I Know Everything

Chapter 1131: Steady

After a 3:0, the game seems to have officially started.

Because the game time only passed 5 seconds.

After receiving the ball, Westbrook directly avoided Shen Huan's side and went to Iverson's side.

Iverson did not neglect, Dang even posted it.

Westbrook has been a league star in the past few years. He is young and strong. If Iverson hadn't had the help of a strong bone-reinforcing soup (intermediate), he would really not dare to be so close.

In the regular season, the Thunder have played against the Lakers many times, and it is not that Westbrook has not played Iverson.

In general, Iverson gave him the feeling that the first 20 or 30 games were in good condition, the middle 30 or 40 games were quite satisfactory, and the last 10 or 20 games were purely technical.

But this is also normal. If Iverson has always been tough, it would be incredible.

After all, Iverson is 41 years old.

In the last game, Westbrook spent most of his time on Iverson's side. He can't say that he completely crushed Iverson, but Iverson's defense is still not very good in front of him.

Even when Iverson was young, he was not good at defensively.

On his side, not only himself, Ingram also assisted many times, but he still couldn't stop Westbrook.

If it weren't for Howard at the basket, or for Shen Huan to defend in the middle from time to time, blocking Westbrook's inner path, Westbrook would definitely not have scored 33 points in the last game.

33 points, one point more than Shen Huan's 32 points!

But Westbrook is not at all proud, or feel that the best player on the spot should be himself.

Because in addition to 32 points, Shen Huan had 35 assists, 21 rebounds, 23 blocks, plus 22 key steals, making him a big five-double with 20+!

This is because Shen Huan only played in 3 quarters, and after Shen Huan left the court, he just took off his jersey and gave it to the fans, changed his clothes and returned, sat on the bench and never played again. Over.

If Shen Huan played four quarters, he would get 50 points.

Of course, he is not as good as Shen Huan, Westbrook has now admitted frankly, but he will never admit defeat.

In this game, he came back with an extremely strong mentality, just wanting to fight Shen Huan on offense again!

The Thunder can't defensively, the overall strength is not good, and the cooperation is not enough... But I, Westbrook, must have an upright offensive duel with you!


After crossing Iverson and squeezing Ingram away, Westbrook jumped up and shot at a 45-degree angle, and steadily dropped the ball into the basket.


The silent Thunder fans in the court finally got a chance to get excited, stand up and shout for Westbrook!

Since the last game, they have completely given up their extravagant hopes of killing the Lakers.

I can't even think of a victory in a game.

After all, after a huge score difference of 51 points, you can think about it when you calm down. Last year's Warriors and Cavaliers didn't win a game with such toughness. What is their Thunder team?

But they still hope to see the young Thunder team working hard!

No matter if you win or lose, just go and fight so seriously!

Shen Huan is only now, and he will not continue to play in the NBA. This person will not play in this year's playoffs. So who is the overlord of the league in the future is really hard to say!

As long as the Thunder can withstand the pressure of Shen Huan and play their own style, it will be a victory.

Now Westbrook's strong response is a good sign!


"Hehe, the Thunder's performance is as excited as hitting the buzzer. They don't know how terrifying Shen Huan is!" Barkley laughed.

"In the last game, Shen Huan only shot one three-pointer, which was the one in the first second." Kenny Smith was also gloating. "If Shen Huan shoots crazy three-pointers like the Golden State Warriors, the Thunder will only Know what despair is!"

"So, these people are still too young." Barkley waved his fist and said, "If their hard work aroused Shen Huan's anger, what is the 51-point difference? No matter how much Shen Huan can do type it out!"

The commentary of the two also represents the aspirations of many fans.

But the trend of this game is not what they thought.

The Thunder showed a tougher tenacity than the previous game, maintaining the strength of the previous game defensively, but playing more resolutely on offense.

When the Thunder attacked, Andre Robertson, the best defensive second team in the regular season of the season, also entangled Shen Huan firmly-as long as he was on the court, he almost never left Shen Huan.

Shen Huan was restricted in defense, and the Thunder naturally improved in offensive.

That is, Howard is still standing under the rim, otherwise the Thunder won't just score 108 points.

In this game, the Lakers only scored 130 points, 3 points less than the previous game.

The Thunder improved 26 points from 82 points in the previous game to 108 points in this game.

Their star, Westbrook, scored 47 points, the highest score of the game.

If it wasn't for Westbrook's physical strength to support him for 48 minutes, he might have scored 60 points in this game.

Such a "miracle", even if it is lost, the Thunder fans also stand and leave.

Of course, the best player in this game is still Shen Huan.

Shen Huan scored 26 points, 22 assists, 21 rebounds, 20 blocks, 20 key steals, and a big five-double of 20+!

In the playoffs, no one in the league can get such an excellent result.

During the whole game, Shen Huan didn't make many shots, and the game ended after 3 quarters.

On the contrary, Kobe and Iverson, who played the retirement ball in the first game, saw that the situation was not right, and it took 6 minutes in the fourth quarter to improve the score advantage.

Otherwise, it is possible for the Thunder to reduce their point difference to 10 points.

But this is the case, Shen Huan and the Lakers fans have never panicked. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Because Shen Huan didn't play the fourth quarter.

In the previous season of Shen Huan's playoffs, Shen Huan only played the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers in four quarters.

This is respect for the enemy.

But if the opponent is not strong enough, Shen Huan will not play in the fourth quarter.

Shen Huan didn't play in the fourth quarter, so what if you caught the score within 10 points? What if you overtake?

Even if Shen Huan is only given 1 minute, Shen Huan can turn things around!

and so……

We are very stable.

Not afraid.


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