I Know Everything

Chapter 1167: Curse war

     People are surprised to find that such a dozen hours of news is unprecedentedly lively.

   Whether they are on TV or on the Internet, they can see the news about "Shen Huan clashed with fans" last night.

   I watched a lot, and naturally discussed more.

   So everyone including the students discussed this matter.

   There are a hundred people, of all kinds.

   As long as there are people, it is impossible to have only one opinion.

   The news about Shen Huan was first divided into two camps.

   The first attack on Shen Huan was naturally the black media, or some media that wanted to quickly get out of position and rely on lace news and explosive news to attract attention.

   "Oh my God, I don't know why such a scene happened! When Shen Huan directed a group of people to beat the poor fans, is he still alone?"

   "Breaking news! Shen Huan is so cruel, he beat the fans!"

   "Why does Shen Huan dare to hurt people so unscrupulously? And he commits crimes repeatedly? Shouldn't the NBA review it?"

   "It's too much! Look at what people are beaten like? They almost died! Such a mob must be severely punished!"

   "When I saw this scene, I was completely stunned! I also shed tears! What kind of world is this? You can still be beaten by watching football games, and you can play so hard? Is the NBA a fighting field?"

   "It's disgusting! We can't indulge Shen Huan because he is a star! We should condemn him! Let the law judge him! He must not be superior to ordinary people!"


   They usually don’t tell the whole story, but they take it out of context.

   For example, the most common is the photo of Shen Huan staring at the man indifferently, but there is no intermediate content, only the photo of the man being carried on a stretcher to the hospital.

   At the same time, in stark contrast to him, Shen Huan left smoothly under the **** of Kobe and others and bodyguards.

   Such a contrast will naturally make people feel a sense of justice inexplicably.

   Could it be that Shen Huan beat the man, but because of his different status, he didn't even go to the police station and went home?

   And that man can only rescue him poorly?

   This is too much! Too cold! ?

   No one can be above the law, not even Shen Huan!

  Those who have such thoughts immediately expressed their dissatisfaction through various channels.

   One, two, three, five...In turn, there were thousands, tens of millions, asking for a thorough investigation of the facts, and fairness to the injured!


   The villain out of context will certainly not occupy the mainstream of society.

   just like there will never be big media among them.

   This way, the defendant will be bankrupt and lose face.

   As a counterattack force, the first camp belongs to the traditional partners of Shen Huan, or the gathering place of traditional fans of Shen Huan.

   The former talks about the NBA’s partner media, including ESPN, TNT, ABC, CBS, etc., as well as Time Warner Group, which has bought the broadcast rights for the Lakers for 20 years.

   These entertainment media giants, of course, hope that the NBA with Shen Huan in it will become more and more prosperous, and they will get more and more benefits.

   On the other hand, if you make Shen Huan stinky, their loss of interest will be at least several hundred million or even more than several billion dollars.

   Cutting off the road of money and money is like killing a parent.

   This is especially unbearable in the United States.

   Therefore, they started to reappear the scene last night. It was the one that was broadcast from beginning to end. It also explained the correctness and heroism of Shen Huan's behavior from all aspects.


   They define Shen Huan as a hero.

  People in the U.S. and people all over the world like heroes.

  Especially in North America, they most admire individualistic heroes.

  For example, movies starring Schwarzenegger and Stallone are like this, so they are the best superstars in Hollywood.

   These comments and news need to be a little more particular, but these superstars and commentators of the NBA itself don't need to be so particular.

   They have always had a clear love and hate, and dared to speak.

   These people themselves have hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of Twitter and Facebook fans, and a comment can immediately trigger countless people’s likes and reposts.

   "From the behavioral analysis, although Shen Huan is a little bit extreme, he is a kind person and a good person. This is not the fault of him."-ESPN ace commentator Kenny Smith.

"God, Shen Huan is to be blamed for such behavior? Are you crazy? If I stood there, I must let him see what Sir Barkley's anger is!"-TNT commentator, former NBA superstar Buck Profit.

"Hey, those who say bad things about Shen Huan, don't be touched by me, or let's go to the wrestling ring to duel! Dare to slander this shark's best partner, you not only have no face, but even your heart!" ——O'Neal.

"Nonsense! Sensational! I was on the sidelines of Shen Huan's game, and I also saw the beginning and end of things. Shen Huan didn't do anything at all, okay? You don't trust the police, you don't believe in the NBA bosses, what gossip media do , Are you crazy?" —Boss Joe, the **** of basketball.

   "As Shen Huan's best friend in the NBA, I can assure you that he is not wrong. You can go to the complete videos of various websites to know what's going on!"-Kobe.


   What these NBA superstars say is quite mild.

  On the oil pipe known as "one billion users, 900 million Shen Huan fans", they completely occupy the mainstream of the Internet.

   On this day, UU reading www.uukanshu.com made 433.29 million searches for the keyword "Shen Huan".

   YouTube’s top 50 hits, only 4 videos do not belong to Shen Huan.

   Among the four, one was after the injured man was sent to the hospital, and the other was about the boy who was robbed of sneakers.

   Any user who dared to spray Shen Huan on the Internet was directly greeted and scolded by these enthusiastic Shen Huan fans.

   "You're a beast, aren't you? Such obvious things can spread rumors, you should go to hell!"

   "I curse you to be hit by a car tomorrow when you go out! A scum like you is not worthy to live!"

   "I don't know why you said Shen Huan so badly, but it turns out that Shen Huan is a hero, and you are a disgusting demon!"

"In your eyes, you can't see the tears of that child, you can't see everyone's admiration and support for Shen Huan, and even more of Shen Huan's bravery when he speaks righteously... You are not blind, but black in your heart. It's all rotten!"

"I have only heard of crazy fans who are very speechless, and now you finally show me what is shameless. To smear and smear, you really lost the face of us Americans! I hope you will have a chance in your next life. Be one more person!"



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