I Know Everything

Chapter 1155: Interview with Ace Host (Part 2)

   However, Kenny Smith can become ESPN's trump card, it is definitely not so easy to defeat.

   He immediately turned his words bluntly to what Shen Huan said earlier, "Look at it, Shen Huan. You said your job is to study agriculture, right?"


"But two months ago, you published two papers on the two-dimensional nano-material graphene in the journal Nature... My god, I'm so big just by saying this name, you are How can it be used for both purposes?"

"Because I have a friend, her job is to study physics, but she is currently helping me with agricultural research." Shen Huan said, "I also understand physics a little bit. Suddenly one day, I remembered to ponder this. In terms of things, I started researching in my free time.

   So after a period of thinking and analysis, there are two papers, and it doesn't seem to be that difficult. "


   Kenny Smith patted his head vigorously: "Compared to you, I am like a fool."

   Shen Huan smiled without speaking.

   There are some things that can be said by the way, but this kind of self-harm of others, it is best not to talk to each other.

"Well, since you can do two things with one mind, why can't you think about doing three things with one mind?" Kenny Smith told me, "We fans dare not ask you to play for a full season, but you can play for 2 months a year. Isn’t it nice to have a playoff game for China? This is equivalent to taking a break and changing your mind.

"That's right, but at my age, after arduous studies, shouldn't it be time to travel and play with my girlfriend?" Shen Huan laughed, "I want to go to many places, if I don't go when I am young , Don't you wait until the seven-year-old eighty time?"

   "Speaking of girlfriend, who is your girlfriend?" Kenny Smith said, "Can you tell me?"

   "It's a girl from China." Shen Huan replied solemnly.

"I thought you would say that you like Scarlett Johansson." Kenny Smith smiled. "She said in an interview the other day that she would be happy to go to the beach with you for a few days. ."

"These American female friends I met, such as Olsen, Miley, and Scarlett, are very beautiful and individual women." Shen Huan also smiled, "but I'm afraid they will If I get along for a long time, I will find that I am a very boring person, so it's better to be friends like this."

   "Are you boring in private?" Kenny Smith said in disbelief, "I asked Kobe, and he said that you are also very interesting in private, very talkative, and very straightforward."

   "How old is Kobe this year?" Shen Huan asked.


"Isn't this?" Shen Huan spread his hands. "I am friends with Kobe, 38, and Allen, 41. This does not prove that I have no youthful vigor, but a bit like a premature decay. Middle-aged uncle?"

   "Haha! I don't think your fans will agree." Kenny Smith smiled.

"They only need to pay attention to my performance on the court. If someone likes to play, there is no need to like him off the court." Shen Huan said again, "For example, Kobe, he is actually a wretched off court. The middle-aged uncle of Alan, on the contrary, is a little more serious. You will be very uncomfortable with their character."

   "Hey, you be careful to be taken care of by Kobe." Kenny Smith reminded.

After    laughed, their conversation turned to the NBA playoffs they are currently playing.

   Kenny Smith asked: "Shen Huan, I know you always feel that you can defend the championship, where is your confidence?"

   "I have good strength, plus so many excellent partners." Shen Huan said with a serious face, "Our strength is the best in the entire NBA, so no one can beat us for the time being."

   "Not even James? Not even Durant? Not even Curry? Not even Irving?" Kenny Smith asked the names of four people in total.

   "If they are in a team, I am afraid we will have a headache." Shen Huan said.

  He means that unless the Big Four are together, they can beat his Lakers.

   But in the history of the NBA, there has never been so many superstars on the same team.

   Even the invincible Bulls team back then had only three superstars.

   The invincible Lakers in those few years were just an OK combination, with at most one old Karl Malone added.

   The Miami Heat in previous years were also just the Big Three.

   And in a sense, Bosh is slightly worse than the four superstars mentioned above.

   Kenny Smith said noncommittal: "Then do you have any secret weapons that will allow you to defeat them?"

   "Have you seen all of my weapons?" Shen Huan said flatly, "On the basketball court, I seem to have nothing I can't do."


   Kenny Smith gasped.

   But he couldn't refute Shen Huan's words.

   As the person who knows the best tactics and star skills in the NBA, Kenny Smith has done many researches.

   Shen Huan is really omnipotent whether it is offense, defense, organization, passing, steals, rebounds, blocks...

   Even if Shen Huan's height is only 186 cm, it would be very disadvantageous to play center, but Shen Huan's amazingly talented bounce ability can still make up for everything.

   includes the strength of the body. You don’t have the same figure as O’Neill. If you collide and fight with Shen Huan, you are definitely looking for death.

   Thinking of this, Kenny Smith couldn't help but said with sorrow: "So you left the basketball court, it is a huge loss!"

   "God's will be so, I can't help it." Shen Huan still did not answer.

   Kenny Smith, who had no other way, could only turn the topic to a milder one.

   This is also what the director desperately gave him a wink, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Kenny Smith barely accepted it.

   Otherwise, he will always hold onto Shen Huan's departure from the NBA, and desperately persuade him to stay.

   "So Shen Huan, can I ask which player is your favorite?"

   "Boss Joe!" Shen Huan said without hesitation.


   "He was the protagonist when I first watched a basketball game when I was young. He is always my favorite on the court."

   "So what about the current players?"

"LeBron James." Shen Huan did not hesitate either. "LeBron has a very gentle heart. In addition to screaming at the basketball court, he also did a lot of kind things. I hope I will learn more from him in the future. "

   "If you were asked to choose the best partner, who would you choose?"

   "I think it should be O'Neill."

   "Because he is the strongest center?"

   "Because he can control everything under the basket, so I don't have to take care of the defense, and I just have to attack."

   "You say that, are you afraid that Kobe and Allen are angry?"

   "They are not so stingy."



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