I Know Everything

Chapter 903: Too capricious!

These days Professor Bai Lao and Mother-in-law are very happy.

On the one hand, Bai Wushuang ran almost here every day.

Although most of the time, they stayed with Shen Huan and took care of the puppies they picked up with Shen Huan, but this is what makes them happy.

The granddaughter finally has other concerns besides studying, and has closer contact with the boys. This is a great progress!

Although Shen Huan is 5 years younger than her granddaughter, it doesn’t matter.

In this day and age, when a woman learns to take care of it, she is definitely not old when she is 40, let alone her granddaughter is 23 years old.

When she and Shen Huan were together, how many babies were born, is Shen Huan willing to abandon them?

On the other hand, the old couple is also very happy.

Originally at their age, they were less concerned about appetite.

But these dishes cultivated by Shen Huan, whether it is small cabbage, green onion, or lettuce, how to make it delicious, so they can not help but eat more.

Therefore, at night, the old couple must go out and walk around to digest.

In fact, Professor Bai Lao and Granny Wei didn't quite understand the specific actions of the two young people.

In the courtyard of Shen Huan, Bai Wushuang spends only a little time with walnuts. She spends half of her time holding various papers and research topics, and then records vegetables with Shen Huan. Growth trajectory and some changes that occur every day.

Bai Wushuang was originally engaged in physical research and was very strict with scientific data.

With her help, Shen Huan has greatly improved the careful recording of data and the differences in changes in various environmental conditions.

Of course, Bai Wushuang is not without doubt.

Why is Shen Huan such a small piece of land, the planted things are so good, not just the same as so good?

If you want to say that it is a good seed, it is not necessarily.

If the seed is so good, I dare not say that I can see it on the market, at least she should have heard of it.

But the fact is, even if Bai Wushuang's family is a billionaire, her father often buys good vegetables, fruits, and vegetables for her parents to eat. Bai Wushuang has never eaten such a natural flavor and tastes particularly good vegetables.

When she accompanied Shen Huan to observe the growth of these vegetables, she carefully checked them, but found nothing special.

Shen Huan can't tell her the secrets of Julingzhen and Julingye now, so I'll wait for it later.

It is not his own family, he certainly cannot say too much.

"Shen Huan, have you ever thought that such a planting scale is too small to form valid data at all?" This evening, Bai Wu two-way Shen Huan raised questions.

"This is just the first step." Shen Huan nodded and motioned to think about it: "I am prepared here if the second vegetable seeds will not decay and continue to grow good vegetables, just follow The school applied for a piece of farmland in the mountains to do follow-up research."

"Tiantai Mountain? Fragrant Mountain?"

"Yes, the base of our school is nearby."

"You don't have to go there," Bai Wushuang said directly. "My dad has a few plots nearby, so I can use it."

Shen Huan knew that Bai Wushuang's father was in real estate, and he was still a very famous real estate businessman, and his family was rich.

Just listening to it, he was still surprised: "The nearby ground? Wouldn't it be too wasteful?"

This is the Haiding District, the center of the famous Cosmic Academy!

The average house price of one square meter exceeds 100,000!

Calculated at this price, take a piece of land to grow vegetables, I am afraid that all the vegetables are golden, can you make up for this loss?

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it won't be developed within a year or two." Bai Wushuang understands these things a little bit. "The site next to it hasn't been discussed. It can only be put on hold first. It's better to use waste."

You say that... I think it makes sense.

Since it is not a random occupation of other people's sites, it is okay.

Although a bit capricious, I like it!

Growing vegetables is not like growing fruit trees. It takes several years of cultivation to produce fruits.

It is like what Shen Huan planted now, and it came out after ten days and a half months.

The planting period of general vegetables is within half a year. If it is one or two years, it is enough to plant three or four rounds.

Observation of the genetics of seeds can also have a good continuity.


Bai Wushuang is also resolute enough.

At noon the next day, she took Shen Huan to a site surrounded by a tall wall only 600 meters away from the oil-made alley.

This land is at least 20 acres in size, and there are two older communities next to it, the area is also not small.

If such a whole is obtained, the site of about 100 acres is enough to repair a large high-quality real estate.

Perhaps because the site here is really too tight, the price negotiations should also be very jagged.

So the site that was bought first can only be left.

But in order to avoid being occupied by others, Bai Wushuang's father deliberately circled the chassis with a high fence, and also sent 3 people to guard day and night, not allowing others to use it indiscriminately.

Today the people above greeted me and knew that Missy would come over. Several security guards energetically ushered the two people's car into it.

Shen Huan nodded slightly, looking at the flat land that had already been covered with wild grass.

"Wait until we remove the weeds here, and get some more suitable soil for planting, you can start the experiment." Shen Huan said, "this matter can only be entrusted to Bai Xuejie your father's company... the cost I Come out, how many days can you get it done?"

"Tomorrow. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Bai Wushuangyun said blandly: "My dad has told me to continue. If you see it, someone will clean it up this afternoon, and the soil can be obtained from the nearby countryside at night. The installation will start tomorrow morning. The automatic sprinkler pipes and temperature monitoring system can basically be used in the afternoon. The three employees at the door will also take on some of the daily work on weekdays."

Shen Huan was surprised by this speed.

And I didn't expect Uncle Bai to be so thoughtful, even to prepare automatic sprinkler system and temperature monitoring system.

This is certainly a good thing!

The more scientific cultivation, the more food and quality and yield can be improved, and the easier it is to replicate successfully.

This does not conflict with the efficacy of Juling Array and Juling Liquid at all.

On the contrary, the mutual promotion of the two will have a better effect.

Such a vast test site, so close to my home, is simply a dream!

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