nielsen Data Company, Adidas in 2017 is likely to overtake Nike for the first time after a lapse of 25 years and become the sports goods company with the largest sales.

   Let alone sales and profits, the market value of Adidas has soared by tens of billions of dollars, do you think this is scary?

   At this time, who would dare to say that the lifetime contract to Shen Huan was inappropriate, it would be scolded by Adidas shareholders and management.

   These sponsor companies have made a substantial profit because of Shen Huan, but they are not overwhelmed by it.

  On the contrary, they also added a sponsorship to the NBA.

   Because they know that only if the NBA is getting better and better, then Shen Huan's influence in the NBA will be greater, and the fans will buy it.

   Then their business will get better and better.

   This is a very good cycle pattern.

   It is naturally impossible for the NBA to do nothing.

   They had already quietly held several meetings ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ specifically for Shen Huan, including the protection of Shen Huan on the court, and Shen Huan's foul action can not blow the whistle and so on.

   If the rules are not good for Shen Huan, then the audience will not like it.

   NBA is a commercial game league, everything is based on the needs of the fans, which is why the boss of Joe can enjoy the strongest protection treatment.

   You punish the superstar the audience likes, or allow others to invade the superstar, didn't you deliberately fight against the parents?

   It goes without saying that I can understand the fate of fighting against my parents.

   The NBA has done a business model for decades, and this is absolutely not a mistake.

  There is another aspect in particular. They have already given the most severe warning.

Who dares to say that Shen Huan is a Chinese? The players face a ban of at least 20 games and a fine of millions of dollars. The fans face a lifetime of being denied access to the stadium and will submit it to the police. Strict measures to deal with.

   Take a look.

  Modern business model is like this.

   Every link in the whole child's cycle must contribute and benefit.

   This is how this business model is becoming more and more prosperous!


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