I Know Everything

Chapter 904: The sales prince

During this time, as Shen Huan played another season of the NBA playoffs has become a reality, various advertising brands related to Shen Huan began to go crazy.

On the one hand, their advertising is crazy.

For example, in TV, thousands of TV stations around the world, Shen Huan's advertisements will appear.

There will be posters of Shen Huan in more than 2000 cities of all sizes.

Even those who have not seen Shen Huan play, after seeing such crazy propaganda momentum, they will go through various channels to see what kind of basketball superstar this is.

As a result, most people immediately became fans of Shen Huan.

I dare not say what is hardcore, but absolutely love Shen Huan.

The NBA has also put a lot of effort into this.

They edited the highlights of Shen Huan's 16 games into thousands of videos and spread them on the Internet.

This kind of footage made by the locals is more beautiful and shocking than ordinary basketball fans.

Anyone who has watched Shen Huan raging the rim and defeated all his opponents' crazy performances has not failed to ignite the flames of youth and set off a love for sports.

Especially young people.

According to a CNN report, in the past 4-10 months, due to Shen Huan's performance and influence, the number of 6-12 year-old children who like basketball worldwide has increased by more than 70 million.

The number of 12-18 year-olds has also increased by more than 150 million, of which the largest increase in Asia is more than 90 million.

It is impossible for any sport to lack the participation of children from generation to generation, thus becoming the backbone of the development of basketball.

Whether they play basketball or like to watch basketball games, they are indispensable.

Compared with football, basketball has always been a hit.

If it wasn't for Stern's eyes that came to China TV Station to deliver free videotapes, requesting to play the NBA basketball game video, I am afraid that its popularity today is even worse.

Fortunately, because of the increase in the number of Chinese fans, Dayao Dazhi United and others entered the NBA, the NBA's influence has only increased day by day, and finally broke the third place monopoly of ice hockey, one step forward.

But worldwide, basketball is still far inferior to football.

But because there is now a Shen Huan, a superstar who is simply the king of basketball, it immediately dazzled people.

You said that they could not cooperate with those advertisers to seriously promote Shen Huan?

Of course.

The long-term benefits are definitely NBA, but the current benefits are more of the major brands.

People wearing basketball uniforms, eating burgers in McDonald's, drinking Pepsi under the court, using Shen Huan's signed VISA credit card when paying bills, etc., etc., have brought a lot of benefits to brands. .

Even the latest Burberry signed with Shen Huan, in just one month, the sales of their headquarters in London have already increased by 50%.

Shen Huan's height is 186, compared with ordinary Europeans, it is not short at all, coupled with his natural clothes hanger, and the popularity of the sky, of course, there will be more young people willing to follow him In the footsteps, go to buy his endorsement brand.

The same is true here in China.

In 30 cities in China with Burberry stores, one month's sales increased by 270% year-on-year, and their sales director shouted that they can finally produce a little more this year and do not need to destroy it!

Burberry is still a little more expensive.

More civilian products are the products of sports companies like Adidas.

Adidas has hundreds of large and small product types.

Even if those sports apparel are not suitable for Shen Huan, there are also LOGO versions.

For example, they recently launched the adidas Shen Huan joint version of the basketball, only 3 weeks, has sold 7 million.

In fact, Adidas' basketball sales are far less than Spalding's NBA ball. The average basketball prices on both sides are similar, but Spalding's sales can be many times that.

All the NBA **** are Spalding brands.

Although the quality of Adidas basketball is very good, but it is not as good as others, there is no way.

This is the same as the football brand.

Do you dare to say that Nike's football is worse than Adidas?

The same billions of dollars have been smashed in and out. Why is it that your Adidas football has been used exclusively for the World Cup?

Nike's football will be weaker for no reason, the sales will be much worse, and it is not comparable to Adidas in the football world.

All right.

The topic comes back.

After Adidas decided to make Shen Huan's joint basketball, he didn't spend much effort to retake the millions of basketballs stored in the warehouse into the factory, and added Shen Huan's avatar logo.

But just such a change directly made Adidas basketball instantly sellable.

Even with this change, Adidas directly raised the price of the joint basketball by 50%, which still triggered a panic buying.

Not to mention far, on the Chinese market, 3 million units were sold directly.

The fans in the North American market who were looking forward to Shen Huan's return also killed 2 million.

Japan and South Korea, the two fans who admired Shen Huan the most, also grabbed 1 million.


Rocket sales growth is so simple!

In just half a month, the sales data that was not reached in the previous six months can be achieved at once.

From this point of view, you can't say that it's wrong for a brand to spend a high price on a spokesperson.

Meeting the right people does have a good effect on sales.

Basketball is a breed.

Printing Shen Huan's head on the backpack is also a kind of sao operation.

Adidas obtained the consent of Shen Huan. After paying the portrait equity as the joint basketball, he made Shen Huan's avatar a cartoon. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was placed next to the Adidas LOGO.

Of course, the price has also increased by 50%.

The colors of these avatars have also been made into seven different colors.

It is also such a simple change. This backpack, which seemed to be very ordinary, suddenly became a best-seller. It sold 3 million pairs in 20 days.

The most exaggerated thing is that some rich female fans have also specially collected seven different colors of backpacks to show off on the Internet.

As a result, many consumer market experts have shouted and cannot understand.

But there is no doubt that Shen Huan can get people's approval for the promotion of various products.

Businessmen who don't know how many consumer goods are annoyed haven't caught up with such an express train.

I already knew that Shen Huan had to sign Shen Huan!

Because Shen Huan represents a lot of profits! !

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