I Know Everything

Chapter 880: Refuse to destroy the image!

Shen Huan thinks about the problem, of course, not from money.

"If you think you can only sell goods in the past two years, you can do it anyway." Shen Yin said, Shen Huan said: "But if Adidas wants to suppress Nike all the time and truly become the world's first, then it seems to do so There is no such thing as an international company."

Feng Yushou smiled slightly and nodded to cater to him: "I think the group of people at the headquarters is too eager for quick success. Our Adidas has the best traditions. How can we turn our backs?"

Watnard had long expected Shen Huan to say so.

He smiled. "The headquarters told us about this matter. Not only did I object, but Mr. Feng objected, but also the general managers of South America, Japan, etc... all expressed different opinions.

Those of us who have been on the front line of sales for a long time naturally understand what fans think and what fans think.

In this way, for short-term commercial benefits, blindly increasing the number of products produced is actually a damage to the Adidas brand! Customers will definitely pay off with us in the future! "

When the two of them talked about it, Shen Huan immediately understood.

In fact, Watnard and Feng Yushou did not come to ask for their consent.

On the contrary, they just want to express their disagreement.

Only when Shen Huan speaks by himself will Adidas headquarters seriously consider it, and will not blindly launch more championship limited editions.

Otherwise, Shen Huan launched a fire to not cooperate, so if Adidas dared to launch a limited edition of 3 million pairs and 5 million pairs, the rights of Shen Huan would be damaged.

Shen Huan can sue them and demand compensation.

Because the endorsement contract has already stipulated it, every product with the image of Shen Huan and related achievements must be authorized by Shen Huan to be sold.

This is completely different from the clothes and trousers produced by Shen Huan.

The LOGO on those products is only Adidas, so these brand images have nothing to do with Shen Huan.

But for example, Shen Huan version T-shirt, Fermat's theorem commemorative version T-shirt, Shen Huan championship shoes, all used Shen Huan's image and achievements as selling points, then this right does not belong to Adidas.

If they use it indiscriminately, of course they will eat the ramen.

"Then please tell me this on your behalf." Shen Huan said, "They don't need to make money on this item, isn't it our autumn and winter clothing, will it be available soon?"

"These clothes don't have your avatar printed on them. At best, it's your endorsement style. It's not the same as the money specially developed for you." Watnard shook his head. "No wonder they are so emotional, I heard it for the first time, I also feel excited."

"If you don't have the commemorative edition of the championship you will play next year, maybe we will really agree." Feng Yushou also said, "It is because there are still many possibilities in the future, so we can't do this."

Shen Huan nodded.

In the final analysis, it is because this interest has alternatives in the future.

If nothing really works, then it’s a fool not to take advantage of this big profit.

Few companies can withstand such temptations.

"Since we refused this request, then we will plan well for the NBA playoffs next year." Watnard said, "Speaking of it, I'm still under a lot of pressure. If I can't do it for $10 billion, The overall sales will definitely be scolded."

"You don't have to wait for next year." Shen Huan said after his reminder: "Doesn't Adidas also have basketball? You can make a basketball with my avatar logo! At least for two or three years, it is not a worry to sell. ."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Now that you think about it, that's great." Feng Yushou slaps, "Let's take advantage of these days to shoot a basketball ad! Adidas basketball, it should be a hero!"


Feng Yushou has been in China for too long. He started to use Chinese thinking in the expression of English.

Dare to love these two here waiting for themselves!

If they don’t say it, they will definitely mention it for other ads!

Shen Huan didn't care.

Although there are provisions in the endorsement contract, it is necessary to guarantee the number of advertisements and promotion several times a year, but everything is human.

Everyone always has to discuss.

"Is there anything else I want to shoot an ad? Let's talk together!" Shen Huan asked simply.

"It's nothing, but we also think that if a joint backpack is produced, maybe it can be a growth point for sales?" Watnard added.

"it is good!"

Shen Huan thought that this is not a troublesome thing, and it can be finished in a day at most.

"Oh, did you make your advertising plan?" Shen Huan suddenly remembered someone. "Can I recommend a little girl to appear in the advertisement?"

Of course there is already an advertising case.

But when he heard Shen Huan say this, Feng Yushou immediately said: "This is just a proposal, nothing has been done yet...Who do you want to recommend Shen Huan over? It should be no problem!"

"I recommend Yang Shu." Shen Huan called up some photos of Yang Shu on her mobile phone. "She is the heroine of "Gift in Room 7" and is the youngest after the Golden Lion Award, especially cute. . If she can work with me, it will definitely attract many 12-16 year old students and also add to the rebate of the purchase."

When they looked at this posture, can you still disagree?

Which young and energetic female star can you choose after the Golden Lion Award?

"Yes." Watnard also nodded. "But for the European and American versions, we need to change a story and a heroine."

"Can't ask Miley Cyrus!" Shen Huan blurted out.

The two old men smiled.

"Shen Huan, she is actually very good. Little peppers have the benefits of little peppers!" Watnard said. "Western girls don't pay much attention. A good is enough. No commitment is required. www.wuxiaspot.com ~She is not my type." Shen Huan quickly shook her head.

Originally Miley Cyrus was crazy enough. If she was asked to come to China to make advertisements, God knew what she would do out of the ordinary.

Although there are many wives in Shen Huan's future, she definitely hasn't set a position for Mi Niu'er.

The three discussed the details for a while before Shen Huan left.

In the next half month, when the ad copy and various preparations are appropriate, he will shoot such three advertisements.

For Adidas, these three advertisements are the compensation given by Shen Huan.

I believe that if the people in the headquarters are not idiots, they will definitely be willing to accept Shen Huan's opinion.

Otherwise, companies such as Nike and Under Armour would definitely be willing to invest heavily to buy out Shen Huan’s endorsement contract and recruit Shen Huan to their camp.

Adidas can't afford such a loss!

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