I Know Everything

Chapter 1144: Fellow

Shen Huan could hear that her breathing was obviously short, and there was some tension.

From the frequency of her breathing and the pace she walked, Shen Huan guessed that this woman is not very old, certainly not over 30, maybe a little over 20.

"Hey, don't be nervous, girl!" Shen Huan chuckled and said in a deliberately hoarse voice: "The two security guards who walked over just now have been resolved by me. Now we are safe."

The woman's eyes were taken aback, and then she said in surprise: "Who are you?"

She didn't have Shen Huan's ability to hide her voice, so what Shen Huan heard was a girl's voice.

Now he is sure that this girl is no more than 20 years old.

At such a young age, dare to do such a big business, this American girl is really sharp enough.

"We are in the same way." Shen Huan said unhurriedly, "It just so happens that today I want to come here, take some things, and don't want to run into you."

The girl couldn't believe it, "What a coincidence? Are you a lie?"

"If I lied, I would have notified others long ago. There are so many people outside and called the police. How can you escape?" Shen Huan laughed, "girl, take it easy, we don’t have time. There are many, but you can take what you need, and then part ways."

"How do I trust you?" The girl remained vigilant.

"That's easy."

As soon as Shen Huan's voice fell, he suddenly pushed the door open, and he flashed in again like lightning.

What can be seen is a girl in black, wearing gloves, a mask and diving goggles, and a black bag on her back.

When the girl had just arrived in a hurry and stretched out the high-voltage electric baton with sparkles, Shen Huan had already put one hand on her shoulder, and with a light tug and turn, her hand completely lost strength, "Pattern "With a sound, the high-voltage electric baton fell to the ground.

At the same time, Shen Huan also patted her hands and feet a few more times. The girl only felt sore and numb, and she could no longer stand, and she fell to the ground.

At this moment, she was terrified.

She had never heard of such an attack method, it was like...like magic!

When she was panicked, Shen Huan had already lifted her mask and diving goggles.

Then Shen Huan took out the phone, and gave her several close-up close-ups.

When taking the photo, she looked carefully at the girl's Shen Huan, only to realize that she was a sweet-looking chick.

She has a small face, a very three-dimensional face, and beautiful blond hair, a bit like Jessica Alba who just debuted back then.

"Oh, it turned out to be a little beautiful girl!"

After taking the photo, Shen Huan smoothly threw the mask and diving goggles back on her body, and then gently patted her limbs.

In the next moment, the blond chick felt that the power had returned to her.

She subconsciously wanted to pick up the high-voltage electric baton, but she gritted her teeth and gave up when she looked at Shen Huan's seemingly smiling eyes.

The blonde chick who was struggling to stand up didn't wear her mask and diving goggles again, but stared at Shen Huan.

Shen Huan looks similar to her at this time, except that he is wearing jeans and a T-shirt, plus a black hood and sunglasses.

The only thing that can reflect the characteristics of Shen Huan's body is his small belly, which looks like an ordinary middle-aged uncle.

"Well, look again, I won't pull the mask." Shen Huan smiled and said, "Well, now I believe I am not a security guard?"

The girl nodded.

Not only because Shen Huan did not follow up with a group of security guards, but also because she had seen Shen Huan's unpredictable methods.

For those who have such methods, if they still work as a security guard with a monthly salary of less than $2,000, it is definitely a problem with their heads.

"What were you doing just now?" Shen Huan pointed to the monitoring computer over there.

The current monitoring equipment is controlled by a computer terminal, unlike 20 or 30 years ago, it is a big and heavy machine that controls everything.

"I'm setting the monitor to stop working, cutting off the alarm setting on the glass cover of the treasure, and then setting the time to report to the police." The blonde girl looked at the wall clock on the wall, "From now on , We still have 55 minutes. We can act separately, just as if we didn’t know each other."

"Is it all right?" Shen Huan asked, "There are four people here, I just stunned two...they have no other patrol personnel?"


The blonde girl said, "There are two more lounges in Hall 1, and the security guards in Hall 2 lounges should be the two you met."

"Okay, leave it to me!" Shen Huan said slightly, "Then we can take things unscrupulously?"

The blond girl hesitated for a moment, and said, "It's better to have a little skill when breaking the glass cover. I have a professional cutting knife here and I can lend it to you."

Shen Huan shook his head, "Don't be so troublesome, I can do it myself."

"Then it's okay." As the blonde girl spoke, she had already put on her hood and diving goggles. "Let's go, let's go together, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I have professional anesthetics here, as long as you smell this This kind of medicine requires at least one hour of lethargy."

"They were also fainted by you like this?" Shen Huan pointed to the four people here.

"I blew it in with smoke, and they passed out within half a minute." The blonde girl took out a bottle, "Now it's liquid medicine. Just let them smell it."

"You are really well prepared." Shen Huan smiled and walked out with her, pretending not to care about her picking up the high-voltage electric baton.

Sure enough, the blonde girl let two unconscious security guards smell the anesthetic at the corner.

After Shen Huan knocked out the two security guards in the lounge of Hall One, she followed in again and squatted down to smell the anesthetics.

"In this way, within 40 minutes, we don't need to worry." The blonde girl stood up and walked to Shen Huan's front and said: "I've been optimistic about it. This place is not the city center, so the traffic Not many, and there is nothing unusual here, so it is safer."

As she spoke, a look of horror suddenly appeared on her face, and one hand was trembling and pointed at Shen Huan's back.

The reaction of normal people is definitely to look back the first time.

Shen Huan did indeed do so.

At the moment when Shen Huan turned her head, the blonde girl suddenly appeared in her other hand with the high-voltage electric baton, and thrust at Shen Huan like lightning.

The distance between the two at this time was less than one meter.

The high-voltage electric baton almost touched Shen Huan's body the moment the blond girl shot her hand.

There was a smug smile on her face that no one could see.

If anyone could see it, it would definitely be overwhelmed!


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