I Know Everything

Chapter 1133: the real reason

Shen Huan can be regarded as convinced by these reporters.

I originally thought that domestic reporters are the kind of top-quality reporters who can create news by themselves without news, but I didn’t expect that the more top-quality ones are in the United States.

This is the Lakers' win!

This is the big five-double of the historic 20+!

They all dare to open their mouths and talk nonsense. This kind of mindless attitude of talking nonsense is really convincing.

You know, in the eyes of professionals, Shen Huan's two games this season are extraordinary.

Not to mention the easy two-game winning streak of away games, just say that two consecutive games of 20+ big five doubles, no one in the history of the NBA has done it.

Before Shen Huan, the NBA's steal record was 11 in a single game, and Shen Huan reached 20 in both games, almost doubling this record!

Don't underestimate the increase of 9 steals. In fact, such key steals are very difficult. Otherwise, the NBA's decades of history would not be able to maintain the record of only 11.

Shen Huan not only broke the record, but also improved by 9 points, and even got it in the playoffs. This is already the first person in the NBA!

There are also blocks.

The previous record was 17, but Shen Huan shot 23 blocks for the first time and 20 blocks for the second time!

This means that the top two NBA record holders for blocked shots are Shen Huan.

O'Neal's 15 of the original second place was then squeezed to fourth place!

What an incredible record this is?

An outside player actually forced the record of the inside superstars under him! !

This is something Boss Joe can't do!

And the key point is that Shen Huan doesn't only have 20 steals and 23 blocks. Everyone's data exceeds 20!

With such an unprecedented achievement, Shen Huan also played a big five-double of 20+ in two games. Isn't it a miracle?

It's a miracle.

But the focus of reporters is not here.

They only aimed at Shen Huan's score reduction, the Lakers' suppression of the Thunder is not enough to speak.

Shen Huan scored 32 points in the first game and 26 points in the second game. Such a score is not low in the playoffs.

In addition, Shen Huan hasn't played in the fourth quarter, otherwise he averaged 40 points easily.

Of course, the onlookers, including Shen Huan's fans, actually felt that Shen Huan's score was low.

Who is Shen Huan?

The first superstar in NBA history!

Faced with the Golden State Warriors and the Cavaliers, he was the first person in history to score more than 50 points. As a result, he scored 58 points in two games against the so-called weak Oklahoma City Thunder. Shen Huan's score in the previous game!

Many fans do not understand the ball.

They didn't see Shen Huan trying his best to cooperate with teammates, cultivate young people, and adjust the rhythm of the Lakers.

They only saw that Shen Huan's dominance was not as good as last year, and the scoring and **** scenes were not as good as last year, so they subconsciously believed that Shen Huan was weak.

Many people feel deep in their hearts that Shen Huan is really weak compared to last year! !

This is why the rumors of reporters are spread so quickly and widely.

Fortunately, the first game, the Lakers won 51 points, even if Shen Huan is not prominent enough, reporters can not open their eyes and talk nonsense, saying that the Lakers are in crisis.

But the second game had too much room for reporters to make an article.

Because the Lakers didn't press the Thunder throughout the game.

The Thunder's Westbrook pinpointed the weakness of the Lakers. After avoiding Shen Huan, Iverson and Ingram couldn't stand it repeatedly, thus getting a lot of opportunities.

It seems to the fans that although Shen Huan is also scoring and has outstanding performance, it can't stop the Thunder.

Isn't this dangerous?

The Thunder has only one Westbrook.

And Curry, Thompson and Durant of the Golden State Warriors, which one is not an offensive superstar?

If these three people take turns out of the horse, it is absolutely comparable to the three Westbrooks.

One Westbrook can make the Lakers so uncomfortable, what about three?

And two of them are superstars with three-point shooting sights!

So, if you continue like this, the Lakers are really in danger! !

The reporters helped, and the fans were worried.

This is the situation today.

But these mindless fans never thought of two very important points.

Shen Huan just didn't want to defend Westbrook.

He didn't even go back to the penalty area, just defended from the outside, and delegated the responsibility of defense to Howard.

From a certain point of view, this is also how Shen Huan is looking at Howard's fineness, how far it has recovered.

If Shen Huan directly defended Westbrook, even if he was following Andre Robertson at any time, he couldn't stop Shen Huan's defense at all.

Westbrook can score 10 points under Shen Huan, and he deserves the name of this NBA superstar.

The second point is also more important.

Shen Huan is not a fool.

If the Lakers can't control the situation, how could he not play in the fourth quarter?

The only reason why Shen Huan didn't play in the fourth quarter of the game was because it was unnecessary.

Your team has already beaten the opponent, the game has entered garbage time, of course, there is no need to play again.

It is also the idea of ​​the Lakers coaching staff to leave some time for the benches to feel the game, so that they can advance through failures and setbacks, and train more players.

After all, Shen Huan is just a passerby for the Lakers.

Even though Shen Huan has become the well-deserved number one star of the Lakers, he is also the number one star in the history of the Lakers, and even the number one star in the NBA.

But Shen Huan's heart is not in the NBA. He has no interest at all in becoming the first man in NBA history, earning hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.

Others don’t know, but Buss and the coaching staff understand. UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com Shen Huan's return this time is basically thanks to Kobe and Iverson.

Next time, the face of the two elders won't help, or whether they will disturb Shen Huan's ordinary life for the Lakers. This is uncertain.

There is even a high probability that it is impossible.

Therefore, taking advantage of Shen Huan's presence, can train more young players, or let young players learn some skills from him, this is what the Lakers want to do very urgently.

This point, Jr. Bass, Kupchak, and Byron Scott have all mentioned to Shen Huan.

Shen Huan also agreed.

So this time in the playoffs, Shen Huan didn't care about his stats at all, and also reduced his shots and suppressions, just to let the young players get tempered.

This is the real reason for "Shen Huan is not working anymore".


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