I Know Everything

Chapter 1145: You super villain! !

However, it is a pity that the blonde girl did not see the scene of Shen Huan twitching and falling to the ground.

She also had no chance to lift Shen Huan's mask.

On the contrary, he lost consciousness again in his limbs and fell to the ground with a click.

And her high-voltage electric baton also fell into Shen Huan's hands.

"Little girl, you are really bold!" Shen Huan shook his head, and threw the high-voltage electric baton aside.

When the blonde girl showed horror just now, Shen Huan didn't notice the sound of someone breathing behind him.

Unless it's a ghost, it's the blonde chick who is deceiving.

Obviously the latter.

So Shen Huan pretended to be surprised, but actually waited for her to move.

When the wind sounded, Shen Huan squeezed her joints in advance and removed her joints in the blink of an eye.

The blonde girl looked bad, and quickly begged for mercy: "I...I didn't mean to... forgive me... Let's go our own way!"

"It hurts you so much, it seems that I am not strong enough." Shen Huan muttered.


"But if you don't teach you, wouldn't it seem like I am bullying?"


Amidst the blond chick's exclamation, Shen Huan had already grabbed her, directly pressed her on the cabinet next to her, aimed her at her elasticity, and hit it down.



The blonde girl was beaten in pain, and while yelling, she thought sadly that she must have been beaten and swollen.

This old man is really tasteless!

I dare to see that this girl is beautiful, and she has wretched and trivial thoughts! ?

What a super villain!

The blonde girl gritted her teeth.

She also felt a sense of relief in her heart.

After all, if Shen Huan didn't beat her, he would have to change another way.

Either way, it is probably ten times more serious than this!

Fortunately, this time Shen Huan didn't take pictures after stripping her pants, otherwise the blond chick would have to die with Shen Huan.

After the fight was over, Shen Huan picked up her limbs again, "From now on, if you follow me, if you dare to leave for half a step, I will strip you naked and throw it in."

Knowing that Shen Huan might be frightening herself, but the blonde girl did not dare to take it lightly this time.

She clutched her round mound, gave Shen Huan a gnashing look, and didn't dare to say anything harsh.

Seeing the blond chick limping behind him, Shen Huan smiled and went directly to the oil painting area.

The blond chick didn't see how Shen Huan moved, only saw him reach out and turn around on the sturdy glass cover, and his gloved hand had already sucked up the glass on the surface and put it aside.

"How did you do it?" The blonde girl was shocked.

Is this magic! ?

Shen Huan also ignored her, even if I told you that this is the result of the use of the (advanced) level, can you understand it?

"Take the oil apart and roll it up, do you always know this?" Shen Huan asked not to answer.


The blonde girl wanted to say no, but when she saw Shen Huan's sunglasses, she seemed to see a demon's eyes sneering behind, so she changed her words immediately.

"Then move faster." Shen Huan nodded, then turned to remove the protective cover of the second oil painting.

In just over ten minutes, Shen Huan has demolished 20 oil paintings, and almost all the most expensive oil paintings in it have been demolished.

The blonde girl is also very skilled, just five minutes slower than Shen Huan, she packed up 20 oil paintings and put them in Shen Huan's backpack obediently.

"Let's go!"

Shen Huan called her and walked to the other side.

The blonde chick moved her mouth, and finally did not speak, so she could only follow Shen Huan and came to the snow area of ​​Hua Guo Pavilion.

Here, Shen Huan and her are working together again, removing about 30 glass protective covers, taking out the calligraphy and painting works inside and putting them away.

Because Huaguo's calligraphy works do not have frames, at most they are in scroll mode, so it is much more convenient to clean up than oil painting.

After finishing all this, Shen Huan looked at the time, and it was only 37 minutes.

The distance police inspectors may find that the situation is not right, and there is at least 13 minutes left.

"Did you drive over here?" Shen Huan asked.

"No." The blonde girl replied, "I came here by bike."

"If you have a monitor, it won't work for you to ride a bicycle." Shen Huan said funny.

"I know which street has a monitor at the intersection, I know it clearly, and I can't go wrong at all." The blond girl said, "Finally, I threw the bike into the river again. When they salvaged it, there would be nothing. Traces."

"You are well prepared." Shen Huan laughed, "Well, let's go!"


"Yes, I will ride a bike with you, and you can show me the way." Shen Huan said.

"But I haven't got any treasure yet!" The blonde girl quit, "Your bag is full, but mine is still empty!"

"Don't I have a lot here?" Shen Huan patted his bag, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "I will give it to you then."


"Do I need to lie to you?" Shen Huan asked.

The blond chick thought about it too.

With Shen Huan's ability to force herself to take him away, she has no choice.

Besides, it is almost time now. If she steals one or two oil paintings, she may not have enough time to escape.

"Okay!" The blonde girl finally nodded, "Don't lie to me!"

Shen Huan smiled and nodded.

Soon, the blonde girl took Shen Huan out of the art gallery area, and found the car she had hidden under a big tree 100 meters away.

"Hurry up!"

Watching the time, the blonde chick urged.


"what's going on!"

The blonde girl just exclaimed when she asked.

It turned out that Shen Huan had already removed her limbs again, and fell softly to the ground.

Before it was too late to complain and scream, the blonde girl's eyes suddenly showed panic.

She was afraid that Shen Huan would kill her and put one or two oil paintings in her bag, so she was blamed on her.

In this way, Shen Huan definitely avoided the risk of being exposed. When people search for the real criminal, they have lost the most important clue.

The blond chick who hadn't fully trained herself at the thought that she was about to be killed and left this world was so nervous that she couldn't speak.

She even shivered, even trying to pee.

But Shen Huan didn't do this. Instead, she put down her backpack and put it on her body, and then she didn't know where to take out a rope and tied her behind her.

The two were tied together in this way.

When Shen Huan was riding on the car, the blond girl's round mound was also sitting in the back seat.

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