I Know Everything

Chapter 1175: Can prepare for the finals in advance

After playing two games, the morale of the Golden State Warriors has been almost consumed.

Not only because Iguodala will not be able to come back until next season, but also because Shen Huan's state is the same as before, and the two veterans of the Lakers have also begun to explode, as if they are back to the state at the beginning of the season.

The Golden State Warriors lost the game against the Lakers in the first game of the season.

Of course there were factors that hadn't entered the state at that time, but you can also see how powerful a Kobe with good state and physical strength, plus the same Iverson, is.

At this point, they finally understand why Kobe and Iverson were not in the first two rounds of the eight playoff games.

It turned out to be all about storing power, ready to use it at the most critical time!

Watching reporters continue to praise the two elders, the morale of the Golden State Warriors disappeared visible to the naked eye.

This game really cannot be played!

Beating others can still be done by skill, play, and luck.

But to play the Lakers, as long as they have Shen Huan in, the good condition of the two elders, and Howard's defensive ability at the basket, they can't play at all!

Speaking of Howard is not a thing.

You obviously have the ability to attack, and you are obviously a monster, but you shamelessly guard at the basket and don't go anywhere else.

This drastically reduced the chances of the Golden State Warriors playing fast break, and Durant's offense was greatly reduced.

Durant is amazing, but Howard, who is defensively defensive, is not a vegetarian. At the age of 31, he is fully capable of competing with the 28-year-old Durant.

If Durant's strong hitting is unsuccessful, then Curry and Thompson will certainly not go to the basket too much.

With their small size, it is simply to give Howard food.

So most of the time they are shooting three-pointers or catching Durant.

Durant's 30 points per game, almost half of it comes from this.

If there were no two pick-and-rolls for him, Howard could kill him by himself.

Real one-on-one, Durant will never be afraid of Howard.

But the problem is that he has to be tortured repeatedly by Shen Huan on the defensive end, which has already consumed almost a third of his energy.

If the remaining energy is put into the offense, it will certainly not be fully utilized.

Howard, the dog, doesn't take one step offensively. At best, he stands near his own center line, most of the time at the basket.

So his energy is extremely vigorous, and he is not afraid of entanglement in the basket.

It stands to reason that if Howard can't get out of the basket, he can't prevent Curry and Thompson's three-pointers.

Once no one is close to defending, Curry and Thompson's three-pointers can suddenly throw their opponents to death.

But Shen Huan will inevitably grab Curry on the offensive end.

Not long after the start of the fourth quarter of both games, Curry was fouled 6 times.

He was not there when he needed to work hard at the end.

Thompson can't afford the entire three-pointer counterattack alone.

Curry wanted to reverse this situation in the second game, and was sent off one minute earlier than the first.

Shen Huan's ability to make fouls was fully demonstrated in this Western Conference Finals.

In the past, everyone felt that Shen Huan had no other skills other than brutality and outstanding ability.

At least a good boy.

Will not deliberately cheat people on the court, but will only fight back after being violated.

As a result, everyone now understands that it is not that Shen Huan cannot, but that he has not thought about it before.

In two consecutive games, the two main players of the Golden State Warriors have been played cleanly. Such foul-making ability is absolutely first-class in the NBA.

Originally, Shen Huan was unstoppable, but now he has learned badly and is starting to cheat others, which makes the Golden State Warriors lament what they can do.


In fact, this was also the case in the third game.

The Lakers did not relax their vigilance because of 2:0.

They still play according to the previous game mode.

Shen Huan, Kobe, Iverson, and Ingram played **** the offensive end, and Howard, Shen Huan, and Ingram were extremely energetic on the defensive end, making the Golden State Warriors very uncomfortable.

However, in the third game, Thompson played better than Curry, scoring 35 points in the third quarter.

Although it was a lot worse than Shen Huan's 52 points, Thompson made 9 three-pointers, which is indeed second only to Shen Huan's performance.

Under such circumstances, Shen Huan beat Thompson at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

Even if Shen Huan did not score three consecutive offenses, he also committed three consecutive fouls by Thompson.

Thompson was shocked now.

He originally had two fouls in the first three quarters, plus the current three. As long as there is one foul, he will have to end.

There are now eight minutes before the end of the game.

The score is 95:121.

Although the hope of regaining it seems small, it is not entirely hopeless.

But if he was beaten down, Curry and Durant alone would have no hope.

After all, Draymond Green has been habitually beaten down. Without him, the Golden State Warriors only have one leg to walk.

So Thompson must stay on the court.

Since you want to stay on the court, you must not foul.

With such a scruples, Thompson's performance is naturally daunting and greatly compromised.

He dared not press close when defending, and would take the initiative to get out of the way when there was a reasonable collision, so as not to be pitted again.

But even so, he didn't hold on for long.

Just one minute later, Thompson got his sixth foul on Shen Huan and ended up honorably.

Without Thompson, the Golden State Warriors' crazy pursuit of points took a sharp turn.

The Lakers caught the substitute player who replaced him and hit hard, and the young guy was crying.

The final outcome is 117:150.

The Lakers easily won the battle of Tianwangshan with a 33-point advantage.

"After this game, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Lakers are ready to prepare for the next Finals!

Facts have proved that the style and characteristics of the Golden State Warriors are useless in the face of Shen Huan.

We still said that unless you have 4 superstars huddling together to keep warm, otherwise there is no chance of defeating Shen Huan! "

In the summary after the game, ESPN ace commentator Kenny Smith said this seriously.

What he said is also a fact that almost everyone knows.

This time the Golden State Warriors are not overwhelmed, but over!

At their peak and strongest moments, encountering Shen Huan twice in a row is absolutely their misfortune!

Especially Durant, who came from the top of the Thunder to the Golden State Warriors, in order to give himself a championship ring.

As a result, it looks like there is no hope at all this season! !

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