I Know Everything

Chapter 1168: Those who have the Tao will help

     If there are two parties to fight, then there must be enough interests to support.

   If there is no big interest, there can be no protracted war.

   This time the two camps are fighting such a fierce battle, I have not seen it in the United States for a long time.

   A celebrity once said that there are two things that people like to do most.

  The first thing is to lift up a hero.

   The second thing is to destroy this hero.

   Human nature is like this.

   The current two camps are exactly this position.

   Those who want to destroy Shen Huan, so that they can eat the most traffic and attention.

   Fans of NBA and Shen Huan just want to protect this hero.

   Whether it is for my own benefit or all kinds of likes, we must desperately protect Shen Huan.

   No matter what kind of war is fought, the core is actually fighting money.

   Why can the American father beat others up?

   Wasn't it just made by money?

  I don’t need to send anyone there, just bomb them with warships and planes, and bomb them all the way. No matter how many tanks, artillery and troops you have, they are completely useless. They are all targets!

   is the same in shopping malls.

   Which acquisition of Disney Papa didn't open the way with money?

   Billions and tens of billions of dollars can be sold, not only can you buy Star Wars IP, you can buy Marvel, and even 20th Century Fox can buy it.

   If it weren’t for another Netflix to compete with Disney’s Dad, I’m afraid the US Super Entertainment Group will only have their family.

   The same reasoning can be proved. In the media, the same game is to spend money.

   If you spend more money, naturally there will be more news of all kinds, which will cover more people.

   You have no money, news can only be published in so little places, and it is easy to be overwhelmed by other people's news.

   In fact, those media companies that want to profit by destroying Shen Huan are not without money.

   Many of them are also veterans in the industry, knowing how to get the most news pages at the most reasonable price.

   Even if they met the NBA and their business partners, they were definitely not without fighting back.

   is 37 open at most, they occupy 30%, and they can already get the expected harvest.

   But they missed a very important enemy this time.

   Those are Shen Huan’s sponsors.



   BMW Company.



  VISA company.

   These are all well-known large companies in the world. The most important thing is that the advertising costs they spend on the media each year add up to tens of billions of dollars!

   All TV advertising expenses in the U.S. for one year are no more than 70 billion U.S. dollars.

   These companies are the big beneficiaries of major television stations, newspapers, magazines, and online media in the United States.

   Now that someone wants to destroy their most important cash cow, do you think these companies will go crazy?

   Someone wanted to destroy Boss Joe, and said that he was going to explode a lot of his ill-informed stuff, and Nike alone settled it with money.

   Boss Joe was able to concoct the gods almost without any black material in the end. The price Nike paid is absolutely unimaginable.

   Now that we have so many companies, if we let the enemy succeed, wouldn’t it be too shameful?

   So, after a simple conference call, the six major companies began to work hard.

   They called all of their advertising partners and warned them that even if they don’t cheer for Shen Huan, they must never go with Shen Huan to discredit Shen Huan, or they won’t have any money for future advertising.

   For advertising companies, for major TV stations, for major newspapers and magazines, these brand advertisers are definitely fathers.

   Dad is talking, do you dare to be disobedient?

   surely not!

   Commercial society is such a reality.

   So these advertising media not only did not promote the destruction of heroes, but instead helped Shen Huan as much as they could.

   In this way, the side that protects the hero is just as powerful as a tiger, while the side that destroys the hero is directly hit by 300 tons of crit.

   It takes three or five days for the enemy to be defeated in one day.

   More and more people said in interviews that they believed that Shen Huan was innocent, and everything that Shen Huan did at that time should be praised!

   Although Shen Huan also has the intention of beating, but the starting point is justice, then there is no problem.

   Let alone no matter where you look at it, Shen Huan didn't do it.

   Those who believe in smearing reports are only struggling in a small corner and cannot enter the mainstream media and public opinion at all.

   Early in the morning of the third day, the police also ran over to join in the fun.

   They held a press conference and ushered in the largest reporters in history-more than 700 reporters attended.

   Because of the large number of people, the press conference had to be moved directly out of the police station and held in the open space.

   The U.S. police do things relatively reliably.

   After more than a day of interrogation and data collection, they have reached a conclusion, otherwise they dare not be ashamed of the world.

   They announced five things in total.

   First, the man did **** the boy's sneakers, and Shen Huan asked him to return it to the boy without any threat.

  Second, Shen Huan did not have any physical contact with the man who was beaten, so there was no incident of beating.

   Third, the man was beaten because of the outrage of more than a dozen fans, and he was not instigated.

  Fourth, the specific liability judgment and legal proceedings will be decided by the lawyers of both parties in court. It is not easy to make decisions now.

   Fifth, Shen Huan, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, has no responsibility and will not be subject to any restrictions during the trial of the case. Naturally, playing and leaving the country are what he wants.

   It should be said that the police credibility in California is still good.

   After the police made such an announcement, except for a very few very dark and ulterior motives, they believed this conclusion.

   I'm talking about Tai Chi countries in Europe, America, Japan and so on.

   In fact, in the base camp of Shen Huan in China, there was no noise from beginning to end.

   Shen Huan’s analysis was right. After confirming that Shen Huan did not make any mistakes, he directly rectified Shen Huan’s name on China TV.

  On the Internet, there are a few people who want to sensationalize, and they directly delete their comments.

   This operation is very normal.

   How could he be wronged by the most talented young man who was erected with great difficulty?

   The more you try to discredit, the more we must support and rectify the name.

   Now, Shen Huan’s international reputation is getting bigger and bigger!

   is not only in sports, but also in physics, it is possible to win a Nobel Prize in physics.

  Who wouldn't hold a baby like this for fear that he would be unhappy?


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