I Know Everything

Chapter 901: Actor's choice

Before Zhang Huawei asked Chu Liuxiang, he wanted to have a Chinese New Year file that shocked everyone.

Now he hasn't even cared for the Chinese New Year, and he has shown his determination.

That is to make "Thai emperor" into a classic.

Sharpen the movie well and give yourself a leap to start.

Shen Huan was also very pleased with this change in his attitude.

When a director is no longer pursuing efficiency but pursuing quality, then it is really that he is prepared enough to meet greater challenges.

In this case, it is possible that "Thai embarrassment" can surpass the quality of another world!

With Zhang Huawei's statement, the next meal will be more harmonious.

But this is not to say that today's business is over.

Xu Ruiping talked about another key issue.

"Regarding the actors, I don't know Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Chu, do you have any suggestions?"

She asked sincerely.

Whether a movie is good, the script is important, the director is important, and the actors are equally important.

There has never been one of these three missing, and it is possible to make a movie with a big box office and a big word of mouth.

Therefore, the choice of actors is often a contradiction between the investor and the director.

Investors want to be popular and can boost the box office.

Directors need acting skills, and they can appreciate their intentions.

At this time, it depends on who can override who.

In ordinary times, the six directors of Huaguo are not afraid of these at all. My film crew is my master, and you don’t care about anything else.

This is the result of their decades of success, and has such confidence.

But more directors still compromised with the investors and let them control.

Many such good movies, because of the actor's failure, ended up being a cannon fodder, causing many directors to swear.

Zhang Huawei is certainly qualified to decide his own actors.

Yang Feng is qualified to interfere, but he will not do it at all.

But Zhang Huawei asked his wife to ask this question today, obviously he is also testing Shen Huan, or Chu Liuxiang.

Shen Huan and Chu Liuxiang formed a film and television company together-Fengxiang Film and Television.

This company is to participate in all variety shows, TV series and movies produced by the two of them.

For example, this time, the production of "Thai embarrassment" was done by three family members.

Yang Feng paid for the money and was also responsible for the distribution. Zhang Huawei signed the director's contract, while Fengxiang Film and Television signed the split contract.

The dividends that Fengxiang Film and TV can get are definitely not less than Zhang Huawei. ——This sharing agreement is not only for domestic, but also for the box office abroad.

And Chu Liuxiang’s work, at least in Asia, is sure to have countless fans. Many cinema dealers and publishers will rush to buy copyrights or cooperate at the box office.

"The Gift of Room 7" is 850 million yuan at the domestic box office, but it is a 3.2 billion box office abroad. You say that the profit gap is not big?

If there is no box office abroad, can the "Gift of Room 7" be so powerful?

If his Zhang Huawei movie can be released abroad, and the box office is the same as that at home, then can he be laughed at every day, saying that it is a bun, can he only play in the country?


The topic is far away.

It is precisely because Fengxiang Film and Television has a lot of profit disputes, so they are destined to not let go of the crew.

It didn't say that it was only for the script, and then nothing happened.

Moreover, there is no precedent before.

Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng like to use their actresses.

How many times has Guo Hang used it?

A top-notch dragon actor, they were piled up by them into the Venice film emperor, and became the seventh largest film emperor of China!

There is also Yang Shu, a "Gift in Room No. 7". When people were 8 years old and became the film of Venice and the Golden Globe Awards, how much glory was this?

As a result, in the story of Xiaoba, she took the main role again. How many people envy jealousy?

Resources should not be concentrated, they should be shared!

You only have to star in one, leave some way for others?

However, these complaints are useless. The two giants like to use their acquaintances.

Take the recent "New Dragon Gate Inn" by Mr. Hao He.

One of the currently determined heroines is Ye Xiaoyu, and Ye Xiaoyu's decision is to ask Chu Liuxiang the result.

When Chu Liuxiang agreed, Master Hao He chose Ye Xiaoyu. Did you say Chu Liuxiang leather?

If you Zhang Huawei is cowhide, can you compare with Mr. Hao He?

So if you don’t ask Chu Liuxiang about choosing a character, then you are definitely looking for a way out.

Even though Zhang Huawei can live well without relying on Chu Liuxiang in the future, the supreme honor absolutely says goodbye to Zhang Huawei.

After all, Zhang Huawei is also an ideal director.

In addition to his pursuit of the highest at the box office, he also hopes that he can get a big prize, preferably an international prize!

In terms of creating an international award-winning film, who can say that it can be more powerful than Chu Liuxiang?

For this reason, Zhang Huawei was willing to endure and tolerate many Chu Liuxiang's interference with the crew.

As long as his bottom line is not involved, everything can be discussed.


Hearing Xu Ruiping asked, Shen Huan nodded slightly.

Should I appoint an actor? That's my business.

But whether you ask me or not, is that you respect and disrespect my performance.

This attitude is very important.

"Mr. Chu and I had hoped that Ma could play a role, but do you think that the role of Xu Lang is a bit different from him?" Shen Huan said his opinion.

"Actually, okay, it's okay for Lao Ma to star in the drama." Xu Ruiping said, "In this way, I asked him to take a few sets of makeup photos when he has time. Do you and Mr. Chu look suitable?"

"it is good!"

Shen Huan nodded.

"As for the role of Gaobo, my opinion is that you don't need any handsome guys, as long as you have acting skills, and it is better to have comedy talent. The same is true of Wang Bao." Shen Huan said with a smile, "This, Zhang Gui It’s definitely more familiar than I am, so we won’t speak anymore. When the people are selected, you can let us have a look.”

"You're being polite." Zhang Huawei was very happy. "You still have to ask you two to check it out, otherwise the essence of this movie will not be there anymore?"

He was very grateful for Shen Huan's decentralization.

Since others are so wise, Zhang Huawei must also be sensible, and not allow his temper.

We still need to discuss with Shen Huan before we can be hello, hello everyone.

"Oh, right." Shen Huan slapped his head. "I almost forgot a character."

"Which?" Zhang Huawei froze.

"On the elevator, Xu Lang and Wang Bao commented on the beautiful women. But she was a Chinese, and she went out to answer the phone and scolded them that they were the 2s." Shen Huan said.

"Who do you think?" Zhang Huawei breathed a sigh of relief. Such a supporting role does not matter.

"It's not happy yet. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Shen Huan said, "At her birthday banquet, I asked if there was a role for her. I have no choice but to let Chu Liuxiang go up for a while."

Zhang Huawei and Xu Ruiping smiled at each other.

"Ms. Lu, your relationship with Happiness is very good!" Xu Ruiping pointed out.

"I think of her as a little sister. It's really not easy to have such a good state of mind and temper for a lady like her, so she responded indifferently.

"This too!"

Zhang Huawei agreed.

Yang Kaixin also appeared in his movie. At first, he thought that this little princess was not easy to deal with. As a result, others were humble and hard working. Everything was fine except for no acting skills.

Zhang Huawei's grumpy old man thinks that Yang is happy and good. That person is really a man.

This role gives Yang happy, Zhang Huawei has no opinion at all.

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