I Know Everything

Chapter 1174: How are you and him?

When Bai Shengkun was carrying his sister home, a bag of freshly ground flour was placed on his off-road vehicle.

How about having money can make the ghosts go.

When the goods were received here, they were directly sent to the small flour mills, and dozens of bags of flour were beaten.

Bai Wushuang gave two bags to his grandparents, parents-in-law and mother-in-law, and took one of them home, and put the rest in Shen Huan's house.

After returning home, Bai Wushuang handed it over to the cook and asked them to make some noodles.

Northerners like to eat pasta.

Naturally, Huajing people also have a special variety of pasta.

For example, the most famous fried noodles, one of the representatives of the situation.

Before the dinner started in the evening, Bai Shenghai, who had just returned home, smelled a very strong aroma of wheat.

He handed the bag to his little wife Wu Lengxiang, and couldn't help asking, "What are you doing today? Why is it so fragrant?"

"The food made of flour that Wushuang brought back is said to be grown in her experimental field." Wu Lengxiang smiled, "You only smell it now, and we smelled it since an hour ago... Can't stand it!"

"Oh, have you all gained it?" Bai Shenghai became interested, he sat at the dining table, "Come on, get me some more to eat first!"

"No, I'll wait for you to have dinner anyway, I'll ask everyone to come out and eat together!" Wu Lengxiang didn't follow his instructions and ordered a servant to call someone.

In a short while, everyone at home gathered at the dining table.

The Bai family’s dining table is very large, and when it’s extended, it can usually seat a dozen people.

The first to run down was the 5-year-old grandson Bai Feiyang.

"Ah, it smells so good!"

Bai Feiyang leaped over and saw a large white steamed bun on the dinner table.

The strong aroma of wheat is more fragrant than the bread he eats.

"Grandpa, is this bread or steamed buns?" He stood beside Bai Shenghai, asking puzzledly.

"It should be steamed buns." Bai Shenghai laughed. "Why, want to eat now?"


The child nodded.

"Well, we are one and half." Bai Shenghai just found the opportunity, so he took a steamed bun, broke the half and gave it to his grandson.

At the moment of breaking apart, not only the wheat scent is tangy, but also a sweet taste spreads out.

When the two grandfathers and grandchildren's eyes lit up, they ate quickly.

Bite in your mouth, the steamed bun is not only full of elasticity, without any soft feeling, but it is also sweet and delicious when chewed, just like putting milk and sugar in it.

But the Bai family never put these things in making steamed buns, which is also a consistent rule.

So both of them understand that what they eat is the taste of this steamed bun.

In a short while, the two finished eating.

Then they peeked at each other.

"Grandpa~~" Bai Feiyang licked his mouth and pushed him gently.

"There's really no way to take you!" Bai Shenghai coughed lightly, then took another one, which was divided between the two grandparents.

When everyone came over one after another, the two grandparents had already eaten three steamed buns.

"Ahem, since everyone is here, let's have dinner!" Bai Shenghai naturally made a patriarch and motioned everyone to sit down.

The cook and the servant next to him quickly brought over the warm dishes.

I saw that in addition to the usual dishes and the big steamed buns, there was also a leek box and a Jingdong meatloaf.

The dishes made of these wheats have a scent of wheat on one end, and they don’t taste like that.

Everyone is not someone who hasn't eaten good things, but these pasta dishes are so delicious that they were all eaten up in the end.

Even Bai Wushuang ate a bit more, and when he received praise from his family, there was a rare smile on his mouth.

Bai Shenghai saw it in his eyes, stood up and said, "This wheat flour tastes very good, and you grow it yourself, so don’t worry... Wushuang, tell them to take 100 bags and come home. Let’s have steamed buns, steamed buns and fried dough sticks in the morning. Just use it."

"it is good!"

Bai Wushuang said refreshingly.

100 bags are 500 kilograms, which is less than 1 mu of land, so it is not a big problem to bring them to the home.

"Then follow me into the study..." Bai Shenghai said and walked to the study on the second floor.

When Bai Wushuang followed in, Bai Shenghai was already sitting on the sofa and looked at his daughter with a smile.

"Wushuang, how is your relationship with Shen Huan?" Without outsiders, Bai Shenghai asked directly, "Your grandparents said, your relationship is very close!"

"We are like-minded friends." Bai Wushuang hesitated for a moment and said how he felt.


Bai Shenghai knew that his daughter never lied to others, and felt a little regretful.

Could it be that Shen Huan is so good, and has reached the point of getting along day and night, can't attract his daughter?

He asked unwillingly: "You have nothing else to say except for agricultural experiments and physical science research?"

"Well, yes." Bai Wushuang nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Bai Shenghai said with a refreshed spirit.

"About walnuts, about flowers and plants... Then he often talks to me, I don't hate it." Bai Wushuang replied.


Bai Shenghai was happy now.

My daughter is someone who has never been in a relationship before. Facing Shen Huan's entanglement, she doesn't feel annoying. That's a show.

"It's good if you don't hate it. It's always good to get along slowly." Bai Shenghai also knows that he can't be pressed too quickly. "For example, if Shen Huan wants you to go out to see a movie or eat, you don't want to refuse, otherwise others It will be sad."

"He won't invite me to eat out. They are all made at home for me and grandparents." Bai Wushuang replied solemnly.

Listening to the answers of some naturally silly daughters, Bai Shenghai was a little bit dumbfounded.

Shen Huan met his daughter, but it was a bit uncomfortable.

If you want to attack such a girl, you need to put in more energy and effort to be successful.

Maybe it won't succeed in the end.

However, Bai Shenghai still felt that only Shen Huan was most suitable for his daughter.

This is not his judgment, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is the judgment of Professor Bai Lao and his wife.

They are the people who are most often with Bai Wushuang and Shen Huan. Of course, they can see whether the two young people get along with each other in a tacit understanding and whether they are married.

I used to worry that my daughter was too good, and men would feel inferior to her.

With Shen Huan now, I don't have to worry about this!

The daughter can get along well with Shen Huan, half of the reason is because Shen Huan can keep up with her rhythm.


How smart and good is the child they gave birth to?

Thinking of this, Bai Shenghai felt a little excited...


What are you going to do during the long vacation? I have to work hard to write a book... 幛?? 幛

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