I Know Everything

Chapter 907: Truth spells are not enough, lie spells come together

In the study room of Tang Yuan, Shen Huan saw Su Mo.

If it weren’t Shen Huan’s unprecedented nonsense, Lan Kai would definitely not bring him over.

Originally Su Mo was terrible enough. If you come again, what would it be like?

Shen Huan greeted everyone, and Lan Kai whispered a few words to Tang Yuan and Xu Ping, and they followed him out.

Only Su Mo and Shen Huan were left.

Looking at this man who was loved by thousands of people all over the country, he became haggard in these two days, and Shen Huan felt a sigh.

Stars are scenery, but there is a lot of sadness behind this scenery.

"Brother Mo, I have a way to identify who is a traitor. Would you like to try it?" Shen Huan knew that he was upset and asked directly.

Su Mo originally thought that Shen Huan was here to comfort him, but his eyes widened before he heard it.

"I said, I can give it a try, maybe I can help you find out the traitor." Shen Huan can only continue to brag. "I've learned special criminal investigation. Those private detectives can't, maybe I can."

"Isn't it?" Su Mo obviously lacked confidence in Shen Huan.

"Anyway, you can't find it. What if I do it?" Shen Huan said, "If you find it out, you won't have such a headache, right?"

"Um...that's what I said!"

Su Mo stood up suddenly, "Let's go!"

Shen Huan: "!?"

"Don't look at me, hurry up with me, my studio is not far from here, and I can still catch up with my meal after the investigation." Su Mo sighed, "They haven't even got out of the company's door these days. …I feel a little bit distressed. Is this really done by outsiders, I have wronged them?...If you don’t understand this, it will be painful for all of us!”

He said so, what else does Shen Huan say?

The two went out and got on Su Mo's car, all the way down to his company.

The three assistants who have received the news have long been waiting in the office.

When Shen Huan saw them, the three were as haggard as Su Mo.

"He is Li Xiang, he is Wang Wei, and she is Chu Ziyan." Su Mo introduced: "Who is he, do you all know? Today, Teacher Lu will ask you a few words and follow your heart's answer. ."


Although the three of them were a little inexplicable, they still resisted their doubts.

"Then let's go inside and talk!" Shen Huan first pointed to Li Xiang. "You follow me to the office over there first."

"it is good!"

Li Xiang followed Shen Huan in.

Three minutes later, he came out and replaced Wang Wei.

The last one to enter was Chu Ziyan, and she came out soon. The expression on her face was unknown compared to the two of them just now, so she still had a trace of fear.

What did Teacher Lu ask?

I was also dizzy, I don't know what to answer!

Completely messy!

Su Mo looked at Shen Huan who came out and asked in his eyes.

"None of them is a traitor." Shen Huan said in front of the three.

Su Mo: "!?"

Not only did Su Mo believe it, but the three also did not believe it.

Everyone always thinks that the traitor is between the three, even if they think so.

Now that Shen Huan is here, for a total of ten minutes, how can it be so swearing judgment that all three are not traitors?

"I Shen Huan never talked big words, Brother Mo you think about it, besides Sister Tang, is there anyone else who contacted you that night?" Shen Huan asked again.

Looking at Shen Huan's convincing and straightforward look, Su Mo thought that this kid was full of confidence.

However, the previous two detectives did not say so clearly that none of the three assistants were traitors.

Thinking of Shen Huan being a talented boy, Su Mo really figured it out.

"That night we had a total of six people. In addition to the five of us, there was... and driver Ali..." Su Mo frowned. "No, no, Ali has gone out long ago, and it's been a while. He only drove the car from the parking lot, and Shan Shan and I had long since...was already intimate!"

"Since you can't find an outsider temporarily, look for this Ali." Shen Huan said, "He was the one who just drove?"


Su Mo continued to shake his head, "It can't be Ali, he has been with me for 12 years, honestly, he has never made a mistake..."

"Please ask him to come up!" Shen Huan insisted. "If he is not suspected, you will apologize to him later, then everything will be resolved."

"This one……"

"Everyone is a person by your side. It is impossible to check only three of them, not the other people?" Shen Huan said. "Don't talk about the driver, I will ask her if He Yao is here today."

Seeing Shen Huan said so, Su Mo had no choice but to make a phone call and let Ali stand up.

This Ari is about thirty years old, and he is indeed very honest and loyal, and not much talk.

He came to see everyone and said, "Brother Mo, are you looking for me?"

Su Mo was really caring for him and pointed to Shen Huan, saying: "Ms. Lu has something to ask you, just answer it! Anything that is wrong is the fault of Mo Ge, don't worry about it. "

"No." A Li nodded and turned to Shen Huan: "Mrs. Lu, ask."

Shen Huan didn't ask him the first time, but came to his side and looked around, then a smile appeared on his face.

At the next moment, Shen Huan reached out and struck Ali's shoulder.

A Li subconsciously wanted to avoid, but Shen Huan was faster and had patted him on the shoulder.

The three assistants next to them couldn't help deflated their mouths.

Teacher Lu is very polite... just shook hands with them just now, and is even more affectionate to Ali.

"Ali Ge."

"Teacher Lu, you're welcome, just call me Ali."

"Do you know that secret picture of Brother Mo?"

"I do not know."

Hearing this answer, Su Mo and a group of people looked at each other. This... what happened?

Ali is not such a reckless person on weekdays, why open his eyes and talk nonsense?

Isn’t this intentionally embarrassing Shen Huan?

Shen Huan smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then asked the second question: "Is that the photo you took?"

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ali replied without thinking.

This answer is normal.

Shen Huan continued to ask, "Is it 1 million?"


"You hate Brother Mo, so did you intentionally harm him?"


Ali still answered without thinking.

Su Mo: "!?"

The three assistants also froze.

What the **** is this answer?

Chu Ziyan was also horrified.

Didn’t Teacher Lu use any magic?

Why is Lige just like himself, answering questions is a bit insane?

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