I Know Everything

Chapter 906: Get out, detective Xiaohuan!

Tang Yuan's birthday banquet was placed in his home.

Tang Yuan was famous long ago, when he bought some good real estate.

For example, this house he often lives in is exactly a courtyard house.

The area is really three in and three out, which is more than 500 square meters.

At least the value is now more than 300 million yuan, and absolutely no one sells.

Entertaining friends in such a place is definitely a face.

Originally, he actually wanted to cook in a restaurant outside the bread shop, so that everyone is more comfortable.

But in the past two days, there was something like Su Mo. Everyone had a bit of a whisper, and they always felt unsafe outside.

Even if it's just an ordinary gathering, they are a bit of a grassroots.

Think about it, which party in the entertainment circle does everyone not talk about, and don’t make vulgar jokes?

Su Mo’s affairs are so big now, in case they are learned, if these words are recorded and posted on the Internet, they will not be embarrassed to say anything, but I’m more seriously afraid that they will not be mixed in the entertainment industry. Go on.

So Tang Yuan simply changed to his home.

Since it was at home, Tang Yuan naturally had fewer guests.

That is, more than 40 good friends at 5 tables. Those with ordinary relationships and work contacts are not from this circle. None of them are invited.

Rao is so, have not got rid of the paparazzi.

When Shen Huan parked the car in the parking lot outside the alley, he was followed by dozens of paparazzi to ask questions.

It was just that Shen Huan didn't answer any of them, and walked into Tang Yuan's house so indifferently.

This attitude of the teenager does not seem strange at all.

This is true of recent stars, even Tang Yuan, who always smiles.

Everyone knows that this is the star's dissatisfaction with expressing paparazzi's violation of their private life.

But then again, without our paparazzi, where did your star's exposure and popularity increase?

Shen Huan came earlier.

Entering the house, under the guidance of Assistant Tang Yuan, he went into the courtyard.

At this time, many acquaintances in the song are there.

Tian Hou Xu Ping, Tian Hou Zhou Jing, Tian Wang Zhu Shengyu, Xiao Tian Wang Fu Fanfan, Ci Writer Wang Zhao, Song Writer Wu Xinyan...

Shen Huan greeted them one by one. Fu Bufan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, wanted to talk to Shen Huan more, but Lan Kai was hurried to stop him.

"Kai Ge, why are you so haggard?" Shen Huan looked at the middle-aged uncle, who was at least several years old, and didn't know what to do.

"Don't mention it, wasn't it because of Dongzi?" Lan Kai sighed, "Oh, the last time Tsubang...was really not easy!"

"Is this already done?"

Shen Huan thought he was emotional after the incident.

"Cut, only after the first review! There are two more after that! Maybe there is a final review!" Lan Kai said. "Before Yuan Er, Su Mo, and you... were all easy, nothing. No effort. As a result, Dongzi is more difficult, too bad!"

Shen Huan thought this could be the same?

Who are Tang Yuan and Su Mo?

In addition to the older generation who must sing old songs one or two times, which male singer who sings dare to say that he is more qualified than them?

So as long as they go and choose a song, then the audit is a walk through.

Not to mention Shen Huan. Last year's "Laugh in the Sea" shocked the whole country. It was the most popular song. It was asked by Huaxia TV Station. Of course, it would not be difficult.

But Zhang Dongyao is not easy.

His school girl is the general director of this China TV station Chun Wan, and Lan Kai is running around for him, and the song Shen Huan gave is so difficult. the difference.

After thinking about it, Shen Huan asked, "Is the song inappropriate?"

"No, Dongzi likes it very much, and the Chunyuan crew is absolutely good." Lan Kai and Shen Huan have nothing to hide, "That is, the group of people in the first trial is a little awkward, and there are other singers and actors, Some people report it..."

"What to report?"

"Xiaojuan is the chief director! They said Dongzi went through the back door and was brought up by Xiaojuan in violation of the rules!"

"There are all kinds of gossip, don't pay attention to them." Shen Huan smiled, "You make Mr. Zhang want to open some more, he will work harder, has Brother Mo got a headache these days?"

Lan Kai wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, "Don't mention it, Yuan'er and Xu Ping are still comforting Su Mo in the house!"

Shen Huan was surprised: "Hey, Brother Mo is still in a mood to eat out?"

"Why! It was Yuan'er who took Xu Ping with him early in the morning and drove him in person!" Lan Kai said, "Ah, you said these people, how can you be so ostentatious, and betrayed for a little money What about your own employer?"

"This is not a little money..." Shen Huan shook his head and smiled.

The meager big man who issued the photo already said that he bought it for 1 million.

1 million to buy a photo, even if it is made of gold!

No wonder the paparazzi have become more and more rampant recently, and all the stars are in danger.

"I heard that they all invited three detectives, but none of them found out who it was." Lan Kai said, "Su Mo is a soft-hearted person who doesn't want to be fired all, so he is even more entangled."

"Shall I say there is something tangled? Just marry Sister Tang to have a baby, isn't that the end?" Shen Huan suggested.

Both Shen Huan and Lan Kai knew about Tang Jingshan, and even everyone had dinner together.

In fact, Su Mo had secretly been with his girlfriend before, but Tang Jingshan did not last long. The two have been together for several years.

Lan Kai shook his head and said: "You are talking lightly, there are too many things involved... Especially crazy fans, God knows what they will do?"

After a pause, he smiled and said: "That's you, and there were gossips with female stars behind the scenes, plus a group of your school. Flower girlfriends, your fans have been numb, they are not accountable. This one."

"That is!"

Shen Huan smiled in his jaws.

If his fans are so crazy, then he has to withdraw from the entertainment industry immediately.

At this moment, suddenly Shen Huan heard the prompt tone.

"Ding Dong!"

"The system is aware that Su Mo, the first beautiful man in the world, has encountered a lot of confusion. Should he be the indispensable host for helping friends, should he help him solve this problem?"

"Please ask the host to find out the traitor so that Su Mo can cheer up again!"

"After the task is completed, the system will give a generous reward!"

Shen Huan suddenly froze.

Am I going to solve the problem?

The widow is not a fairy, UU reading www.uukanshu.com how to ride a horse...

Wait a minute!

Don’t I have a spell of truth?

The suddenly bright boy immediately grabbed Lan Kai's arm: "Ke Ge, maybe you don't believe it, but I actually have a lot of research on the detective aspect. You can take me to see Mo Ge, maybe I can Help him relieve his heart disease."

Lan Kai: "..."

Are you kidding me?

Do you know detectives?

Don't joke about it!


Thank you all for your recent rewards, monthly tickets, recommendations and other support, thank you!

Master Shanqingying League, I have been writing a bottleneck period recently, and there has been no manuscripts, so I only add more now, sorry! Tomorrow the day after tomorrow! !

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