I Know Everything

Chapter 1154: Interview with Ace Host (Part 1)

     A house, an apartment, look no different from another city.

   But once houses and apartments are given the meaning of "home", they naturally have a deeper meaning.

   There will be a warm feeling all at once.

   For example, when Shen Huan returned to his villa in Los Angeles, he suddenly felt relieved a lot.

   Take a shower and cook something that the two young ladies like to eat. Even if you don’t eat it yourself, watching them eat is a kind of enjoyment.

   However, it would be better if Kobe didn't pull himself to train at 6 o'clock every morning.

   In such a comfortable environment, even the Lakers players were all recharged at once. In two consecutive games, the Rockets sent the Rockets out of the playoffs.

   Poor James Harden, in the next two games did not score more than 20 points, setting his lowest playoff record in these years.

   But there is no other way. He looks at Shen Huan now and feels a little faint for some reason.

   Others don't know, but James Harden always feels that every time he deals with Shen Huan, he will be very unlucky, so it is best not to contact him.

   In the game, if James Harden had not repeatedly avoided Shen Huan, the Rockets would not have collapsed so easily.

   Usually not to mention the fourth quarter, that is, before the intermission, the Rockets often fall behind by more than 50 points, basically there is no hope.

   Rockets fans, so they went to the Internet to sell a lot of tickets they grabbed.

   They can no longer bear to watch their team abused.

   The fans of the Lakers and Shen Huan are happy now.

   Basically, 90% of the fans in the stadium belonged to Shen Huan's side. During the game, it became a sea of ​​joy.

   Every time the Lakers attack, Shen Huan scores, or succeeds in defense, there will be waves of eager shouts.

  Many male fans even tore off their clothes, yelling in excitement, wild.

   They don't care whether the Lakers are abusing food or what, anyway, watching the stars of the Lakers cooperate so well and watching Shen Huan continuously use various skills to score, for them, it is a kind of enjoyment.

   Encountering such eager fans, Shen Huan not only changes his jerseys and shoes every time he takes a break or timeout, and prepares to give them to the fans, he also takes all the jerseys, pants and shoes when warming up before the game.

   This point was noticed by the famous ESPN host and commentator Kenny Smith who specially interviewed Shen Huan.

The first question he asked Shen Huan was, "Shen Huan, we have noticed that you have now increased the act of giving gifts to fans... Does this mean that your day to leave the NBA is getting closer and closer. So you have to take this opportunity to give them more things?"

   ESPN's interview, Shen Huan was originally unwilling to accept it.

   The interviews in Huaguo are better. Interviews by Americans have always been tricky, and they are very straightforward and difficult to deal with.

   Shen Huan hates that talking to people like this is like quarreling.

   However, ESPN has great abilities and has a deep interest relationship with the NBA, and it is very close to the Lakers.

They also praise Shen Huan on weekdays, including Kenny Smith who is interviewing Shen Huan. Since the first round of the playoffs last year, they have followed and praised Shen Huan all the way. He is a die-hard fan of Shen Huan. Barkley can't miss it.

   Humanity is everywhere in the world.

  Since all aspects of human sentiment have been used, Shen Huan naturally had to go to the interview.

   And this interview is still a live broadcast version, meaning that Shen Huan is sitting here and talking, and it can be seen by audiences watching ESPN channels all over the world.

  According to the data just before the broadcast, more than 70 million viewers in North America have poured into TV channels and online channels, and more than 300 million people are online at the same time worldwide.

   This made Kenny Smith very excited, bent on making a little news.

   So, the first question he asked seemed a bit sharp.

   Originally this question was raised by him after he planned to chat for a while, but now there are so many viewers watching, he wants to leave everyone behind as soon as possible.

  As long as everyone is interested at first, then they will be happy to watch it, thus creating an unprecedented viewing record for his Kenny Smith show!


   Shen Huan nodded without thinking.

   Kenny Smith was thinking about it. If Shen Huan didn't admit it, he would find some more evidence and fought Shen Huan for three rounds, and finally forced Shen Huan to admit it.

   As a result, he did not expect that Shen Huan would be so frank.

   His bull eyes widened.

   "Are you sure?" Kenny Smith said.


   Shen Huan said slightly, "Isn't it obvious? The finals in June will be my last NBA game."

   Kenny Smith turned his head to look at him: "You said the same last year."

"I didn't say it last year. I only said that I will not renew my contract with the Lakers and plan to quit the NBA." Shen Huan said, "But after this time, it's really goodbye. When we meet again, it shouldn't be time for me to play basketball. ."

   Kenny Smith scratched his head, "It seems like a kind of farewell sadness... Wouldn't you miss the hundreds of millions of lovely fans? They are very reluctant to bear you."

   "Yes." Shen Huan said, "But I still have a lot of things to do. I am busy playing games, which is not in line with my life plan."

   "Can you find out more popular than playing ball, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can become a global idol?" Kenny Smith asked.

"Idol and popularity are actually not that important." Shen Huan said sincerely, "I studied agronomy in college, and I have made some achievements recently. I am very happy. I hope I can continue to do something meaningful. Things come."

   "My God!" Kenny Smith scratched his head, "If I had the reputation and popularity of yours, even if I broke my leg, I would not leave the NBA!

   Boss Joe has your current fame, honor and wealth only when you are 30 years old, and you are only 18 years old this year, the NBA will be yours for the next 20 years! "

   Shen Huan smiled, "So you are not me."


   Kenny Smith was very uncomfortable being blocked.

   But he could not refute it.

  'S words turned into boss Joe to pick him up, and he couldn't respond well.

   Everyone knows that Shen Huan is not an ordinary person, and his miracle is likely to be unique, and no other person can do it.

   Because of this, Kenny Smith, a die-hard fan of him, is even more melancholy.

   If Shen Huan left the NBA, what real fun would I have?


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