I Know Everything

Chapter 1166: do not worry

     The fans tonight, really watched a big show.

   Not only saw Shen Huan directly swaying Iguodala and injured the ankle ligament, but also saw Shen Huan killing all around.

   Even after the game is over, you can still see gorgeous group fights.

   After waiting ten minutes for the security guard on the scene, when he rushed to the scene "quickly", the fan had been beaten and passed out.

   During this period, the TV station has found the video signal and clearly showed it to the audience on the scene and in front of the TV.

   Indeed, as Shen Huan said, these sneakers fell into the hands of the little boy.

   But the man robbed him like lightning, so many people didn't react and didn't see clearly.

   But Shen Huan found out, so he insisted on returning it to the little boy.

   In the end, if the fans hadn't rushed to beat the man, I'm afraid Shen Huan would really do it.

  Buzz and Kupchak of the Lakers were completely blank at the time and didn't know what to do.

   I didn't expect a turnaround in the end. The fans replaced Shen Huan and beat the man.

   Now their heart was put back into their stomach.

   So under the attention of countless cameras and microphones, while a group of fans who had assaulted the man were taken away by the police very kindly, Bass and Kupchak hugged them one by one.

"thank you all!"

   "Please rest assured, the Lakers will never forget your greatness!"

   "Our lawyers have already arrived, they will be responsible for all legal support, everything does not cost you a penny."

   "After the matter is resolved, as long as we can catch up, we will arrange for you to watch Shen Huan play! If time is not available, we will send the Lakers team's signed basketball!"

   "Thank you! Thank you again!"


   In front of the media throughout the United States and the world, that's what they said.

   Little Buss was still crying.

   Don't care whether he pretended, but this attitude instantly infected countless people.

   More than millions of Twitter celebrities and YouTube celebrities are all praising Buzz. They think that having such a Lakers owner is the Lakers’ greatest happiness.

   Even if Little Buss did this, it was a bit of a suspicion of breaking the law, but in terms of human nature, it was appreciated by many people.

  Who doesn't want your boss to be so responsible?

   Even if he knew, he did it for his own benefit, but he still did a lot better than too many people.

   Compared with the high profile of Little Buss and Kupchak, Shen Huan was taken away by Kobe, Iverson and a lot of security guards in the first place.

   Under the frenzied besieged by the reporters, they returned to their villa community almost 11 o'clock, and the security guards here prevented all the reporters from entering.

   "Brother, don't care, this is a trivial matter! You will be fine after you sleep!" Iverson comforted Shen Huan before returning to his villa.

"Shen, I have encountered too many things like this. If you don't think about it, there will be nothing." Kobe patted Shen Huan earnestly, "You can have a good night tonight. I won’t think about it anymore, you know?"

   The old driver blinked and glanced at the two women not far behind Shen Huan.

   Shen Huan smiled without speaking.

   Both of them worried that Shen Huan's mood would be affected.

   After all, although this beating incident is not big, and Shen Huan did not do it, but the reporters will certainly help, and I don't know how much dirty water was poured on Shen Huan.

   Although Shen Huan had just picked up Ed Davis when he first entered the NBA, Shen Huan was not very famous at that time.

   Then Shen Huan was punished, and the matter was over.

   But this time is different.

   Now Shen Huan is the number one basketball star in the world, with influence all over the world. If reporters don't splash dirty water on such a popular chicken, then they are not a qualified reporter.

   This can easily affect Shen Huan's state.

   If a player's condition is not good, it will easily affect his performance on the court.

   Actually, Shen Huan was not affected at all.

   First of all, he did nothing wrong at all.

   Even if he wants to hit someone, it comes from his heart.

  Since I am not wrong, but are helping justice, then my heart is very firm and will not be affected at all.

   When a person thinks that he is absolutely not wrong, rumors from the outside seldom affect him.

  Because of this person's heart, there is no room for another voice.

   The second reason, how big is this?

   Can you still squirt me to death?

   I didn’t eat this meal all the time, and I never thought that being a basketball star is good.

   As long as you don’t care, you can.

   This sentence is a bit confusing, but the meaning is very profound.

   The third reason is that Shen Huan is a scientist, a world-class mathematician and a rookie in physics.

  In this serious science industry, people with great reputation are actually very respected.

   Considering this status, many large newspapers and magazines actually dare not blacken Shen Huan too much, otherwise they will be questioned and criticized by many serious readers, and this will not pay for the gain.

   Therefore, it is only the gossip entertainment magazine that might attack Shen Huan.

   These news are used by fans and some people who eat melons.

   If you want to care, Hollywood stars have committed suicide in groups.

   As for Shen Huan's basic board-domestic, everyone will support Shen Huan even more.

   After all, the facts are displayed here, how can you refer to a deer as a horse?

   Shen Huan is a star in China, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was hacked in the United States, can these people still follow the meaning of the American people?


  My own child, I must feel sorry for myself!

  Furthermore, the boss made Shen Huan a youth idol, a pillar of society, and a banner.

   They will also explain Shen Huan, so Shen Huan's personal design will definitely not fall.

   Even bad news is rare.

   In summary, Shen Huan was not worried at all, and went to rest after taking a shower.

   It was Wang Zhen and Ji Yinmei. After Shen Huan took a break, they started busy staying up late and working overtime.

   Their fate is connected with Shen Huan.

   The king is really purely for Shen Huan.

   Ji Yinmei knew that this was a rare opportunity to get closer to Shen Huan.

   If Shen Huan can set the tone of this public opinion first, then he will be invincible.

   As long as Shen Huan can pass the level smoothly this time, everything she has done by Ji Yinmei will be seen by Shen Huan.

   Even fans will firmly remember that Ji Yinmei's crisis public relations are very appropriate.

   In this way, she is the real fame and fortune, and she will become famous!


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