I Know Everything

Chapter 881: Make money without shooting

Huajing is the center of the entire country.

The center of many industries encountered is also here.

In Shen Huan's impression, even when the network electronics of the previous life was the most developed, the status of Beijing Capital's Zhengzhi Cultural and Entertainment Center has never changed.

The best batch of actors and the most famous celebrities in the country are all in Beijing.

They are not stupid.

Of course, it is because there are the best resources and the best platform here that it will gather here.

By making a movie and TV series, you are guaranteed to find all the talents you need in Beijing.

We can't say Hengdian, there is just a very low-level actor's dragon suit and scene configuration base.

The real actors and celebrities in the past in Beijing can get all of them.

It's cruel to say, but that's how it is.

Just together with Father Ma and me, on average we are all the top ten richest people in China, but they can't change the fact that I am poor.

In Beijing, there are newly formed crew every month.

It's even exaggerated to say that on average, a crew is established every week.

These crews are big and small, and they have a strong influence when they are turned on, and some are still unknown until the filming is finished.

"Gift of Room 7" belongs to the media that has not yet been turned on, and all the entertainment media pages are a model of their news.

The "Gift of Room 7" mentioned here refers to the TV series version.

Shen Huan didn't do it himself. Xin Changkong found several famous screenwriters and turned it into a 30-episode TV play script. Please ask Shen Huan to let Teacher Chu Liuxiang review and correct it before it is finally formed.

"Gift of Room 7" belongs to the TV series made by Fengxiang Film and Television, which rejected all companies' investment requests.

This is not to say that Fengxiang has a lot of money for film and television, but to shoot "The Gift of Room 7", it doesn't cost much at all.

According to the fiery and classic "The Gift of Room 7", a group of people in the TV circle are willing to perform for free. This is a masterpiece that has made him famous throughout history!

But Shen Huan still refused. According to the previous agreement, he tried to choose the three actors of the "Gift of Room 7" in Northern Dialect.

They have worked hard in the drama theater for two years in the "Gift of Room 7", it is time to give them some rewards!

Waiting for the big screen is impossible, but for them, the small screen is still a very good platform.

Drama actors have appeared more and more in various TV series and movies in the past two years.

The most famous representatives are Feng Xiang Film and Television's "Hua Zhu Ge Ge" and "Yi Hei" series, in which a lot of drama actors are used.

As a result, as soon as people's performances came out, people's eyes lit up.

Whether it is a good actor, you don’t want to look at fame, just tell him to play a live show.

The performance of the actors in the play, of course, can be seen by the audience at a glance.

A group of drama actors really played the role of super green leaves in these two dramas.

In "Hua Zhuge Ge" they made the Chinese laugh.

In "Prison Prison", countless fans in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea are playing CALL crazy for their acting skills.

It is precisely because of their excellent performances that many of the film crews who want to find acting skills now go to the theater to invite a few.

Not only Northern Dialect, Shang Dialect, but also local drama troupes, excellent actors have many opportunities to appear in TV series, but this is to thank Shen Huankai for this head.

Otherwise, in the past, only the top drama gangsters could appear in movies and TV.

Moreover, the actors of Renjia Theater have very low prices.

For example, the teacher Xu Gu, who plays Li Chenglong in the drama version "Gift of Room No. 7," is the pillar of the Northern Dialect.

The protagonist who plays a TV series is generally only 100,000 episodes, which is the same as the second-rate TV stars, and even the sixth generation of the TV series is not as good.

This time he received "The Gift of Room 7", he only opened the unusual price of 100,000 episodes, a TV series came down to 3 million, which is not as tenth as Shen Huan shot "Young Di Renjie" Pay.

As for the other actors in the drama, you can order 110,000 episodes and 210,000 episodes at will. They are cheap and easy to use.

You said that those investors who made TV dramas and films found such a treasure, can they not use it rushed?

When Xin Changkong gave Shen Huan the production cost of "The Gift of Room 7", Shen Huan was a little surprised.

"The total cost of the main actors is only 10 million? Will it be too little?" the teenager asked.

"In fact, there are many." Xin Changkong said with a smile: "Ms. Xu took 3 million, Xiao Yiyuan's actor Li Wei, and her mother only 1 million. The rest of the supporting actors and actresses took less. The average talent is about 500,000. Of course, Longtao and extras are not counted."

"The mother of the child is not bad, not greedy." Shen Huan said with a jaw.

"It's not that there is no greed, Zhang Shihan's mother wants 3 million...As a result, Li Wei's mother does not know where to find it, and he directly bids me 1 million." Xin Changkong said, "Both of them are equally excellent. , Of course I choose cheaper!"

Shen Huan smiled.

This mother of Zhang Shihan is not smart at all.

You get a little cheaper in the TV series. After the TV series starts to broadcast, and it has caused a huge response, are you worried that the advertisers will not flock to the door?

Will there be less than eight million children by then?

Don't worry about it now.

The result is good, the characters are robbed.

"As for the director, I contacted director Hu Zhenshu and Hu, he was very interested." Xin Changkong said, "but his request is that he should grasp it as a whole, and no one can interfere with the filming."

Shen Huan slightly jaws.

Director Hu Zhenshu is a first-rate director in the television industry, specializing in making ethical plays, and several of them are top ten ratings of the year.

"Those with no ability will compromise everywhere." Shen Huan thought for a while, "please ask him to come up with a shooting plan! If Mr. Chu and I think we can, he can form a team!"

"it is good!"

Xin Changkong nodded.

He did not tell Shen Huan that what Hu Zhenshu wanted was 5 million director's compensation.

This little money is a trivial thing for the TV series "Gifts in Room 7".

After the news was released in September, several satellite TV stations have come to the door. The conditions are good, and the first round of exclusive broadcast rights is not less than 60 million.

They all know that "Gift in Room 7" has only 30 episodes, but they still offer a price of more than 2 million for a single episode.

At first, the right to watch the first round of 24 episodes of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" was only 30 million.

Of course, no one knows how good or bad it is before the show is aired.

The "Gift of Room 7" is already a national IP, and its TV series can guarantee at least 20% of the highest ratings in the worst and worst TV series.

Satellite TV is of course willing to pay for such a good TV series.

KTV is nothing compared to the nobles of the emerging video site.

The video website is very rich~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For example, the grapefruit network owned by Abao Entertainment directly opened the world's exclusive first broadcast rights of 200 million sky high, on the condition that the online copyright is exclusive, and even TV stations do not allow the first broadcast, only broadcast Can be two or three rounds.

Shine Technology's Youyi Network even played the banner of "business has no grudges" and opened 250 million. The conditions are the same as those of Yuzu.

Compared to smashing money, Shanhai.com has never been afraid of others.

The princess directly shouted the current price of 300 million yuan, which is four or five times higher than the price of satellite TV, and the wealth is rich!

No matter which one Shen Huan chooses when he arrives, what is the production cost of the tens of millions of "The Gift of Room 7"?

Not worth mentioning at all!

More than 200 million yuan has been made before the start of shooting. In addition to "Gift in Room 7", which TV series can do it! ?


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