I Know Everything

Chapter 905: Big news! !

At 9 o'clock this morning, the whole network was blown up by a photo.

The two people in the picture are under the lights, and no one is hugging each other.

Although it is not high-definition, countless people knew immediately that the man was familiar.

Very familiar.

Because everyone has seen his face and listened to his songs for two decades.

How could it be unfamiliar?

That's right.

This man is the unique king Su Mo, and also the most popular singer in the past 20 years since his debut.

If it weren’t for Shen Huan to fight against him in court, Su Mo is a unique and popular idol in China, and even the international movie star Chen Hao can’t compare with him.

What kind of popular newcomer is not enough to see in front of him.

Because there are too many people who like him, Su Mo protects himself very well.

Over the years, no reporter has found evidence that he has a girlfriend or boyfriend.

So the tabloid reporter made a far-fetched meeting and gave him a lot of fake news.

But because there is no real hammer, so everyone should see a school. Hua.

But this time it was different.

It's all cuddling together, isn't it obvious enough?

This photo from an entertainment entertainment public account instantly became the hottest in the entire network, and the number of views directly broke 100 million.

The account of this meagre big coffee was crowded by countless Su Mo fans and melons.

Everyone begs for a few more photos, or tells what is going on.

The meager big coffee didn't say a word, but instead lost a few advertisements, but it was actually yelled at by everyone.

Of course.

The power of the network is powerful.

Just in the morning, someone picked out that this woman is a teacher in a kindergarten in Beijing, called Tang Jingshan, and is 27 years old this year.

Soon, various photos of women were also put online.

Netizens who were too busy to do anything fart immediately compared the original photos that were somewhat blurred.

From the analysis of height, hairstyle, dressing, etc., it was finally determined that 8 out of 9 are this woman!

This police still needs evidence to handle the case, but this group of people on the Internet does not need it.

After they "confirmed" Tang Jingshan, they began a deeper investigation and crusade against Tang Jingshan.

"God, this Tang Jingshan is the daughter of the concubine's waitress, and the university and the kindergarten at work are very common!"

"Don't talk about that. Isn't she looking ugly by herself? Which point is worthy of our ink?"

"It's not ugly, but it's definitely not beautiful. Female! What kind of vision is Momo? You are not as good as your friend Xiaofeng!"

"The classmate of my aunt's uncle's granddaughter is Tang Jingshan's colleague. This Tang Jingshan's character is usually bold and likes to laugh. Everyone does not hate her."

"Bah! Whoever soaked our ink, who is my life and death enemies! I don't hate her!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Su Tianwang is really hungry! It's intimate without waiting for the bus to go home! I can't see the charm of this woman!"

"Anyway, Tang Jingshan is not worthy of ink! You get out of me! Give us ink!"


Netizens are more than just talking.

Only one hour after the photo was sent, hundreds of netizens came to the door of the kindergarten where Tang Jingshan worked, and they wanted to see the true appearance of this Tianwang girlfriend.

In addition, hundreds of journalists and journalists from all walks of life came.

Everyone blocked the kindergarten from leaking, which seriously affected the normal teaching.

It's useless to call the kindergarten.

This group of people just retreated to the other side of the street, but they were still staring at the kindergarten.

It was also at this time that Su Mo, who had not been moving, sent a meager initiative.

"The things about Shan Shan and I belong to the two of us, please don't get too excited, and please don't disturb her work."

This time it is more real hammer!

In an instant, Su Mo's meagerity was squeezed by crazy people.

"Don't Momo~~ You are ours!"

"That ugly woman is not worthy of you!"

"Mo Mo, don't be stupid, can't you find a better one?"

"I am the one who loves you the most. I have liked you for 22 years!"

"Don't talk about Momo, we know that the woman is dead and shameless! You can rest assured that we will let her leave you!"

"I don't care, if you don't break up, I will immediately disfigure her!"


There was a lot of outrage outside. In fact, they did not know that Su Mo, who had always been good-tempered, was about to explode.

Many of the furnishings and objects in his house were smashed by him.

The agents and assistants were terrified, but they were helpless.

In this country, as long as Su Mo does not break the law, no one can stop him from doing anything, even his boss.

Because this man is the idol of the whole people for more than 20 years, and it is the national treasure of the entertainment circle in China over the years.

Even in the minds of the whole nation, Su Mo, who is modest, kind, passionate, professional, etc., is a perfect man.

Many children want to have a star dream, and their parents will tell them that if you can do it like Su Mo, then you can do it freely.

Think about it, who dares to stop such a national idol getting out of control?

He Yao, the agent who accompanied him for 22 years, would not do it.

At this time, He Yao was staring at several of Su Mo’s assistants, “Don’t you say that? I admit that I will let you go, or you will wait for me to send you to prison.”

Two men and one woman and three assistants are trembling, you look at me, I look at you, and there is no opening.

He Yao is not just Su Mo's agent. With Su Mo, she has long been a big man in the industry and a deputy general manager of Totem Music. She has the power to kill these assistants.

Or it can be said directly that these assistants would not offend if they want to be in the entertainment circle again.

Offending Su Mo is simple, he is kind-hearted, as long as he begs for mercy, he will not be an accountant.

But He Yao is really cruel to outsiders, that is, he is very good to Su Mo.

"Not to mention it yet?" He Yao was furious. "The company is raising you in vain! Momo is even more in pain with you! It is not as good as a dog to do such a thing!"

He Yao scolded it hard, but the three assistants had no words to object.

Because Su Mo is indeed very good to them, in addition to the company's salary, Su Mo often sends them small gifts, and there must be red envelopes during the holidays, which add up to more than the salary.

The key point is that Su Mo didn't blame his temper, and he never sprinkled on them with anger or anger. This is very rare.

On weekdays, when they were chatting with the assistants of other celebrities, they all heard that celebrities scolding their assistants are as common as eating, and even got angry and hit the assistants.

"Sister Yao..."

The girl suddenly cried, "Woo... I didn't take a picture of Brother Mo... I never did this... Brother Mo was so good to me, how could I hurt him?"

"Cry, cry, cry a fart!" He Yao scolded her impatiently, and asked the remaining two male assistants: "What about you?"

"I don't know, it's been many days. I just remember that Brother Mo and sister-in-law were very happy that day, so we all drank a lot of wine..."

"Yeah, if Brother Li didn't drink, go out and wait for us in the car in advance, we couldn't get home that day!"

The two also expressed their grievances.

He Yao sighed when he saw it.

Inquiries like this seem to have no effect.

That was indeed the case that day, Su Mo coaxed with joy, including these few people, they were all drunk.

If it weren't for the driver, A Li, who had always been honest, watched them drink and returned to the car to bite the bread, and then hurriedly stuffed them into the car, maybe they didn't have to wait for it today, they had already been photographed and uploaded by passers-by.

She also asked Su Mo and the three men just now. From the point of view of the photo, they were not far from them, and who stood there at that time had no impression at all.

Obviously, this cannot happen by accident.

Because they had a late meal that night, the location of the restaurant was relatively remote.

Besides, it was simply filmed to eat with Tang Jingshan, what's so great about UU reading www.uukanshu.com?

Su Mo and his friends have been eating more, it's absolutely nothing!

If you are not a caring person, you certainly cannot find such a good opportunity to take a picture.

Therefore, this inner ghost must be caught out, lest he betray more Su Mo's secrets in the future!

"Sister Yao!"

The crying female assistant suddenly raised her head and said, "Shall we ask the detective? Find out who is coming, or innocent people like us!"

"Yes! Check!"

"I have no opinion!"

The remaining two assistants were also in a state of anger.

This made He Yao confused.

If someone is acting, wouldn’t it be too good?

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