I Know Everything

Chapter 908: It's really him!

Asked the third question, Shen Huan asked no more.

Su Mo looked at Ali, who was tangled and panicked, and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Shen Huan.

The scene was strangely quiet.

After a full five minutes, Shen Huan pointed to Ali. "Brother Mo, this is the person you are looking for. Now you can ask him why."

Su Mo frowned, "Don't make trouble, Xiaohuan, how is this possible? What did he just say, what is credible?"

"But the result has come out." Shen Huan said lightly, "Ali Ge... do you say it yourself? Or do I call the police directly, let them search your bank account, and by the way, check your family's recent money use local?"



Su Mo is preventing Shen Huan from speaking so relentlessly, and Ali stands down on his knees directly.

"Ali, don't be afraid, Xiaohuan is just kidding, how can we find the police. Cha......" Su Mo quickly wanted to help him up.

For Su Mo, everyone close to him is his friend and his partner.

In front of them, Su Mo never put on a star stand.

So seeing A Li kneel, Su Mo subconsciously thought he was scared.

But no matter how Su Mo pulled it, Ali couldn't get up.

Looking back at Ali, Su Mo discovered that Ali had already cried.

"I'm sorry, Brother Mo... I'm sorry..."

Ali directly fell to the ground, gave Su Mo a constant kowtow, and cried loudly, "I am not a person! I am a beast! I'm sorry..."

What do you mean?

Su Mo also noticed something was wrong at this time.

Shen Huan didn't ask for life, how could he scare A Li like this in a few words?

Then the most reasonable explanation is...

Thinking of this, Su Mo's face was a little ugly. He turned to Shen Huan and said, "Xiao Huan... what are you doing?"

"I don't know, so I asked him." Shen Huan spread his hands, "Ali Ge, hurry up, or I'll call the police. Check!"

A Li heard that he stopped his head and raised his head, his forehead was blood stained, "Mr. Lu, please call it later... I'll confess to Brother Mo... I'm sorry, Brother Mo, I took the photo... "

"But you are in the parking lot, I called you before you came!" Su Mo said puzzled.

"I've been out before, because there are things in my heart, so I walked around. It happened to see you and Xiao Tang at that time..." A Lidao said: "I was fascinated by the moment, so I took pictures before I took pictures. Running back to the parking lot..."

"Okay! It turns out to be you!!!" The three assistants were all angry.

It's this guy who has caused them to be unable to sleep at all these days, so anxious, it's too much!

Before the key, he still looked innocent, pretending to be too deep!

Even Su Mo froze, "Ali... why? You, do you really hate me?"

He remembered the last sentence asked by Shen Huan.

At that time, I thought Shen Huan came to ask randomly, but now I think of it, but I feel a little shudder.

"No, no, how is it possible?" Ali shook his head desperately. "You hired me who has no skill, gave me such a good job, and helped me solve Huajing's account. Every year there are various rewards... Yes With a boss like you, I must have done a lot of good deeds in my life! How can I hate you?"

"Then why?"

"I...my wife has been sick recently and needs craniotomy...needs a lot of money..."Ali cried, "They have looked for me before, I didn't care about them, but that day, that day I’m a ghost. I’m sorry, Brother Mo! I have never dared to use this money. I think I’m a bastard!!”

"Xiao Xue is so seriously ill? Why didn't you tell me?" Su Mo said angrily, "You need money, find me!! Is it the kind of person who can't save me?"

"You're so good to me, where can I ask you for money..."

"Then why are you so embarrassed to take my picture and take it out to sell money?" Su Mo smiled angrily.

What logic is this!

Shen Huan said at this time, "He has received too much favor from you, but he is embarrassed to ask you to borrow money again. This is a common sense... And he also lost his head for a while before doing anything wrong. In fact, as he said to him in his heart, he always respects you and appreciates you."

"Why do you say that?" Su Mo's tone sharpened suddenly, "He all took my money to sell money, and respected me? Is he trying to kill me?"

"No, no, no..."

A Li fell down and prodded, "I'm sorry! Brother Mo! I'm sorry..."

"Get up!"

Su Mo saw no self-mutilation, so he kicked him and kicked him to the side. Don't want him to kowtow like this, otherwise he would have to die.

"People are always in a state of urgency, and they suddenly have their heads up when they do stupid things." Shen Huan said, "Since I can find him out, I can naturally find out what he thinks. This person is not a bad person. , Although you don’t need to use him anymore, if you want to forgive him, please forgive me!"

Shen Huan has seen it for a long time, Su Mo is a very soft-hearted person.

Changed to another person, and encountered such a thing to call the police.

Under police investigation, Ali was able to find out within two or three days.

Only Su Mo will investigate in private in silence, and he still does not believe that Ali is a traitor.

Even now, Su Mo has no idea of ​​sending him to the police station.

"Get up!" Su Mo glanced at Shen Huan, and said to A Li lying on the ground: "Where is Xiao Xue?"

"She, she's in the hospital..." Ali said and cried~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Doctor said, if you want to have an operation early, you must pay the surgery fee and medicine fee...200,000! The follow-up treatment should be given in advance, at least 500,000... I don’t have the money, I can only let her wait in the hospital..."

"You are such a waste!"

Su Mo said angrily, "It's this time, you haven't come to beg me? You have been with me for so many years, don't you think that I am a heart of stone, and watch Xiao Xue die?"


"Don't worry about it, get up and lead the way to the hospital!" Su Modao said, "You go to prepare the car, Li Xiang..."

During the conversation, Su Mo said to Shen Huan again: "Xiao Huan, today my brother promises you this kind of love, and when the matter is resolved, we brothers will have a good drink... I won't keep you today, you go to Yuan Brother Over there!"

"it is good!"

Shen Huan smiled faintly and turned himself downstairs.

As an expert, of course, such a light and light wind, such a gesture of hands reveals the style of the expert!

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