I Know Everything

Chapter 1132: Shen Huan regressed!

In Game 2 of the first round of the playoffs, the Lakers still easily defeated the Thunder by 22 points and returned to Los Angeles with two consecutive away wins.

At the Los Angeles airport, they were welcomed by thousands of fans, as if they had won the championship.

In fact, there is also Shen Huan's credit.

Shen Huan's return of the king once again, hit a super 20+ big five-double results, and broke the NBA record, which made the hearts of Shen Huan and the Lakers fans suddenly stabilized.

Once you confirm that your favorite star and team are about to usher in two consecutive championships, why do you say that everyone is upset?

As long as Shen Huan is in good condition, neither the Golden State Warriors nor the Cleveland Cavaliers have any chance.

You can tell from the Lakers and Thunder games that Shen Huan hasn't even changed his breathing, so he is perfectly comfortable!

The current opponents of the Thunder in the first round have been completely ignored by the fans.

Next are the Lakers' three consecutive home games. According to Shen Huan's character and temper, he will definitely defeat the Thunder in four games and wait for the next opponent. --The winner of the Utah Jazz and Houston Rockets.

If there is no error in anticipation, the Final Four opponent should be the Houston Rockets.

In addition to the star James Harden, the Houston Rockets, whether it is Eric Gordon, Ryan Anderson, Trevor Ariza, or rising star Clint Capela, are all role players, not first-class stars. Let alone superstars.

The single-core James Harden, even if it can rely on teamwork and personal leadership to defeat the Utah Jazz, but in the face of Shen Huan and the three elders, there is no room for struggle.

So Rockets fans are now actively thinking about the Western Conference Finals with the Golden State Warriors for the second consecutive year.

Even the Lakers' own players, especially the young group of players, were very relaxed. After returning to Los Angeles overnight, they went home and slept until almost noon.

But when they woke up, they suddenly saw the sensational news in the newspaper.

"Shen Huan is doomed to be weak?"

"The strongest in NBA history can't be copied?"

"From the state of Shen Huan's two games, watch the fall of God!"

"The Golden State Warriors are overjoyed-we are set to win the Western Conference Finals!"

"Can Shen Huan like this suppress the strongest James? Obviously it's impossible!"


Young people are always easily influenced.

Especially Ingram, who only joined the team last season, was so scared that he didn't even eat lunch and drove to the training hall in a hurry.

At the entrance of the training hall, at least hundreds of reporters gathered.

Seeing Ingram's car, they swarmed up and yelled to interview Ingram.

"Ingram, do you think Shen Huan is weak in training?"

"I heard that Shen Huan even cried because of her bad condition?"

"Shen Huan is not in the fourth quarter, what is the reason?"

"As an admirer of Shen Huan, don't you have any opinions on Shen Huan's decline?"

"Ingram, can you say a few words?"


Ingram's car window was only slightly open, but the noise of the reporters was so loud that it inevitably reached his ears.

Ingram, who had never been "siege" by reporters before, did not drive away, nor did he get out of the car. He could only stay in the car.

Fortunately, the security guards ran over and escorted his car into the parking lot of the training hall.

After getting out of the car, Ingram turned around and ran into the training hall.

As a result, before entering the training court, he saw Shen Huan, Kobe, Iverson and Howard sitting leisurely together drinking coffee.

"Hi! Lord Huan!" Ingram shouted the Chinese title he learned from the Huaguo fans, and asked breathlessly: "What's wrong? Why do the reporters smear you like crazy? Your body? Something went wrong? Have you seen it in the hospital?"

Before Shen Huan spoke, Iverson laughed, "Young man, don't be so nervous, relax, relax!"

Ingram is a power forward, but he and Iverson are training together, Iverson is very optimistic about this young man.

Shen Huan also handed him a bottle of mineral water by the way, "I have no problem with my body, so don't worry."

"But the reporters..." Ingram relaxed a little at this time, drinking water while wondering: "Are they crazy? All of a sudden, the overwhelming voice said you can't do it!"

"How about reporters, where is the sales, and where is the gimmick?" Kobe shook his head.

Kobe is the most hacked among all active players.

You must scold if you lose, and you must scold if you win.

No matter what Kobe does, it's just right to curse.

Therefore, he is also the one with the most experience in scolding, and he knows the reporter's style deeply.

Seeing the news early in the morning, Kobe went to knock on the door of Shen Huan's house-the two families are less than 100 meters apart, which is very convenient.

He originally thought that Shen Huan would get angry when he watched these news, but he didn't expect that Shen Huan had nothing to do. If he should run, he would run, and if he should train, he would train.

This made Kobe feel at ease.

Shen Huan hadn't felt this behavior of reporters before, but he had seen many NBA stars be so vilified by reporters in his previous life.

Especially the Los Angeles Iron King around him, it is natural to be so strong-you have been hacked by reporters endlessly for so many years, as long as you don't collapse, you will naturally be strong.

Shen Huan also deliberately went to see the several theories of the reporters.

what did they say?

The first game was fairly normal. The Lakers won 51 points because Shen Huan tried his best to overdraw and scare the enemy.

But in the second round, Shen Huan was exposed.

Neither scoring nor dominance, nor his command and control of the entire team can compare to the first game, so the Lakers won "only" 22 points in the second round. UU reading www. uukahnshu.com

According to this state, the mentality of the Lakers is likely to collapse.

Even if it's not for the Thunder, not for the Lakers, it will definitely collapse when facing the Golden State Warriors' superstar team that has been running for a season.

The reason was that Shen Huan wasted his talent wantonly.

In such a year, Shen Huan has never systematically trained, continued to strengthen himself, and did not fight with high-level players to maintain a competitive state, but did some "boring" things.

Now this evil result is reflected.

This year's NBA teams have already been frantically improving themselves in order to defeat Shen Huan and avenge their hatred.

It happened that Shen Huan couldn't live up to it, and his state and ability declined. Isn't this the best opportunity?


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