I Know Everything

Chapter 900: Familiar with the script

At night, a sheep scorpion pavilion.

Zhang Huawei and Shen Huan sat together again.

This time, there was no one else. Only Zhang Huawei and Xu Ruiping were sitting together, and Shen Huan also came alone.

The first time she saw Shen Huan's real person, Xu Ruiping was very fond of Shen Huan.

Because Shen Huan met, they gave the two older sons a signed basketball.

Regardless of whether a child can play basketball or not, such a precious gift, whether it is commemorative or economic value, is very high, it seems that Shen Huan is very thoughtful in doing things and knows how to behave.

So Xu Ruiping looked at Shen Huan energetically, and attentively served food to Shen Huan during dinner.

If it were not because Xu Ruiping gave birth to two children, and half of them were already yellow, Zhang Huawei almost thought that winter was coming soon, and his wife was going to buy a green hat for herself.

It didn't take long for Xu Ruiping to reveal the fox's tail.

"Ms. Lu, do you think you need an assistant?" Xu Ruiping said with a smile. "I have a little girl at home. I am 22 years old and just graduated from Beijing University of Science and Technology. Although I am not as talented as you, I am also 170 centimeters tall. Beauty. Female school bully! You can use her as long as you want, and I will not let you down!"

Zhang Huawei raised his eyebrows.

I thought your wife turned into a matchmaker?

Our little girl is so young... well, it seems that Shen Huan is younger than her...

But Shen Huan refused, "Sister-in-law, thanks. I am still studying now, and I don't need any assistants."

"Oh, OK!"

Xu Ruiping did not force it.

At the same time, she didn't think about letting the little girl go to Fengxiang Film and Television, unless she was working beside Shen Huan, or working with teacher Chu Liuxiang, otherwise there would be nothing good elsewhere.

It is better to let the little girl do a simple job and marry the right person, so as not to be so hard.

In order to fear that his wife would have any more moths, Zhang Huawei quickly talked about the script, "Ms. Lu, I have already read "Thai embarrassment". Look at my understanding of the whole story and structure. Is there any deviation... …"

Everyone in the circle knows that Mr. Chu Liuxiang's script must be the most understandable by Mr. Lu Xiaofeng.

Teacher Chu Liuxiang will discuss with him in many scripts. In fact, the script also has a credit for teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

No, some time ago Hao He praised in an interview that Lu Xiaofeng had a very deep understanding of "New Dragon Gate Inn" and gave him great help.

So Zhang Huawei treated Lu Xiaofeng as Chu Liuxiang.

He talked freely for a while, from the development of the plot, from the contradiction of the two male protagonists, and the role of Wang Bao, a living treasure in it... and so on.

When the plot had a high dynasty, he also pretended to be the voice of a different person and started a conversation.

Zhang Huawei's voice is a little hoarse, imitating the voices of men and women, and it seems a bit ridiculous.

But Shen Huan did not despise. He closed his eyes and listened carefully to the emotion that Zhang Huawei showed in it.

After a long time, Zhang Huawei finished speaking, and then quickly sipped tea to moisten his throat.

At the same time, he also looked at Shen Huan nervously, hoping to get Shen Huan's approval.

no way.

Zhang Huawei is very confident in himself, but this is only based on his familiar field.

Now that he wants to hit the box office of 500 million yuan or more, he must thoroughly understand the script of "Thai embarrassment" and must be approved by teacher Lu Xiaofeng.

Otherwise, even if he is the one who directed it in the end, I am afraid the effect will not be too good.

Xu Ruiping was even more nervous.

If my husband passes this level, then the whole thing will be different, and will never be said to be the last of the six directors.

Regardless of status, there will be a great improvement.

But if I can't get through this Kaner, it will be scolded by others, which is a good script for Teacher Chu Liuxiang.

Shen Huan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the eager expression of his couple, not knowing it was a smile.

"Hey, Teacher Lu, what are you laughing at? Is it because I don't understand it well enough?" Zhang Huawei was a little depressed.

For several days, he shut himself in the house, pondering the plot all day long, going to check the information, and see what needs attention.

For a director of his status, he can do this, but it hasn't happened for many years.

If such preparations are not enough, Zhang Huawei must have been hit hard.


Shen Huan smiled and smiled.

The couple were overjoyed.

Zhang Huawei happily picked up a glass of wine. After clinking with Shen Huan's drink, he drank comfortably.

"However, Zhang Dao's shooting habits are somewhat fixed. I think the three people's personalities can be more distinct." Shen Huan gave him a little more thought after considering.

"More vivid?" Zhang Huawei frowned slightly.

"Hey, is there anything else to say, isn't it just to make them more nonsense?" Xu Ruiping said, "Ms. Lu, what do you think I said?"

"Yes," Shen Huan said. "However, Zhang Dao, you have to deepen your culture of Thailand. Such conflicts and misunderstandings between the two cultures will bring greater laughter effect. This will make the comedy more interesting. "

"I understand!"

Zhang Huawei nodded.

Shen Huan was right.

His grasp of comedy is still in place, but he is not very familiar with things outside of China.

Most of the information he consulted these days is about Thailand, but this is obviously still not enough.

Only during the formation and filming of the crew, it was supplemented a lot.

Or can I ask an expert from Thailand to give me some tips?

"As for the comedy of comedy, Zhang Dao, you can add more according to your own ideas." Shen Huan said, "About this, Teacher Chu asked me to bring you a sentence."

"Please say!" Zhang Huawei quickly stunned. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Chu Liuxiang's achievements in the whole movie are undoubtedly the first person of the screenwriter. Their big directors should respect such talented writers and screenwriters.

After all, directors are easy to find, but writers and screenwriters like Chu Liuxiang are definitely not easy to find.

If Chu Liuxiang personally advised him, of course, he should carefully consider and taste.

Shen Huan said slowly: "Zhang Dao, you have your own strengths. I just wrote such a script based on your characteristics. I hope you will not be limited to my shallowness, but actively promote your own characteristics, so that our Cooperation will become a classic!"

Zhang Huawei heard a silence.

Then he smiled and shook his head bitterly, "Mr. Chu is so humble, but it makes me more stressed!"

After a pause, he said seriously: "Ms. Lu, please tell me about Chu! This movie, I, Zhang Huawei, must be the best. If I'm not satisfied, I don't care about the Chinese New Year file, and it won't be released. of!"

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